Chapter 132

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Elayh p.o.v
Virginia called me about the slaves. Said that Harper, Gianna and the other girls were missing. I headed back to her immediately. I park my car and walk inside ' Elayh! ' Virginia says and i walk to them seeing Evelyn sitting on the couch ' what happend? ' i ask immediately ' Harper was taking a walk when she didn't return i knew something happend, Gianna the same story, she went to the supermarket to get food and drinks, i asked her to do that ' Virginia says and i nod and look at her ' we spoke about this, it's to dangerous to send them alone on the streets Virginia ' i say and Virginia nods and sighs ' i'm sorry ' Virginia says and i nod and walk to Evelyn ' Evelyn i'm not angry on you, can you tell me if you saw something? ' i ask squatting down in front of her ' i didn't saw anything ' Evelyn says and i nod and Virginia looks at me ' what now? ' Virginia asks ' i go back to them ' i say and stand up ' Elayh no, you know they will kill you right after you step into their house right? ' Virginia says and i look at her ' i'm the only one who can come near the girls Virginia, they trust me alone with the girls ' i say and Virginia nods ' just be careful ' Virginia says and i nod and walk to my car and drive away to Narcos his house. After a few hours i arrive at his house and step out of the car and walk inside the house ' look who decided to show up again ' Bruce says and they look at me ' Elayh!, welcome back! ' Prince says and i grin ' hey guys, did i miss something fun? ' i ask and grin and Prince grins too ' yea you did ' Bruce says and i look at him grabbing a bottle of beer and snuff ' you going tell me what i missed or what? ' i ask and Prince grins and snuffs ' Bruce didn't saw it ' Prince says and i nod ' ah i see ' i say ' what happend? ' i continue ' Alesha her kid tried to tell us what to do, it was some kind of funny cause Prince slapt her for it ' Jack says and snuffs ' poor thing hehe ' Russell says grinning and i snuff and nod ' where is she now? ' i ask ' with her mom, in the washing room ' Russell says and i nod and walk to them and open the door ' Elayh! ' Melody screams happy and runs to me and hugs me and i smile ' hey kiddo ' i say and hug her back and look at Alesha ' Melody how is your mother doing sweety? ' i ask and Melody makes herself loose from me and looks at her mom ' Quinty got hurt ' Melody says and i nod and walk to Alesha and squat down at her and Quinty and Alesha looks at me with red eyes from crying ' Alesha it's alright hm ' i say and Alesha starts to cry again ' they hurted my baby Elayh ' Alesha cries and i nod ' i know honey ' i say and Alesha looks at Quinty and rocks her softly ' my baby girl ' Alesha cries and looks at me again and i look at Quinty who is sleeping and breathing softly and i lift her shirt up and look at her body and sigh and Melody and Alesha look at me and Quinty and Alesha cries. I keep looking at Quinty her body and snuff ' they beated her up with something, she has a very big bruise ' i say and Alesha nods crying ' she would have died if i wasn't on time ' Alesha cries and i look at her ' you went searching for her? ' i ask and Alesha nods crying ' i had no choice Elayh, she was crying for me ' Alesha cries and i snuff and nod ' i'm not angry on you honey, what did Narcos said about it? ' i ask ' he went crazy ' Melody says and i look at her ' did he touched you? ' i ask ' no he didn't, but he threatened to kill Quinty if we do anything stupid again ' Melody says and i look at her and snuff ' Alesha and Melody follow me please ' i say and they nod and follow me to a room nobody use and open the door ' go in ' i say and they go in and i lock the door and put on the light and Melody looks around herself in surprise and i grin ' you like the room Melody? ' i ask and Melody looks at me ' yea a little ' Melody says ' it's made for the children, we call it a playroom ' i say ' it doesn't look like a playroom ' Melody says and i grin and snuff ' no it doesn't right ' i say and Alesha looks at me ' Elayh what are we doing here? ' Alesha asks and i turn to her and snuff ' this room was a few centuries ago made as a " rehabilitation room " for sick or wounded soldiers, it has still some bandages and stuff to nurse people back to health without calling a doctor or something ' i say ' and Narcos still use this room? ' Alesha asks and i nod ' yes he does, but not for the purpose this room was made for long ago ' i say and Alesha looks at me ' do i even want to know where he use it for? ' Alesha asks and i snuff and look at her ' your choice, but i advise you it's not quit nice to hear or know ' i say and Alesha nods ' than i may know where he use it for, thanks Elayh ' Alesha says and i grin ' no problem ' i say and grab some bandages and water ' please put Quinty on that table, i going fix that bruise on her side ' i say and Alesha puts Quinty on the table and i fix her bruise. A few minutes later and i'm done ' so that will help, now we need to find a way to keep her out of harms way in order to nurse her back to health ' i say ' impossible Elayh ' Melody says and Alesha nods ' the only option is that you take her with you Elayh ' Alesha says and i look at her and snuff ' she isn't save with me either Alesha, they know where i live ' i say ' yea, but if she stays she gets hurt ' Alesha says ' you have to help us Elayh ' Melody says and i nod and snuff ' i do Melody, but this is not without risks even for me ' i say and Alesha lifts up Quinty and rocks her softly ' i'm not a good mother, i can't even keep my children save ' Alesha says ' Alesha that's not true, you're a great mother hm ' i say and Alesha looks at me wiping away her tears ' i'm not Elayh ' Alesha cries and i look at