Chapter 44

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Mark p.o.v
I'm at the station talking with Mitch and Luke discussing what we have up to now. Than my phone goes off and i look who is calling me ' guys i need to take this call ' i say and Mike and Luke nod and i walk outside my office and into a room who is empty and pick up ' Mark calling, can i help you? ' i say ' Mark my goodness, help me ' Alesha says and i hear in her voice that she is scared ' Alesha i'm right here alright, i going help you don't worry, can you tell me if Melody is with you too right now? ' i say ' no she isn't ' Alesha says scared ' alright i'm here, don't worry alright i going help you Alesha ' i say ' my child ' Alesha says scared ' i know we going get her back i promise ' i say ' Mark we're leaving tomorrow ' Alesha says scared and i be silent for a minute ' Mark?, are you there? ' Alesha asks scared ' i'm right here Alesha, you're leaving tomorrow? ' i say a little shocked ' yea i don't know where too ' Alesha says scared ' but they said i never going see Melody back again, this is the first time that i'm really scared of them Mark ' Alesha continues scared ' i know you're scared Alesha, but i promise you we going do everything to find you alright, but you need to help me with that alright Alesha? ' i say ' yes i try ' Alesha says scared ' thank you, can you tell me where you are right now? ' i ask and it's silents for a few minutes ' it's quit difficult to find and to describe ' Alesha says ' you can do it Alesha i'm sure and i going try my very best to find it alright ' i say ' alright here we go ' Alesha says and it's quit again for a few minutes ' it's a really long drive to it, i think it's 10000 kilometers away from your place, but that i don't know for sure cause they make the route extremely and deliberately long for us, next thing it's quit a big house with sectors A to F it's a maze for people who don't know their way around, between sectors B and C are the places where they hold the girls the most of the time, but i don't know precisely the way to those sectors ' Alesha says ' you doing good Alesha
i'm proud of you, i'm writing it down right now, can you tell me what the surroundings look like?, are there trees?, bushes?, a river maybe? ' i ask ' yea i thought i saw some trees and a little river, but it went really quick so i didn't had a clear view of that river so i don't know that for sure ' Alesha says ' Alesha i'm so proud of you and i going get you out of there alright i going find you i promise ' i say ' Mark i wanna leave right now with my friends and my daughter, i just don't know what will happen to me or my daughter when we leave and it makes me really scared, i just don't wanna lose her ' Alesha says ' it's alright Alesha, you not going lose her i promise ' i say and i hear thumping in the background and i starting to feel a bad feeling in my stomache ' Alesha? ' i say no reaction ' Alesha talk to me what's going on? ' i say again no reaction and i open the door ' Mitch!, Luke!, come here right now ' i say and the men run to me ' what's going on? ' Mitch asks as he sees my face ' hear ' i say and put my phone on speaker ' i'm calling with Alesha but since a few seconds she doesn't react back anymore ' i say and Mitch nods ' Alesha it's me Mitch, can you hear me? ' Mitch says and we wait a few seconds. After a few seconds there is still no reaction from Alesha ' Alesha can you hear me? ' Mitch says and again no reaction ' i'm worried Mitch ' i say worried ' don't be, maybe she putted out the volume so the men can't hear her calling us, i think she will react again as soon as she thinks it's save enough ' Mitch says ' i'm not sure Mitch ' i say worried ' we wait alright, we wait here until she answers again alright ' Mitch says and looks at me and i nod worried. After another few seconds we hear stumbling and moans ' Alesha?! ' i say worried and again we hear moaning ' Alesha please talk to me ' i say worried and again moaning ' no Alesha please try to talk to me please ' i say worried ' Mark easy ' Alesha says groaning ' oh my god, Alesha what happend? ' i ask worried ' Mark i think i broke something ' Alesha says groaning ' what you mean?, what happend Alesha? ' i ask worried and we hear groaning again ' no no please, Alesha please stay with me now ' i say worried and with watering eyes ' Mark my head really hurts too ' Alesha says groaning ' i know i know, what happend Alesha honey? ' i ask worried and with watering eyes ' they caught me calling you ' Alesha says groaning ' so they sended Bruce and that Spanish guy to my cell ' Alesha continues groaning ' what happend next honey? ' i ask worried and with