Chapter 52

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Melody p.o.v
I'm still with Jack and i really need to go to the toilet, but i'm to afraid to ask him. I stand up and walk to Jack carefully and swallowing ' can i go to the toilet please? ' i ask swallowing and Jack grins and turns to me and looks at me ' you need to go to the toilet little one hm? ' Jack asks and snuffs ' yes ' i say swallowing and Jack grins and grabs the key ' promise me you come right back here to me alright, no going to mommy alright little one ' Jack says and snuffs ' i promise i won't go to mommy ' i say swallowing ' good girl ' Jack says and stands up and opens the door ' go ' Jack says and i walk outside the room and start searching for the toilet. Than Markus sees me and walks up to me ' the little one hm, come here ' Markus says ' no i need to go to the toilet real fast ' i say swallowing and look at him ' you need to go to the toilet hm ' Markus says and snuffs ' yes real fast, but i don't know where the toilet is ' i say swallowing and Markus grins ' i understand hm, it's a real big house right? ' Markus says ' yes very big ' i say and Markus smiles ' i can take you to the toilet little one, but can you tell me your name hm, the other men didn't tell me what your name was ' Markus says ' i'm Melody, but toilet ' i say and Markus nods and put out his hand and i grab his hand and he brings me to the toilet ' i'll wait here for you so i can walk you back to Jack ' Markus says and i nod and walk into the toilet and after i wash my hands and look at Markus ' you're big too ' i say and Markus grins and squats down in front of me ' yea you're right hm ' Markus says ' why are you so big? ' i ask and look at him and Markus grins ' when i was just as little as you were i eated a lot of sandwiches and vegetables so i could grow up this big ' Markus says and i nod ' my mommy tells me i'm to young to be here ' i say and sigh ' i still don't know why she says that ' i continue sighing ' does mommy say that to you? ' Markus asks and snuffs ' yes, but don't tell her i told you that alright, it's a secret ' i say and Markus grins ' i won't i promise ' Markus says and i look at him ' can i stay with you? ' i ask and Markus looks at me and snuffs ' do you wanna stay with me hm? ' Markus asks ' yes, i don't wanna go back to Jack ' i say and Markus nods and lifts me up and walks with me to Rodrigues ' we need to ask that to the big boss sweety ' Markus says and knocks on Rodrigues his door ' come in please ' Rodrigues says and we walk in and Markus puts me back on the ground ' Markus what is the kid doing here? ' Rodrigues says ' i went to the toilet ' i say and Rodrigues grins and snuffs ' you went to the toilet hm?, and why are you here right now hm? ' Rodrigues says ' i want to stay with him ' i say and point at Markus and Rodrigues looks from me to Markus and back ' she doesn't want to stay with Jack anymore boss ' Markus says and Rodrigues nods and looks back at me and stand up and squats down in front of me. I look at him and he looks back at me grinning ' is Jack not nice anymore hm? ' Rodrigues asks ' no ' i say and swallow and Rodrigues nods ' you can't stay with Markus either hm, he is responsible for mommy hm ' Rodrigues says and i look at them ' i'm sorry kid ' Markus says ' did mommy got hurt? ' i ask ' no hm mommy is totally fine hm, nobody hurted mommy hm ' Rodrigues says and snuffs and looks at me ' can i see mommy? ' i ask and swallow ' no ' Rodrigues says and snuffs ' why not? ' i ask and Rodrigues looks at me and strokes my cheek softly ' cause i think mommy is still not nice to me and my friends ' Rodrigues says and i look at him ' what did mommy do to you? ' i ask and Rodrigues snuffs ' mommy thinks she can go call me bad names hm and she thinks she can go hurt my friends hm, not nice right Melody? ' Rodrigues says and i look at him swallowing ' not nice right? ' Rodrigues says and snuffs ' no ' i say swallowing ' exactly, and that's why mommy can't see you hm, you can understand that right Melody? ' Rodrigues says and i nod swallowing ' that's my good little girl, now go back to Jack hm, i think he is already missing you hm ' Rodrigues says and stands up ' let's go kiddo ' Markus says ' no wait ' i say and Rodrigues turns to me again and snuffs ' can you tell mommy something? ' i ask and Rodrigues squats back down in front of me ' what is it that i need to tell mommy hm sweety? ' Rodrigues asks and i look at him ' tell mommy that i'm alright and that i love her ' i say and Rodrigues grins and snuffs ' i will tell her that sweety i promise, i think she is going like that hm ' Rodrigues says and i smile a little ' thank you ' i say and Rodrigues nods and snuffs ' now go with Markus hm, he takes you back to Jack hm ' Rodrigues says and i nod and follow Markus and Rodrigues walks into another direction. At Jack and Markus knocks on the door ' inside please ' Jack says and we walk inside and Jack grins as he sees us ' here is the kid again Jack ' Markus says and Jack grins and squats down in front of me ' i went to the toilet ' i say and Jack grins ' you did?, good girl little one ' Jack says ' after that i spoke with your boss ' i say and Jack looks from me to Markus and back and than he hits me ' Jack easy she didn't do anything ' Markus says ' she spoke with the BOSS Markus ' Jack says cold ' yes she did Jack, it was no big deal ' Markus says ' no big deal ' Jack says and looks at him ' no ' Markus says and Jack looks at me and i swallow ' we have to kill that girl right now ' Jack says ' no Jack ' Markus says ' why not?, she is useless ' Jack says ' because her mother is still here and we can use her to keep her mother down ' Markus says and Jack grins ' you and the boss are damn genius ' Jack says and Markus sighs ' watch the kid ' Markus says and walks away and Jack locks the door again.

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