Chapter 14

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Winston p.o.v
I'm looking at a girl who lays down on my bed trying to leave. I grin and snuff and watch her trying to crawl, she is 25, but a real pretty thing. She isn't afraid of us and that's what i like about her, she is strong and brave enough to speak against us. ' Good girl, crawl pretty thing ' i say and grin at her ' you're an asshole you know that ' the girl says angry ' i know pretty thing, but does it matter? ' i say and grin ' yeah it does to me ' the girl says angry and i grin and snuff and walk up to her ' don't you dare touch me ' the girl says angry ' easy pretty thing, i just wanna sit next to you hm ' i say and snuff ' i don't believe you ' the girl says angry and than the door opens ' you're lucky pretty thing, saved by my friend Jack ' i say and grin ' no i'm not ' the girl says angry and i frown and grin ' and why is that hm? ' i say ' you already got from me what you want ' the girl says angry ' that's right isn't pretty thing?, i made you pregnant right? ' i say and grin ' yeah you did asshole ' the girl says angry and i grin ' how far are you with the pregnancy hm pretty thing? ' i ask and grin ' i don't even tell you asshole ' the girl says angry and i snuff and grin ' i hope you give me a girl ' i say and grin and the girl looks at me angry ' yeah, how are we going name the baby pretty thing hm? ' i say and grin ' i'm not talking to you ' the girl says angry and i frown and grab her cheeks and force her to look at me ' don't start doing stupid things pretty girl, cause when i'm done with it, you're punished ' i say cold and the girl swallows and looks at me and i let her cheeks loose and walk to the door ' stay here ' i say and walk away and lock the door and walk to the living room. ' Jack ' i say and Jack turns around ' Winston my friend ' Jack says ' did you find the girls? ' i ask and snuff ' i did, both are with an agent ' Jack says ' so they are really with those fucking police, she told the truth ' i say and snuff ' yes she did, next thing how do we get them back? ' Jack says and i look at him ' this never happend before ' Jack says and looks at me ' i know, but that doesn't mean we leave it be ' i say and snuff and walk to my office, Jack follows me and close the door when we are in. ' So i guess now is the time you going to tell me your plan to get them back here right? ' Jack asks and i grin ' indeed i have a plan, a plan to make those stupid police clear we're still in charge here ' i say and Jack grins ' i already like your plan, tell me friend what is the plan? ' Jack says and grins and i smile a little ' we going ask our pregnant girly to do us a favor ' i say ' you mean Alesha? ' Jack asks ' yes, our pretty little pregnancy girl goes whining to the police hehe ' i say and grin and Jack smiles ' telling the cops how badly she wants to get out of here and especially now she is pregnant ' i say and snuff and walk out of the office and back to Alesha. Jack follows me and i unlock the door and grin at Alesha who still lays on the bed ' Alesha my pretty little pregnancy beauty, we going send the police a video ' i say and Jack grabs her and pulls her of the bed and i grab her cheeks and force her to look at me ' you need to tell the police how badly you wanna leave this place hm and don't forget to tell them that you're highly pregnant alright, can you do that for me hm? ' i say and grin and Alesha looks at me angry ' i going tell them where YOU hiding us ' Alesha says angry and i snuff ' as soon as you do that i'll kill you and your baby, so think twice your baby it's life is depending on it ' i say cold and Alesha swallows ' good girl, now let's go ' i say and let her cheeks loose and start walking to the video room and Jack push her on the chair ' ready pretty thing? ' i say and Alesha nods swallowing and Jack starts the camera. After a few minutes we're done and i pull her of the chair ' time to sleep pretty thing ' i say and pull her with me back to the room and push her inside ' go to sleep pretty thing, you did a great job ' i say and lock the door and walk back to the living room. ' Winston it was nice being here for a while i'm going back to spain, keep me updated about those two girls alright ' Jack says ' sure always my friend, have a good trip back and you hear from me again soon ' i say ' thank you friend, goodbye and give the girls a kiss from me ' Jack says and grins ' i will, goodbye ' i say and grin and than Jack leaves.

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