her and take Quinty and give her to Melody ' Alesha i can see you need a hug ' i say and Alesha smiles underneath her tears and hugs me and i hug her back ' mom is the best mother in the world right Elayh ' Melody says and i smile ' yes honey she is ' i say ' Quinty thinks the same way ' Melody says and i smile ' that's nice from both of you honey ' i say and Alesha smiles too and looks at her children. Than i hear knocking ' Elayh!, you in there? ' Bruce says ' yes Bruce, what's up? ' i say ' Narcos needs to see you and Alesha and her kids are missing ' Bruce says ' Alesha and Melody are with me Bruce, why does he need to see me? ' i ask ' he is happy that you're back ' Bruce says ' drop the pretty things by their cells and come to the living room ' Bruce continues and leaves ' i don't trust this Elayh ' Alesha says ' don't worry about me Alesha, but may i not return than free your friends and leave out of the exit door behind your cells ' i say and give her the key ' there will go off an alarm, if that happens than you have only 60 seconds to leave, like running out of the building and far away from this place ' i continue and Alesha nods ' you'll make it to my house if you do exactly what i said ' i say and Alesha nods ' we're out of here before those 60 seconds are over ' Alesha says and i nod and sigh ' i'm not sure if you'll see me again after this, but for to be sure ' i say and kneel down on one knee and hold out the most beautiful ring i could find ' Alesha will you marry me and have me be the dad of Melody and Quinty? ' i say and Alesha looks at me with watering eyes ' mom you're suppose to say yes now ' Melody says and mom smiles and so do i ' well yes i will ' Alesha says and i stand up and put the ring on her finger and kiss her long and soft. Than i let go and walk to the door ' you have to go now, if i return we'll do this marriage over again but than on a beautiful island with all the girls and the whole police corps who worked on this case ' i say ' deal ' Alesha says and i smile ' but keep the ring now, it'll help you through this until i return ' i say and Alesha nods and i open the door and walk them back to the cells and let them go in and look at the other girls and smile and sighs ' i'll make sure they going make it Elayh ' Alesha says and i smile at her and nod and turn around ' you know it right? ' i say and look at Alesha ' 60 seconds got it Elayh ' Alesha says and i grin and snuff ' i'm proud of you pretty thing ' i say and wink at her and smile and Alesha shakes her head chuckling and than i leave to the living room. There i see Narcos and the other men standing ' you needed to see me boss ' i say ' yes, i'm very happy that you're back again, we needed you ' Narcos says and i nod ' i'm sorry that i left boss ' i say and snuff and Narcos looks at me and nods ' no problem Elayh, i'm already happy with the fact you're back and those girls too, so i decided to not punish you ' Narcos says and i nod ' thank you boss ' i say and than Narvo walks in ' boss the girls are escaping again, the alarm is going off ' Narvo says ' fuck! ' Narcos says and i grin invisible for the other men ' get them now! ' Navarro says and Bruce, me and Jack run to the cells and arrive there on the moment Alesha is the only one standing by the door ' pretty thing stay the fuck there ' Bruce says and snuffs and Alesha looks at me and i make the words " run now " with my mouth without making a sound and Alesha grins and than she runs away ' fuck! ' Bruce says ' let's go, they can't go far ' Jack says and than i hear groaning and whining and grin ' they left one of the girls behind ' i say and walk to Alexis and squat down at her ' hey pretty girl hm ' i say and she turns her head to my voice ' why did they left you behind hm? ' i ask and she groans turning her head to every sound she hears ' the blind girly is still here ' Bruce says grinning and snuffs and i grin too and look at the door and sigh and go sit next to Alexis and lift her up and she whines and groans ' she is wounded real bad ' Jack says and i nod ' i think that's why they left her here ' i say and snuff and Bruce grins ' 60 seconds is too short to help a blind girl to escape ' Bruce says grinning and snuffs and i nod ' we go report this to Narcos ' Jack says ' i stay here ' i say and Jack nods and they leave. ' Alexis ' i say and she turns her head to me ' you alright honey? ' i ask ' my leg hurts ' Alexis says groaning and i nod ' i going take you to the other girls alright ' i say ' they left me here ' Alexis says ' i know hm, but i going bring you to them, they only had 60 seconds to run away ' i say ' that is too short ' Alexis says ' yes ' i say and lift her up and bring her to my car and drive away. After a few hours we arrive at my second hideout and i see Alesha standing outside holding Quinty in her arms and i smile and park the car and lift up Alexis and walk with her to the house and Alesha looks immediately up at us ' Alesha why are you outside? ' i ask and Alesha smiles ' Quinty cried and because of that i took her outside ' Alesha says and looks at Alexis ' we left her behind right? ' Alesha says and i nod ' sorry ' Alesha says ' it's alright, she understands Alesha, i told her that you only got 60 seconds to run away ' i say and Alexis nods and we walk inside ' Elayh! ' Melody screams happy ' hey Elayh thanks for letting us escape ' Samantha says ' no problem girls ' i say and put down Alexis ' i need to go now, food is in the fridge, i'll come check back on you tomorrow alright ' i say and they nod ' whatever happens now or the coming hours, don't open the door or go outside, Narcos is looking for you ' i say and they nod again ' understand Elayh ' Alesha says and i nod and leave them.

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