Chapter 11

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Dalisha p.o.v
After a few minutes the door opens again and i know exactly who walked in. The door opens and Jack and Winston walk inside and Jack squats in front of me ' oh dear pussy ' Jack says and grins and grabs one of the needles and i immediately open my eyes crying and Jack grins at me and grabs my cheeks ' do you know where Noelia is pretty thing?, i like to hear your answer right now ' Jack says and puts away the tissue and i look at him silent ' tell me ' Jack says ' alright i tell you, but please stop ' i say crying ' good girl, i promise you i'll reward you for it ' Jack says and i look at him swallowing ' you going like your reward i'm sure pretty thing ' Jack says and grins and i swallow before i speak ' she is at the police i'm sure, go look she is at the police i swear ' i say crying and Jack grins and pulls out the needles and frees my hands ' put your pants back on and get up pretty thing ' Jack says and i do what he says and follow him and he push me into a truck ' let's get you to your reward pretty thing ' Jack says and close the doors and drives away. A few houres later and we stop and Jack walks to the back of the truck and opens the doors ' get out pretty thing ' Jack says and i climb out of the truck and Jack grabs my arm and immediately has my attention and he grabs my cheeks ' your reward ' Jack says and i look at him swallowing and Jack grins and snuffs ' do you know where we are pretty thing? ' Jack asks and let my cheeks loose and i look around and than back at him ' no ' i say swallowing and Jack grins ' right there look ' Jack says and points at a street and i look at the street ' if you walk through that street straight on untill you can't go further, you'll find the police station ' Jack says and my heart skips a beat ' don't cheer to soon pretty thing, i want you to go there ' Jack says and snuffs and i look at him, this can't mean something good. ' Get in there pretty thing, they'll think you got lost or something and want to help you ' Jack says and snuffs ' i'm not going ' i say swallowing and Jack frowns and push me forward ' leave ' Jack says and points a gun at me ' run girl, leave ' Jack says and load his gun and i look at him scared and than he shots at me ' LEAVE I SAID ' Jack says and i run away and Jack laughs ' good girl ' Jack says and they drive back. I run and run as i see a cop and a girl who looks like Noelia ' Noelia is that you?! ' i say and run to them and the girl turns and a big smile appears on her face ' Dalisha! ' Noelia screams out of happiness and starts running to me. When she is at me i hug her ' hey cutie ' i say and Noelia smiles ' i thought i lost you ' Noelia says and tears welling up in her eyes ' i'm here, i'm okay you see ' i say and hug her, the cop walks up to us ' Dalisha this is Mark, he found me after i flew ' Noelia says ' hello i'm Dalisha ' i say ' Dalisha are you hurt?, i'm Mark and i help Noelia, she told me and my team a lot about you, she also told us you needed to be saved ' Mark says and i grin ' yeah she was right, i guess she told you about them ' i say ' yes she did, but she also told us she couldn't tell everything ' Mark says and we walk to the police station ' that's true, we can't tell much to people like you, it's something they make us real clear ' i say and Noelia looks at us ' i promised Noelia to catch those men who hurt her and maybe more girls, but we don't have much evidence at the station, we got Noelia's story so far, but we don't know where they live or hiding the girls ' Mark says and i sigh ' i understand and we appreciate it you want to help us, but i have to be honest to you, we really can't talk about it, i can tell you some more so far i know it's save enough to tell, but after that yeah you know yourself ' i say and Mark nods ' i understand and thank you that you want to help us ' Mark says and i smile ' no problem, it's for my friends and the woman ' i say and sigh ' she didn't had to die ' Noelia says ' no she hadn't indeed ' i say and Noelia smiles at me and we walk into the police station, immediately some cops are walking up to us ' Mark explain ' a cop says ' easy Mitch, this is Dalisha a friend of Noelia and also a victim of those men ' Mark says ' hello ' i say and Mitch nods ' i'm Mitch the digital expert here, are you hurt? ' Mitch says ' no i'm fine ' i say ' Dalisha follow me ' Mark says and i nod and follow him and Noelia into Mark his office ' take a seat ' Mark says and i sit down on a chair, but than i remember Jack this morning ' oh no thank you, i prefer to stand if that's okay ' i say ' that's alright, if you change your mind, you can sit ' Mark says and i nod and Mark nods too ' you can tell me what happend, i'll listen ' Mark says friendly and i nod and look at the chair and walk to it and sit down slowly checking the chair ' you alright? ' Mark says friendly and a little worried ' oh uhm yes i'm fine i guess ' i say and look at the chair ' Dalisha you're one hundred procent save here i promise, we'll protect you ' Mark says friendly and worried ' i'm not feeling save here ' i say and Noelia looks at me, so does Mark ' Dalisha listen to me, they never get to you again from now on you hear me honey never, you're save here i promise ' Mark says friendly and worried ' that's not true, you really don't know them ' i say ' you don't know where they're capable of, you never have seen such kind of criminals, cause believe me they ARE criminals, as those bastards ' i say and Mark and Noelia look at me ' can you tell me about them? ' Mark says and i sigh ' what you wanna know? ' i ask ' we need to know where they live and hiding the girls ' Mark says ' yeah i can't tell both ' i say ' Dalisha he really wants to help us ' Noelia says ' i know, but i'm not risking the others their lives ' i say and than i lean into her ' we can't talk now Noelia, Jack is back ' i say in her ear so Mark can't hear it and Noelia looks at me shocked and scared ' you alright girls? ' Mark asks friendly and worried ' yes we are ' i say and Noelia nods ' alright, we have a meeting, you can stay here or join me ' Mark says friendly ' we'll join you ' i say and we follow him to the meeting room and the cops take their seats and Mark starts the meeting ' but Dalisha since when is he back? ' Noelia asks softly ' since yesterday morning ' i say softly ' i'm scared ' Noelia says softly ' don't worry, he stays at Winston his place ' i say softly 'you know Jack, Dalisha he never keeps his word, especially not to us ' Noelia says softly ' i know ' i say softly ' we have to tell Mark ' Noelia says softly ' no he can't protect us, you know that Noelia ' i say softly ' i just don't wanna face him again ' Noelia says softly and tears in her eyes and i look at her ' i know ' i say softly and sigh ' he really is mean and his games aren't fun ' Noelia says softly and sobbing ' Noelia we can't tell Mark ' i say softly ' but we have to ' Noelia says softly and walks up to Mark ' Noelia don't ' i say, but Noelia keeps walking ' you alright honey? ' Mark says friendly and worried ' no, we have to tell you something ' Noelia says ' NO WE DON'T NOELIA ' i say and Noelia looks at me ' but we have to, we're in danger ' Noelia says ' no we're not ' i say ' Dalisha what's wrong? ' Mark asks worried and friendly ' nothing ' i say ' Dalisha tell him, we can trust him ' Noelia says ' i trust nobody, we can't tell him ' i say and Noelia looks at me and than at Mark ' Jack is back in town ' Noelia says and i look at her and than run out of the station angry and crying. I run and run untill one of Winston his men grabs me and push me against the wall and Jack appears in front of me ' NOT MY FAULT ' i scream angry and Jack frowns and puts his hand against my mouth ' what you talking about pretty thing hm? ' Jack asks and looks at me and snuffs and removes his hand ' i didn't talk alright, don't blame me please ' i say and Jack frowns and grabs my cheeks ' explain, to who did you TALK? ' Jack says and snuffs and i cringe a little by seeing his face ' tell me ' Jack says and locks my gaze in his ' i i i met a a a cop ' i say swallowing and Jack grins and grabs a knitting needle and shows it to me ' no please wait, let me talk ' i say and Jack grins ' you're such a brave girl you know that pretty thing ' Jack says ' please let me talk to you ' i say crying ' i didn't do anything ' i say crying ' you didn't do anything, oh good girl, tell me where do you came from just now hm? ' Jack says and i look at him crying ' tell me or we going play somewhere ELSE ' Jack says and i swallow ' tell me hm ' Jack says ' it was nothing alright ' i say crying and Jack grins ' good girl, go on i need to know more hm ' Jack says and starts pulling me with him ' no stop please ' i say crying ' tell me more come on ' Jack says ' i told her not to tell him ' i say crying and Jack stops and looks at me ' what did you just say pretty thing ' Jack says and i look at him crying ' nothing ' i say crying and Jack grins ' repeat come on pretty thing ' Jack says and snuffs ' no never, i don't let you hurt my best friend ever again ' i say crying and Jack frowns and push me on the grass and i crawl backwards and Jack snuffs ' tell me come on ' Jack says and snuffs ' no ' i say crying and Jack grins and kicks me hard into my vagina and i groan and cry even harder ' good girl, tell me ' Jack says and snuffs ' we didn't say anything about you i swear ' i say crying and Jack grins and snuffs and kicks me hard again into my vagina and i groan again and crawl away from him and Jack grins and snuffs ' don't leave me pretty thing ' Jack says and follows me and i crawl faster and than he squats down by my feet and grabs my ankle ' stay, i just wanna talk to you pretty thing ' Jack says ' you kicked me ' i say crying ' yeah i did right, that was for the fact you DIDN'T STAY ' Jack says and i swallow and look at him crying ' i spoke again to Winston ' Jack says and snuffs and i look at him crying ' i'm going back to Spain and told him i felt so lonely back there ' Jack says ' i'm not going with you, never ' i say angry and crying ' yeah that's exactly what Winston told me, he said that i could take you with me ' Jack says grinning ' like i said, i'm not going with you ' i say angry and crying and Jack snuffs and grins ' you really don't have a choice ' Jack says ' oh i sure do have a choice ' i say angry and kick him in his face and stand up and run back to the police station and go in there and close the door behind me, some cops are staring at me ' fast!, guard the door! ' i scream and immediately a few cops run to the door with their guns pointing at the door, watching it ' Dalisha you alright? ' Mark asks worried ' yes yes i'm ' i say huffing and watch the door and the cops ' why are those cops guarding the door? ' Mark asks ' one of the bad men is chasing me, they can't let him enter the station ' i say still huffing and Noelia looks at me scared ' it's alright Noelia, the cops protect us ' i say and Noelia nods ' Dalisha you have to explain this ' Mark says friendly ' i can't risk my friends their lives ' i say still looking at the door ' you have to, we can't catch them if we don't know who they are, i promise you that we make sure your friends are save ' Mark says friendly ' they're far from save right now, so don't promise me things you can't be sure of ' i say and look at Mark and he nods ' we going save them i promise Dalisha ' Mark says friendly and i nod ' all of them? ' i ask ' yes all of them ' Mark says and i look at him and than at Noelia ' you can trust him Dalisha i swear ' Noelia says and i look back at Mark and Mark looks at me ' can i trust you?, cause last time i did trust a man i ended up getting kidnapped ' i say ' i promise you with all my heart that you can trust me and that i'm not going hurt you ' Mark says friendly and i nod ' and you keep all of this to yourself?, you don't share it with anybody else? ' i ask ' no i'm not sharing information giving by witnesses or victims their selfs ' Mark says friendly and looks at me and i nod ' so i can be 100% sure that what i'm going tell you that it's save? ' i ask ' yes 100% honey ' Mark says friendly and i nod and look at him and than at the door and back at him ' alright i will tell you about them ' i say and Mark nods ' thank you, follow me ' Mark says friendly and we follow him back into his office and sit down ' you can tell me honey, i'll listen ' Mark says friendly and i nod and think for a few minutes than i start talking ' it was a Saturday afternoon when it happend for me ' i say 'i can remember it still, cause i was walking home with my sister ' i say ' we were walking and didn't noticed that we were being followed by a van and a man walking a few meters behind us ' i say and Mark nods ' the moment after that it happend way to fast and i had no chance to escape on time, my sister was more lucky or they didn't need her ' i say 'wait how do you mean with " didn't need her "? ' Mark asks friendly ' they kidnap girls from different families and never two or more at the same time ' i say ' so if they wanted to kidnap your sister they would do it later? ' Mark asks friendly ' yes exactly, but they didn't kidnap her ' i say and Mark nods ' they went back after they dropped me at their house, a dark house in the middle of nowhere and with one dark room filled with cages ' i say and Noelia nods ' that's Andreas his home ' Noelia says ' yeah she is right ' i say ' who is Andreas? ' Mark asks friendly ' some dreadfull old sick bastard ' i say and Noelia grins and i smile at her ' does he hurt you? ' Mark asks friendly ' yes he does, he thinks it's real funny to lock kids like us up in cages, naked and letting millions of stupid, also sick men stare at us, like we're some kind of funny movie they can enjoy ' i say and sigh ' and he tells us exactly what happend to our parents when they kill them ' i say and Noelia nods ' that's maybe the hardest and most painful thing he does ' i say and sigh ' but if you're done being his fucking slave, you move to the headboss ' i say ' big villa with a billion of cars parked all over and guards everywhere you look, being headboss means also that you have power to make girls do what you want, hitting them and giving commands to the others, like " watching us ", that means more than just watch out that we don't escape, no it truelly means " get a damn girl and fuck her " ' i say and Mark nods ' and who is this man chasing you? ' Mark asks friendly ' his name is Jack, he lives in spain ' i say and Noelia starts shaking a little ' he is a really bad man ' i say and Mark looks at us worried ' you alright? ' Mark asks friendly and worried ' you know he is not worth it living in freedom ' i say and sigh and Noelia nods shaking ' can you tell me about him honey? ' Mark says careful and worried ' i can, but it's something me and the other girls don't like to talk about ' i say and Mark nods ' i understand it honey, if you don't want to talk about it now, it's no problem alright ' Mark says friendly and worried and i nod ' we really want him to get locked up behind bars forever, but we're too afraid to talk about what he does with us ' i say ' don't worry honey, we'll find him and lock him up behind bars ' Mark says friendly and worried and i nod ' you know, if you really can catch him, it would mean a lot for me and billions of other girls ' i say and sigh. Than we hear the door and i look immediately at the door ' no don't let him enter the station please ' i say and grab Noelia her wrist, ready to run if needed. ' Alright, everyone get ready to intervene! ' Mark shouts to his team and the cops load their guns and point them to the door, ready to shoot if needed. I look from Noelia to Mark and back and Noelia looks back ' if he enters the station, we run Noelia ' i say and Noelia nods ' Mark if he gets in, me and Noelia run alright ' i say and Mark looks at me ' that's alright Dalisha honey, i'll be right behind you if that happens ' Mark says friendly and i nod ' thank you ' i say. And than the door goes shut and Jack walks in ' Noelia on 3 we run ' i say and Noelia nods and takes my hand tighter ' ready? ' i say and Noelia nods ' 1.2.3 run!!!! ' i say and we run away, Mark follows us with his gun and after him two other cops follow us with behind them Jack sprinting ' Dalisha straight ahead is a door, you can go through there, it leads outside ' Mark says ' alright Mark ' i say and pull Noelia to the door and open it and run outside, Mark and the two cops follow us, so does Jack ' you can't escape, i'll find you ' Jack says and than he leaves and we stop running ' girls you alright? ' Mark asks worried and friendly ' yeah we are, but see what kind of sick bastard he is ' i say and Mark nods 'i understand you're afraid of him ' Mark says friendly ' yeah and than you haven't even seen what he does with GIRLS LIKE US ' i say ' age doesn't matter to him, he ask your name and age and than, oh god i don't even want the say it out loud, geez bastard ' i say angry ' Dalisha i promise you, we going catch him and make him pay for everything he did ' Mark says friendly ' yeah, it's his damn right to get payed for what he has done ' i say angry and Mark looks at us ' Noelia and Dalisha listen ' Mark says friendly and we look at him ' it's really important from now on that we keep you save alright, as long as we don't know where this man Jack is, it's too dangerous for you to be alone on the street ' Mark says friendly ' yeah we got that already, alone with him on the street isn't that bad, we can escape than easier, but within a room alone together with him, yeah that's something different ' i say and Mark looks at me ' we keep you both save Dalisha i promise ' Mark says friendly ' how many times do i have to tell you, that you CAN'T KEEP US SAVE ' i say and Mark looks at me not understanding and i sigh and look at him.

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