Chapter 151

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Charles p.o.v
We're back at my house and i locked Quinty up in a room filled with toys so she won't call for her mom or sister. I'm with Melody in the living room alone. Melody is looking around her nervously ' my house hm ' i say and she looks at me ' you like it hm? ' i ask and she nods nervously ' we met in an not really nice situation right, so let's start over hm, i'm Charles ' i say and Melody looks at me ' Melody ' Melody says nervously and i smile and snuff ' you don't trust it right?, feeling nervous don't know where your mom is hm, i know the feeling hm ' i say and Melody looks at me ' you do? ' she asks and i grin ' yes i do hm ' i say and she looks at me curious ' you're curious hm ' i say and Melody looks at me ' yea hm, it's no crime hm, i like that being curious hm ' i say and snuff ' where is my mom? ' Melody asks and i grin and snuff again ' she is here too hm ' i say and Melody looks at me and i grin ' she is alright don't worry, but whatever you do don't search for her hm ' i say and she frowns and looks at me and i nod ' i see hm, mommy didn't told you about me ' i say and snuff and she looks at me ' no she didn't ' Melody says and i nod ' than i understand why you react on me like that ' i say and snuff and walk to a closet and open it and grab a folder out of it ' question hm and answer honestly alright ' i say and Melody nods and i grin ' do you know everything about your mom? ' i ask and look at her and Melody looks back at me ' yes ' she says after awhile ' yes hm?, you sure? ' i ask still looking at her ' yes i'm sure ' Melody says and i nod ' alright, come closer hm i wanna show you something ' i say and she walks to me doubtfully but also curious. When she is at me i smile and slide the folder to her ' open it, take a look hm ' i say stepping back a little and Melody swallows and looks at the folder and opens it slowly but still curiosity in the majority and she looks at the pictures feeling them and i grin ' you still sure you know your mom hm? ' i ask and she looks up at me ' this is sick ' she says stepping away from the folder and me and i frown ' sick? ' i say ' yes, that's mom's whole life story in there, it's sick really sick ' Melody says and i grin and snuff ' it is right ' i say ' who are you?, why do i not know you?, i lived my whole life with those men and i never saw you until now ' Melody says and i snuff and nod ' sit down and i give you the answers on everything you just asked ' i say ' i'm not sure if i trust you ' Melody says and i look at her ' i never asked you to trust me hm ' i say looking at her and snuffing and she looks back at me ' but if you want answers on what you asked, i suggest you going sit down hm ' i say walking straight at her and she walks backwards ' i'm not going to sit ' Melody says ' than i'll not give you the answers ' i say keep walking to her. Than Gary walks in and Melody immediately runs to the now open door ' oh no dear girl, Gary stop her! ' i say and Gary immediately grabs Melody by her both arms and i grin seeing her fighting Gary and snuff ' just like her mom right Gary? ' i say and Gary grins ' yes exactly boss ' Gary says and i grin and walk to her and Gary and pull Melody away from Gary on her hair forcing her to look at me ' what did i told you about going search for your damn mother hm? ' i say cold seeing the pain and fear dripping from her eyes and she looks at me crying ' you said i couldn't go search for her ' Melody cries and i grin and nod looking at her turning cold again ' and what exactly did you do just one second ago hm?, explain cause i don't get it hm ' i say cold and she looks at me crying ' yea right now hm ' i say cold and snuff ' i ran away ' Melody cries and i grin ' you ran away hm ' i say cold and throw her on the ground ' why did you ran away hm?, we were just talking hm, no fucking reason i can see to run away for hm, so please explain that to me ' i say cold holding her gaze into mine and she crawls away from me and i grin and snuff ' you can't stop leaving me hm, i'm asking you something so stop doing whatever you doing down there hm, don't think you will reach a safer spot before i hurt you hm ' i say cold and grab a whip and she looks at it crying and scared ' so hm, what did you do just a few seconds ago hm? ' i say cold ' nothing ' Melody cries and i frown ' nothing hm ' i say cold and Melody nods crying and i grin and snuff and squat down at her ' i'm not going do what i let my friend Gary do to your mom before i left, a foot in your belly isn't nice, hurts real bad hm ' i say cold ' i didn't do anything ' Melody cries and i look at her. ' No you didn't hm ' i say and she looks at me crying ' i just ran away ' she cries and i nod and snuff ' you just ran away hm ' i say and she nods and i grin and snuff ' no searching mommy hm ' i say ' no ' she cries and i shake my head ' no hm, you just stay here close to me right? ' i say ' stay close to you? ' Melody asks crying ' yea like you do now hm ' i say and she nods crying and i grin ' stay very close to me hm ' i say ' no leaving right?, that's no fun hm ' i say and she shakes her head ' good girl hm ' i say and stand up and she stands up too a little unsure and nervous and i grin at her ' we going wash you a little hm ' i say and grab her arm and pull her with me to the wash room and throw her in and she crawls away from me again and i grin ' crawl hm like an little baby hm ' i say and snuff and she looks at me crying and scared ' are you scared hm?, no your not right? ' i say ' no ' she says nervous and crying and i grin and snuff ' no hm?, good girl hm, than please dress out hm, we going wash you i said ' i say and Melody puts her clothes out with trembling hands ' good girl hm, stay right there ' i say and put the water hoses on ' stay hm ' i say and she cries feeling the hard rays of water landing on her body and i grin ' i come back in a few minutes hm, stay ' i say and leave her.

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