At a loss for words

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There was a knock at my door at around three or so in the morning. I was really trying to sleep out of fear of coach getting mad and hitting me for not sleeping the day before a game. I was too pumped. Tomorrow i get to finally go head to head with the man my sister likes. I'll get to see if Akashi Seijuuro is really worthy of my sister.

I got up reluctantly and walkrd tword the door, knocking getting louder and more frequent.

I finally got to the door and unlocked all fivehundred of my locks then yanked it open.


I was suddenly pounced on and found myself stumbling backward. Then i was pulled into a fierce passionate kiss. The person broke away to give me a chance to see who it was.

My eyes instantly widened

"J-Jayden? W-Why? H-How?"

Then she hit me on the head


She pulled me in for another kiss then broke it hitting me upside the head. Again.


I was pulled in for another kiss once again but this time it caused me to fall flat on my ass. She pulled away and i was ready this time to yell "ITAI!" but she just put her head on my shoulder and cried.

"I-I've missed you so much. You have n-no idea."

I let out a sigh of satisfaction and ran my fingers through her hair gently.

"I-...I'm so sorry. For all that i put you through and my slight thoughts of distrust between us. Can you ever forgive me?"

That was something out of Junjou Romantica. I ONLY KNOW BECAUSE JAYDEN MADE ME WATCH IT I SWEAR!

"Ha ha. Idiot. Well since I know you're a tsundere and now seems like a beautiful time to ask..."

She reached behind her and grabbed a black ring box. She flipped it opened and smiled at me.

"will you Marry Me?"

I stared at her in shock. I finally know how girls feel when they are proposed too but wait...

"YES YES YES! But does this make me the waifu?"

"Well DUH? Who the hell do you think is the man in this relationship?"

A blush spread on my cheeks at the thought.

"Im just kidding Taiga. If you win tomorrows game then mabey...just dont have to be waifu. Now lets go to bed you giant idiot..."

She suddenly got up and picked me up bridal style while i blushed furiously.

"...i meant my sweet inoccent tsundere waifu."


The score was (i've never read the manga so make up a bad ass score like 2-2) in the last few minutes of the second quarter. Akashi had invited me to his game and payed for tickets. I sat on the bench by the rest of Rakuzan's benched players. Akashi kept on stealing glances tword me and i blushed furiously.

Akashi recieved the ball and winked at me as if saying "watch this". He took a step behind the half court line and shot the ball in the air scoring another three points for Rakuzan. He smirked at me right before the half time whistle rang throughout the gym. Akashi ran over to me smiling and sweaty giving me a kiss.

"Sorry im so sweaty."

"It's fine. Makes you.....SHINE! HA HA HA HA!"

"That was horrible and disgusting. Never do that again."

"Worse than Sasaki?"

"Worse than Sasaki Haise yes. I have to go. See you in a little bit."

I smiled and sat down looking pretty. Then then the unexpected happened.

All of the GoM excluding Aomime and including my brother, senpai, and jayden came on the court and stood in a line near the three point line. All facing me.

First to speak was Kuroko:

"(Name-chan) is the most loyal person i know. I can always count on her to be there. There is never a time when my exsistence is oblivious to this awesome women." Then he turned and made a three pointer with a basketball that had 'loyal' painted on the side of it in light blue.

Next was Kise:

"(NAME-CCHI)! THIS GIRL IS SO AWESOME! ALTHOUGH I MISS HER, I CANT WAIT TO SEE THE CHILDREN!' Then he turned and shot a basket with a basketball that had 'awesome' painted on the side in yellow.

Atsushi was next to speak:

"(Name-chin) is the sweetest person i know

She always gives me sweets even though i dont share. But she still owes me Umaibo." Atsushi lazily made the shot with a ball that had 'sweet' painted in purple on the side.

Then Taiga:

"My sister is Understanding. I have done many horrible things and yet she was there to help me through it. Like i was once to her."He made the basket with a ball painted 'understanding' on the side in black.

Senpai spoke too:

"Best damn Kouhai i have ever had. Havent had to kick her once. Kise needs to take on her example." Kise began to whine while Kasamatsu made his shot with 'best Kouhai' written in Kaijo colors.

Jayden whent next:

"HA HA THIS OTAKU! CAN DEFINETLY COUNT ON HER FOR A GOOD YAOI ANIME! HA HA!" She performed a perfect formless shot with 'Otaku' written on the ball in pink.

When Jayden stepped to the side, i was surprised to see Aomine there smirking like hell. Tears long held back began to spill over but not in sadness or anger but more like happieness.

"Now i wouldnt fly back out here from America for anyone. Not even my own sister. But when i got asked to do this, i was already packing my bags to see my rivals little sister. I cant say how proud i am of her. This strong independent woman whom can handle me. The greatest. Now I know for shure, The only one that can beat me is (Name)." he made a three pointer not even looking woth a ball that had 'Strong' written on it in dark blue.

Thinking it was over, i got up and ran to Akashi in the middle giving him a huge kiss. The whole gym was filled with 'awww's but soon whent quite.

Akashi smiled and whispered in my ear:

"Its not over yet." He pulled away and got on one knee. I stared at him in awe and started spilling tears of joy.

"(Name and Last Name). You are the one and only true light in my life. On that night when i told you that you were the person who introduced me to emotion, i wasnt lying. You opened up a whole new world for me. One that my mother used to tell me about before she put me to bed at night. One that i cant wait to share with you. So (Name), will you marry me?"

I did not hesitate to yell yes and hug Akashi. He stood up amd parted us so that he could put the ring he got me on my ring finger. It was absoulutely beautiful. Gold with plenty of swirls were they met up with eleven emeralds ranging in size. The littler stones were placed in the middle of leaves strewn by gold.

The Gymnasium filled up with applause and Akashi picked me up and carried me over to the team bench and sat me down. He kissed my hand before running off to finish the game.

A basketball rolled by me and i picked it up to get it out of the way but paused when i saw writing in red.

'My Life'

Wishing upon a Miracle {A GoM x Reader insert}Where stories live. Discover now