watering eyes ' Bruce beated me up like hell, he broke my right leg and my head had a few meetings with the wall, Jack the Spanish guy did something really awful ' Alesha says groaning ' he had knitting needles i think right? ' i ask worried and with watering eyes ' yea how do you know that? ' Alesha asks groaning ' Dalisha and Noelia told me about him ' i say worried and with watering eyes ' oh i didn't know that ' Alesha says groaning ' i can't walk right now so i guess they will kill me if they find out i broke my leg ' Alesha continues groaning ' Alesha don't say that please, you can't give up now, not for me and not for your daughter honey ' i say worried and with watering eyes ' we going find you Alesha ' Mitch says and we hear her sighing ' Melody don't deserve this ' Alesha says groaning ' no she doesn't and you neither does deserve this Alesha ' i say worried and with watering eyes ' Mark ' Alesha says groaning ' yes honey i'm right here ' i say worried and with watering eyes ' do you know the border police security team members? ' Alesha asks groaning ' yes some of them honey, why do you ask that? ' i ask worried and with watering eyes ' who do you know of them? ' Alesha asks groaning ' Alesha i don't understand this honey ' i say ' Jack mentioned a name while he was hurting me with those knitting needles, before i faded away he said the name Greg, i want to know if he helps them ' Alesha says groaning and i think a few minutes. After a few minutes and return to Alesha ' Greg is a good guy honey, he works there for fifty years now ' i say and Alesha groans ' Jack said also that this Greg helped them ' Alesha says groaning and my breathe stops for a second ' Alesha, Greg would never do such things like that, he is really against things like this, i think if he really works for this organization that they forced him to do that ' i say ' is there any way how we can get his attention when we're in this truck? ' Alesha asks groaning ' yes, if you can shout or slam against the wall of the truck as hard as you can he'll hear you and put the driver to a stop for a check up, the border police security team don't need a permission to search suspicious cars, so he can order the driver all free to open his doors, you don't have to worry about that honey ' i say ' alright, i need to go now Mark, i don't know if i'll be able to call you again but if i do i'll call you again as soon as it's save enough alright ' Alesha says groaning ' that's alright honey, don't worry alright, we going get you out of there and your daughter and all of the other girls i promise ' i say ' thank you Mark, i'm really grateful for that ' Alesha says groaning ' no problem honey ' i say ' bye ' Alesha says groaning ' bye Alesha ' i say and than she hangs up. I turn to Mitch and Luke ' we're losing them you heard it ' i say ' Mark you need to call Greg right now, he need to know about this ' Mitch says ' he is our only hope right now, we have to make him stop the trucks tomorrow ' Luke says and i nod and grab my phone again and dial Greg his number and put the phone back on speaker ' border security team North, this is Greg speaking can i help you? ' Greg says ' Greg it's me Mark ' i say ' Mark how you doing my friend? ' Greg says ' good and you? ' i say ' good thanks, do you need anything?, or can i help you with something? ' Greg asks ' yes actually you can ' i say ' tell me what can i do for you friend ' Greg says ' do you remember that case where i am working on lately? ' i ask ' i do, is this about that organization who kidnaped young girls? ' Greg asks ' yes exactly ' i say ' what can i do for you? ' Greg asks ' i spoke to one of the girls and she told me they're moving the girls tomorrow, it is possible that they going cross the border where you need to work, so when they do can you please put those trucks to a stop as soon as you hear screaming or slamming? ' i ask ' i can do that, my post isn't that busy so i can put them to a stop for a check up no problem ' Greg says ' thank you Greg, can you give me an update as soon as you did that? ' i ask ' i'll give you a call if i find something alright?, if they really carriying those girls i need backup from the police that's one thing for sure ' Greg says ' that's alright, thanks Greg really, this means a lot to me and those girls ' i say ' no problem friend, everything to keep people safe right? ' Greg says ' right ' i say ' good nice to speak to you again Mark, i need to go now but you'll hear from me again tomorrow ' Greg says ' indeed nice to speak to you again, yes talk to you tomorrow ' i say ' bye ' Greg says ' bye ' i say and hang up.

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