Chapter 110

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Alesha p.o.v
We're at Navarro his place again and they push us in roughly. Inside they immediately push us roughly on the ground and Navarro shows up in front of us with an unknown man and a girl that stays real close to the other man ' i'm angry on you girls ' Navarro says and we look at him but i keep looking at the unknown man and the girl next to him ' that's my friend Narcos ' Navarro says and points at Narcos and the other girls look at him immediately ' he is angry on you too, he doesn't like it either that you ran away again ' Navarro says ' so from now on i going hand you over to him ' Navarro says and we look at him again and some are swallowing ' but first you need to wash yourselves girls, i don't like dirty girls in my truck or house ' Narcos says and Navarro nods and the men pulls us back on our feet and to the washroom and push us in and some of the girls look around theirselves ' dress out and wash yourself ' Angus says and leaves and locks the door ' i have been here before ' Arely says ' the most of us have been here before Arely ' Jasmine says ' mom look ' Melody says and i look at the windows and see them starring at us ' just like it was at Andreas his place ' Jasmine says ' yea ' Samantha says and looks to the windows ' it's sick ' Kaylee says ' it doesn't surprise me ' i say ' me too actually ' Samantha says ' it scares me actually, cause it's an repeating of Andreas ' Jasmine says ' who is Andreas? ' Veerle asks ' a cruel man let me say that ' Samantha says ' he tells us exactly what happend to our parents and how they died ' Jasmine says ' that's very cruel indeed ' Veerle says and Samantha nods. Than we hear a microphone and Bruce his voice ' WASH YOURSELVES PRETTY PUSSY'S, CAUSE NARCOS IS WAITING ' Bruce says ' NOT MY PROBLEM ASSHOLE ' Samantha screams back ' Sam shut the fuck up please ' Jazzy says ' let's just do what he says Sam, i'm not really waiting for more punishments ' Jasmine says and Samantha looks at us ' you take him seriously Jasmine? ' Samantha asks ' no, but i don't like getting hurt again ' Jasmine says ' WASH YOURSELVES NOW PRETTY PUSSY'S OR I COME OUT AND DO IT FOR YOU ' Bruce says through the microphone ' alright let's just obey that asshole now okay ' Kaylee says and i nod and we dress out ' this is so not cool ' Jayla says ' i know, just wash yourself real fast and dress up again ' i say and they nod and wash theirselves real fast and dress up again ' ready ' Holly says and we look around us and Samantha runs to the door ' WE'RE CLEAN ASSHOLES LET US OUT! ' Samantha screams ' Sam shut up! ' i say and i look at the windows ' why are they with so many? ' i say and the other girls look at the windows too and the men look back at us and some are grinning or laughing a little ' it's really like Andreas ' Kaylee says and i see Navarro walking to the microphone and he grabs it ' you enjoy it in there pretty things? ' Navarro says ' we're clean, let us out ' Samantha says ' you're clean pretty thing? ' Narcos says ' yes, let us out ' Samantha says ' no stay a little longer hm ' Narcos says and Samantha swallows and leaves the door and Narcos grins ' we don't know each other right hm?, i'm Narcos one of the headbosses of this organization and a really good friend of Navarro, he also asked me to take you over from him, said he had some problems, i didn't ask any further i came right away to Mexico, so i'm quit curious what kind of problems he had, i'm an real curious man so don't blame me hm, so that kept me wondering maybe you can help me figure out what kind of problems he had ' Narcos says ' we don't know too! ' Samantha screams and Narcos looks at her and he nods and snuffs ' why are you screaming hm?, i don't like screaming hm ' Narcos says and Samantha looks at him swallowing and Narcos grins ' i'm coming down to you ' Narcos says and we see him walking away. Some minutes later the door opens ' you're an asshole! ' Samantha screams and Narcos frowns and close the door behind him, the girl is with him too and looks at Samantha confused ' you scream again ' Narcos says and snuffs and looks at the girl ' stay here ' Narcos says to the girl who nods and Narcos walks to us snuffing ' can you help me with something hm?, i really wanna know what kind of problems Navarro had when he called me, it was something important otherwise he wouldn't ask me to come over ' Narcos says ' we don't know, i said ' Samantha says and Narcos frowns and looks at her ' now you're talking hm, why