Chapter 33

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Melody p.o.v
I'm at Jack his room and he isn't so nice to me right now. He lifted me up and now i'm sitting on his legs and he is pushing against my vagina like since we came here. I'm screaming and cry out of pain and fear, but he keeps pushing and pushing and it really starts to hurt right now. Than he grabs a knitting needle and the next moment he push it real fast into my vagina and pulls it out again, i cry and shake all over my body and i move to loosen up. After a few minutes i break free and run to the door, Jack looks at me ' what you going do hm sweety?, telling mommy and Elayh what the big bad man did hm? ' Jack says and i open the door and run away ' mommy!, Elayh! ' i scream and then i bump into a girl by accident, i immediately step one step backwards ' i'm sorry ' i say and the girl smiles ' no problem you didn't hurt me, who are you looking for? ' the girl asks friendly 'my mommy ' i say ' i don't know your mommy ' the girl says ' Tamara that's Melody the daughter of Alesha, you remember her ' another girl says ' ooh yeah i do, Melody follow me ' Tamara says and i nod and follow her and we entering the hall where the cells are with mommy and Elayh and Tamara closes the door and walks me to mommy and Elayh ' Alesha she wanted to go to you ' Tamara says ' thank you Tamara, how are you doing? ' mom asks and Tamara sighs heavy and turns her head away from us ' i already know what happend when i was gone, i'm sorry Tamara for you and the other girls ' mom says ' don't be Alesha, it's not your fault and you know that, but i have to go now, i hope you are going be able to escape him again ' Tamara says and mom nods ' i'll Tamara and when i do i going get you out of here too ' mom says and Tamara smiles and sighs ' we miss you Alesha but we're really happy for you that you could escape him, it gave us hope ' Tamara says and than she walks away. Mom looks at me, so does Elayh ' honey what did he do? ' mom asks worried ' he is a bad man really mommy, i wanna go home now ' i say crying and mom looks at me crying ' i wanna go home mommy now ' i say crying and mom nods crying ' i know honey hm, mommy wants to go home too hm ' mom says crying and i look at her crying and than at Elayh ' we going home Melody i promise ' Elayh says ' now, i don't wanna stay here, i'm scared ' i say crying ' now i promise honey ' Elayh says and looks at me and mom ' how are we going get out of here Elayh? ' mom asks and dries up her tears and Elayh thinks ' we need Melody for that, the keys of our cells are hanging on that ring right there, we can't reach them from here but Melody can ' Elayh says and i look at them ' Melody honey i need you to be a brave girl one more time alright ' Elayh says friendly and i nod and dry up my tears ' can you grab the keys for me honey, but Melody you need to be very very quiet alright honey ' Elayh says friendly and i nod and walk to the keys ' you're very brave Melody you can do this honey ' Elayh says friendly and i grab the keys as quiet as possible i run back to Elayh and give him the keys. Than the door opens and Jack walks in ' what you doing little one hm? ' Jack says and i walk closer to Elayh his cell ' i'm not going back to you, you're a bad man ' i say as angry as possible and Jack grins and snuffs and squats down in front of me ' you can't stay with mommy either hm ' Jack says ' i can ' i say angry ' no you can't hm, it's something me and the big man decided hm ' Jack says ' i'm staying with mommy ' i say angry ' you can't sweety hm ' Jack says ' yes she can Jack ' Elayh says angry and grabs my arm gently ' Elayh you know the rules about the girls in here ' Jack says and stands up ' i know you're right, but Alesha was out of here before Melody even was born Jack ' Elayh says angry ' that's true, but she had to call us when her child was born and she didn't, now that both are here we can continue with what we are suppose to do ' Jack says ' no you all leave Alesha and Melody alone ' Elyah says angry. Than the door opens and Winston walks in ' what is going on here? ' Winston asks and snuffs ' the little one ran away after we played together ' Jack says ' it's the right decision she made ' Elayh says angry, Winston looks at it and nods ' Jack grab the child ' Winston says and Jack nods and walks up to me ' no i'm not going with him again, you're a really bad bad man who wants to hurt mommy and other people, i don't like you and your friends, you're not nice and i'm staying with Elayh and mommy, so go away bad man ' i say and Jack and Winston look at me, so does mom and Elayh ' that's just cute ' Jack says and grins and snuffs and Winston looks at me and snuffs ' grab her ' Winston says and Jack nods ' no leave her alone ' Elayh says angry and turns the key and pulls me inside and locks the door again and Winston sighs heavy ' Elayh i'm almost done with you, and i really hope that you still remember what i mean by saying that ' Winston says ' stay the hell away from my family ' Elayh says angry ' i do, in exchange for the girl ' Winston says ' never ' Elayh says angry ' than i'll go now and ask my dear friend Bruce to pay your family a visit ' Winston says and snuffs ' no ' Elayh says angry ' give me the girl and i leave your family alone, if you don't i going tell Bruce to visit them ' Winston says and mom looks at Elayh crying and Elayh looks back ' Alesha i can't ' Elayh says ' i don't want to see your family gets hurt, just because of us ' mom says crying ' Alesha is right, why should you give up on your own family just because you want to protect a mother and her child hm?, just tell me hm, why should you?, they don't have anyone anymore, Alesha her family died long ago and you know that, the only thing she has is her child, you have still your family why should you give up on that hm?, tell me dear Elayh ' Winston says and Elayh looks at us ' are you going stay on protecting Alesha and her child and giving up on your own family or are you going hand over the child and protect your own family?, it would be wise if you choose option two ' Winston says and snuffs and mom looks at us crying ' what will happen to Melody and Alesha if i choose option two? ' Elayh asks ' they will be staying here just like the other girls ' Winston says and snuffs ' i want you to promise me that you keep them together ' Elayh says ' i promise you ' Winston says ' i don't do it ' Elayh says and we look at him ' you don't do it ' Winston says and Elayh nods ' i know what kind of bastard you are and i don't want you to touch Alesha and Melody with one finger anymore, they deserve better than this just like the other girls you and this fucking organization holds captive, they're innocent young girls they never did something to you, you guys just pulled them out of their lives for no good reason i can think of ' Elayh says angry and Winston and Jack look at us ' good, so you think about this that way? ' Winston says ' yes i do and i think that's the only way how you can see this situation ' Elayh says angry and Winston nods and snuffs and looks at us and than they leave ' omg ' mom says drying her tears ' what an bastard, you alright Melody honey? ' Elayh says and looks at me ' yes, we have to go to your family ' i say and Elayh smiles and lifts me up and goes sit on the bed with me ' you're worrying about my family right honey? ' Elayh asks friendly ' yes, they can't go hurt them, they're nice people like you ' i say and Elayh smiles ' i love you so much honey ' Elayh says and i look at him ' free mommy and than we have to go ' i say and jump off his legs and Elayh nods and opens his cel and walks to mom. Than i hear screaming ' what was that? ' i ask and Elayh looks at me and than at the door, than we hear it again ' Melody stay close to your mother ' Elayh says and i nod and run to mommy ' Alesha stay here, protect Melody and shoot when needed ' Elayh says and gives mom a gun and mom nods ' i'll be right back, i going look what's happening there ' Elayh says and we nod and Elayh walks away.

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