Chapter 82

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Mister ??? p.o.v
I'm with Julia in a room and i'm hugging her. She is cute even now she is so badly injured that she could die. Winston enters the room i'm in ' boss ' Winston says ' Winston? ' i ask ' i called Jack and Andreas ' Winston says ' good job, are they leaving? ' i ask ' that's the point, Andreas is leaving, Jack says that he stays in spain with his group and girls ' Winston says and i nod ' great just great, i said they had to LEAVE, they just deny a ORDER FROM THE FUCKING BOSS, THAT'S ME ' i say and let Julia go and stand up ' Julia stay ' i say and walk with Winston to his office and Bruce walks in too ' did you had more luck with Dayan Bruce?, cause Jack and Andreas deny my order ' i say and look at Bruce and Bruce looks back at me ' yea boss, he will come to Winston his place as soon as possible ' Bruce says ' why as soon as possible?, he need to come RIGHT NOW BRUCE ' i say and Bruce nods ' i know, but he had some problems getting here boss ' Bruce says and i nod and snuff ' THIS IS GETTING OUT OF HAND, AND EVERYBODY THINKS THAT EVERYTHING IS STILL ALRIGHT, IT ISN'T SO I DON'T GET WHY NOBODY IS COOPERATING ' i say and Winston and Bruce look at me ' we do ' Bruce says ' yea Bruce you're the only ones ' i say and snuff ' boss we can move the girls to Mexico, the police have no transfer arrangement with Mexico ' Winston says and i look at him ' good idea, but since Andreas and Jack won't cooperate, we're missing two men ' i say. Than the door opens and Jack and Andreas walk in with Dalisha ' boss ' Jack says and i turn around to him and grin ' you found one of the lost girls ' i say ' yes we did, Andreas found her on the streets ' Jack says and i nod and look at Dalisha who looks back at me angry and i grin and grab her and pull her to an empty room and throw her in ' so ' i say and Dalisha looks at me angry ' was it nice out there hm? ' i ask and snuff and look at her ' it was better than here ' Dalisha says angry and i nod and snuff and push her against the wall and squees hard in her throat ' listen very very careful right now, you going tell me exactly what you did out there and to who you spoke alright, if you don't i going beat it out of you understand ' i say cold and Dalisha swallows and nods and i grin ' good, tell me ' i say cold and Dalisha nods swallowing ' Noelia and i went to the police, Alesha told us to do that and she went with us, we told the cops about you and the others, i'm sorry ' Dalisha says swallowing and i grin and squees harder ' you may remember the cop his name right?, so what's his name hm? ' i ask cold ' Mark, i'm sorry please ' Dalisha says swallowing and i snuff and let her go ' good little pretty thing hm, one more thing hm, where are the other two pussy's hm? ' i say and Dalisha swallows ' still with the cops ' Dalisha says swallowing and i grin ' good girl, stay here ' i say and leave the room ' someone visit this cop Mark and kill him if needed, he knows about the organization and what we do ' i say ' did Dalisha said that? ' Bruce asks ' yes she did, send Manuel to her, tell him to punish her for escaping us and talking to the fucking police, let him remember her who the boss is here ' i say ' boss you okay? ' Bruce asks ' i am, why do you ask that? ' i ask and snuff ' you don't sound like it ' Bruce says ' oh i don't sound like it, I'M GETTING CRAZY ABOUT GIRLS RUNNING AWAY AND MEMBERS WHO DON'T COOPERATE HERE, so yea i'm totally fine Bruce ' i say and snuff and Bruce looks at me and nods and leaves. Than Jack walks to me ' Jack? ' i say and look at him ' i made my men to move the girls to Winston his place ' Jack says ' great, now only Dayan and Andreas and than Dayan his group goes searching for those two other pussy's and after that we move to Mexico ' i say and snuff and Jack nods ' so inform our truck drivers to get ready to leave ' i say and Jack nods and leaves. I walk back to Julia and open the door and look at her, she still lays on the bed, doing nothing as watching the wall in front of her, groaning so now and than. I grin and keep watching her ' Julia pretty thing ' i say and she looks up at me immediately and sighs ' my pretty girl hm, were you watching the wall hm? ' i ask and she nods and turns her head back to the wall and i walk to her and go sit on the bed and start stroking her. Than i hear screaming and scolding ' oh no ' i say ' stay Julia ' i continue and walk to the living room and see a few hundred girls ' what's going on here? ' i say ' these girls are all the girls from Andreas boss ' Manuel says and snuffs ' all of them?! ' i ask surprised ' yes, like you asked ' Manuel says ' great, lock them up with the others till we're leaving ' i say and Andreas nods and he locks them up with help from Trenton ' my girls are already here ' i say and snuff and than one of the girls catch my eye ' stop Trenton ' i say and Trenton stops holding the girl and i walk to them ' she got a phone, check her right pocket Trenton ' i say and keep facing the girl and Trenton checks her right pocket and hands me over her phone and i grin ' thank you ' i say and i look at the girl ' did you call someone hm? ' i ask and snuff ' no ' the girl says ' no hm, than tell me pretty thing, why are you wearing a phone? ' i say and the girl looks at the phone in my hand ' i don't know, i think someone passed it over to me ' the girl says and i nod ' who? ' i ask ' i don't know i swear ' the girl says and i look at her and nod ' Trenton keep her apart ' i say ' no please, i'm sorry ' the girl says and she looks at me and i look back with an neutral look in my eyes and Trenton looks at me ' Trenton keep her apart, stay with her, i'm coming right back to you ' i say and turn around and walk away as the girl stops me ' i'm sorry okay, i'm really sorry, please let me stay with the others ' the girl says with watering eyes and i grin and turn around ' why should i hm pretty thing? ' i ask and snuff ' because those other men took my sister and and i have to stay with my sister she uhm uhm she is ' the girl says and i frown and look at her ' she is what hm pretty thing? ' i ask ' she uhm she is sick ' the girl says with watering eyes and i look at her ' please ' the girl says begging and with watering eyes ' who is your sister hm pretty thing? ' i ask ' Holly her name is Holly ' the girl says with watering eyes and i snuff and look at her ' what is her sickness hm? ' i ask ' she has astma please ' the girl says with watering eyes ' she needs me ' the girl continues with watering eyes and i snuff ' Manuel get her sister ' i say and Manuel leaves. After a few minutes he returns with Holly ' Holly! ' the girl says and tries to break out Trenton his arms and i grin ' so this is Holly ' i say ' please ' the girl says begging and with watering eyes ' what's your name anyway pretty thing? ' i ask and snuff and look at the girl ' i'm Jayla ' Jayla says with watering eyes and i nod and look at Holly and snuff ' please ' Jayla says with watering eyes ' how long can she with shortness of breath hm? ' i ask ' please ' Jayla says with watering eyes ' tell me or i going try it ' i say and look at Jayla who looks back at me ' not long ' Jayla says with watering eyes and i snuff and look at Holly again who looks at me and her sister ' put them together and watch her closely ' i say and point at Holly and Trenton and Manuel nod and pull Jayla and Holly with them ' thank you ' Jayla says with watering eyes and i turn around to her and grin ' no problem pretty thing, but promise me you won't use that phone alright? ' i say and Jayla nods ' i promise ' Jayla says with watering eyes ' thank you, now take them guys ' i say and Manuel and Trenton nod and pull them with them again and i look at them till they disappear.

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