did you screamed at me hm? ' Narcos says ' we don't know about problems ' i say and Narcos looks immediately at me and walks to me ' your name? ' Narcos asks ' Alesha ' i say and look him straight into his eyes and Narcos grins and snuffs ' you don't know about the problems hm?, he told me about a cop who was really getting close to us, he didn't know how that was possible and i agreed with that ' Narcos says ' i don't know either ' i say and the girls look at me swallowing and Narcos grins ' you don't know either hm? ' Narcos says ' no, maybe that cop is just good at his work ' i say and Narcos snuffs and looks at me ' you think that hm?, i think he was being informed hm ' Narcos says ' by who?, cause we can't do that ' i say ' Alesha shut up ' Jazzy says softly and swallowing ' no you're right hm, you don't have a phone right? ' Narcos says ' right, so it's impossible that we did it ' i say and Narcos nods and snuffs and looks at me and than he push me against the wall and grabs my cheeks roughly and snuffs ' i don't really believe you hm pretty thing, you know why? ' Narcos says and snuffs ' no tell me ' i say and Narcos grins ' i really like your attitude hm, but i don't believe you because your eyes tell me something real different hm ' Narcos says and i look at him ' so tell me again hm, are you really don't know about those problems or the cop hm? ' Narcos asks ' no, and if i did i wouldn't tell you ' i say and Narcos nods and snuffs and grins ' i heard you had a newborn baby hm ' Narcos says and i look at him ' what is it's name hm? ' Narcos asks ' don't tell you ' i say angry ' hm ' Narcos says and let me go and puts on a cigaret and starts smoking ' why are you not greeting my girl right there? ' Narcos says and we look at the girl at the door ' that's Camila ' Narcos says and blows smoke out and we look at Camila ' royal princess of Norway, nice right? ' Narcos says ' oh my god ' Jasmine says softly and inaudible for Narcos ' they didn't even noticed it, funny right?, my men are real good at grabbing girls, i let them train every day on the princess ' Narcos says and snuffs and blows smoke out ' that's sick ' Samantha says ' that's sick hm?, she likes it hm, getting chased by my friends every day ' Narcos says ' i think she doesn't like it ' i say and Narcos looks at me ' you think that hm? ' Narcos says ' yes ' i say and Narcos snuffs and than he hits me hard and i fall down on the ground and Narcos snuffs and squats down at me and i groan and look at him ' poor you hm pretty thing, i don't wanna hurt you hm not necessary ' Narcos says and i look at him and he snuffs and blows smoke out ' but what i really wanna know is what the problem was what Navarro had?, i'm sure you know more about that hm ' Narcos says ' i told you i don't know ' i say and Narcos nods and looks at me. Than he push my head against the ground roughly and i groan out of pain and the other girls look at me and move away from Narcos and Narcos grins at the other girls ' you afraid of me hm? ' Narcos asks and they shook their head ' no hm?, why you're leaving me than hm? ' Narcos asks and snuffs and keeps pushing my head on the ground ' please stop hurting my mom ' Melody says and on the tone of her voice i hear she is crying and Narcos looks at her ' who are you hm? ' Narcos says ' Melody ' Melody says ' Melody hm?, and this is your mom hm? ' Narcos says ' yes, please ' Melody says and Narcos grins and snuffs ' i don't believe she doesn't know anything about this problem Navarro had, i think she knows more than she wants to tell me hm, maybe you can help hm ' Narcos says ' Melody no ' i say and Narcos snuffs ' see Melody?, hard to believe that she doesn't know anything about it right? ' Narcos says and Melody looks at us ' i help you alright, but leave my mom ' Melody says crying ' Melody no i'm fine honey, don't talk to him ' i say and Narcos snuffs ' Angus take that girl ' Narcos says and Angus walks in and to Melody and Melody looks from Narcos to Angus and back crying ' it's alright girl, i just wanna talk to you somewhere else hm ' Narcos says ' Melody don't tell them anything honey ' i say ' pretty thing come on ' Angus says and Melody stands up ' i'm coming in a minute hm, bring her to that empty room Angus ' Narcos says and Angus nods and leaves with Melody and Narcos let my head go roughly ' if you hurt her i'll make you pay for it myself ' i say angry ' i won't hurt your girl pretty thing hm ' Narcos says and stands up and leaves.

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