Chapter 35

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Ally p.o.v
Mom, Sam and i are at home and Sam and i are playing on our playstation. When the door bell goes off. I stand up and run to the door ' Ally who is there? ' mom screams from out of the kitchen ' i don't know, some kind of man ' i say and open the door, the man turns to me and grins ' Ally right?, can i come in? ' the man says ' no, who are you?, and how do you know my name? ' i ask ' i'm a good friend of your dad, so can i come in? ' the man says ' no, mom! ' i say and mom walks to me ' Ally!, oh no leave my house, Ally get to the living room NOW ' mom says and i run away ' go away you're not welcome here ' mom says angry ' nice to meet you mrs, i'm Bruce can i come in ' Bruce says ' i know who you are, and no you can't come in ' mom says angry and Bruce nods ' and why are you showing up huh? ' mom says angry and Bruce push the door back in it's hinges and snuffs ' because of Elayh i had to show up again ' Bruce says ' why? ' mom asks angry and walks back to me and Sam, Bruce grins ' because he made an mistake ' Bruce says ' what kind of mistake?, cause we lived here for about 20 years without hearing something from you ' mom says angry ' be happy, he protected you for those 20 fucking years and now he made an mistake, and i'm here to let you know what kind of stupid mistake he made ' Bruce says ' what kind of mistake?, i asked ' mom says angry ' he protected one of the girls ' Bruce says and mom looks at him just like us and Bruce grins ' leave my house right now, Elayh had probably a good reason for that so i don't see that he made an mistake, i think he just did what any other good hearted man would do in that situation, so leave now or i call the police ' mom says angry and Bruce nods ' he worked for an organization that has rules, he signed a contract 20 years ago where those rules where described in, one of those rules was " don't protect any of the girls " ' Bruce says and snuffs ' he just did that to help us, he needed the money you promised him, wé needed that money ' mom says angry ' yeah that's true, but after that i told him he could quit without any consequences, he didn't but now he did, and now it's too late ' Bruce says ' it's never too late, now leave my house ' mom says angry and i walk to the phone ' oh no girl, don't you even try picking up that phone hm ' Bruce says and i look at him swallowing and mom looks at me ' Ally grab the phone honey ' mom says ' no don't sweety, i don't wanna hurt you hm ' Bruce says ' Ally ' mom says and i swallow ' grab the phone now ' mom continues and looks at me and i walk to the phone ' pick up honey and go upstairs ' mom says and i nod and grab the phone and run with Sam to my bedroom and lock the door ' good girl Ally, you just ran away from me ' Bruce says and we hear him coming upstairs ' Ally tell me hm, did you already call somebody hm? ' Bruce says and snuffs and keeps walking up the stairs ' Ally my dear pretty girl hm, tell me who did you call hm? ' Bruce says and stops in front of my bedroom door and tries to open it ' hehe why did you lock it hm?, i'm nice hm ask daddy hm, he knows me and he'll tell you that i'm a nice man hm ' Bruce says ' you're not nice ' i say ' i am, did daddy tell you i'm not hm? ' Bruce asks ' he did and he said that you hurt people ' i say ' did he hm?, i don't hurt people hm, i told you that downstairs hm ' Bruce says ' my dad says that you say that just to lure me out, but i don't going open that door ' i say ' Ally please, daddy is just worried hm, but tell him that i'm nice hm i don't hurt girls hm ' Bruce says ' i did and dad says you're lying ' i say ' he does?, bad daddy he can't remember anymore that we're friends hm, remind him for me hm, tell daddy that we're friends hm, i helped daddy long ago tell him that ' Bruce says and snuffs ' i did ' i say and i hear him grinning ' you did good girl, what did daddy say hm? ' Bruce asks and snuffs and grins ' i don't know, the phone died ' i say ' oh poor pretty girl hm, the phone died hm ' Bruce says and grins and snuffs ' yea the phone died ' i say and sigh ' pretty girl let me in hm ' Bruce says and snuffs ' no stay there, i need to find a charging cable ' i say ' let me help you pretty thing hm ' Bruce says and snuffs and grins ' no, it must be here somewhere ' i say ' let me help pretty thing hm ' Bruce says and snuffs and grins ' no i said ' i say ' you need to meet my boss one day pretty thing, i think he will like you ' Bruce says and snuffs ' who is your boss anyway? ' i ask ' his name is Winston, but now i need to bring you with me when i leave pretty thing ' Bruce says and snuffs ' no you don't have to, i will not tell anybody about your boss ' i say and Bruce grins ' good girl, that's one good thing to say that you won't tell anybody pretty thing hm ' Bruce says and snuffs and grins ' is my dad still with you? ' i ask ' yes he is pretty thing, wanna see him? ' Bruce says and snuffs ' than i have to open the door ' i say ' yes that's true pretty thing ' Bruce says and grins ' but that's something i can't do ' i say ' you can do that pretty thing, than i'll show you a photo of your daddy and than i'll leave your room again alright ' Bruce says ' um alright i think ' i say and open the door and Bruce walks in ' hey pretty thing thank you for letting me in ' Bruce says and snuffs ' yea, show me the photo ' i say and Bruce grins and walks up to me and grabs my cheeks and push me gently against the wall ' i have a better idea pretty thing, i think i take you with me hm, than you can see your dad with your own eyes hm ' Bruce says ' no you can't take me with you, you promised that to my dad ' i say and he squeezes my cheeks harder ' your dear daddy made the mistake to LEAVE THE ORGANIZATION, so this is his punishment hm ' Bruce says and i look at him groaning ' you still can't take me ' i say groaning a little ' why is that hm? ' Bruce says and snuffs and grins ' because you can't do that against my mom ' i say groaning ' ooh poor pretty thing hm, she won't mind it hm ' Bruce says ' she will ' i say groaning ' let's go pussy ' Bruce says ' no ' i say groaning, but Bruce pulls me to his car and push me in it and drives away real fast.

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