Chapter 131

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Melody p.o.v
I'm tied to a pole with my hands having a tissue in my mouth to prevent me from talking. Stefano that was his name, he fucked me a few hours ago and tied me to this pole right after and left me. Than the door opens and Stefano grins at me and snuffs and frees me and put out the tissue ' move to the door hm ' Stefano says and i walk to the door and Stefano grabs me immediately and pulls me with him to the washroom and throws me in and i see mom crying ' mom ' i say and mom looks up immediately crying holding Quinty in her arms ' mom what's wrong with Quinty? ' i ask walking to mom and my little sister and kneel down at them and Stefano grins and looks at us ' wash the baby hm ' Stefano says and mom looks at him and than at me ' Melody we going wash Quinty together alright honey ' mom says crying and i nod unsure ' mommy can't move honey, can you get me water and soap and towels honey? ' mom says crying and i nod and grab the stuff and put them down at mom and Quinty and mom dries her tears looking at Quinty and Quinty looks back her blue eyes staring at us and mom smiles underneath her tears and starts washing Quinty softly ' mom what happend to Quinty? ' i ask ' i'll tell you that after he left ' mom says and i look at Stefano and nod, Stefano grins and snuffs and leaves and locks the door ' Quinty got hurt everywhere mom, what happend? ' i say and mom wipes away her tears and drys up Quinty and puts her clothes on and wraps a towel around her ' she was with Narvo remember him ' mom says and i nod and mom nods too and sighs ' Quinty cries real soon if she gets hurt or if she needs something, Narvo can't handle that nobody can handle that, Quinty is the first child i gave birth to who has that, there is nothing wrong with that for me but those assholes hate that, they hate every kind of emotion or sound we make and Quinty a young baby does that a lot ' mom says and i nod ' mom you scare me, what happend? ' i ask a little scared ' when we do make those sounds we get punished for it, get beated up and that kind of stuff, we can deal with that cause we're strong but Quinty ' mom says shaking her head and i look at her ' Quinty just can't defend herself ' mom says ' they hurted her mom? ' i ask with watering eyes ' yes honey they did ' mom says and wipes away her tears roughly ' i'm so angry on them now mom ' i say with watering eyes and mom nods ' me too honey ' mom says rocking Quinty and i stand up ' i going tell them what i think about it mom ' i say and mom looks up at me ' Melody honey be careful please ' mom says ' i will mom, but they can't go hurt my little sister ' i say and walk to the door and open it and walk to the living room where all of them are sitting and they look up at me as soon as i walk into the living room and Prince grins ' what you doing here hm? ' Prince asks ' telling you to stop hurting my sister ' i say angry and they laugh and some of them are grinning and Marvo walks to me and push me roughly against the wall and grabs my cheeks and force me to look at him ' you came all the way down here to tell us what to do hm? ' Marvo says cold ' yes ' i say angry and look at him and than he hits me in my belly and i break down on the ground groaning and Marvo snuffs and looks at me ' asshole ' i say angry and Marvo frowns and so do the others ' what is she thinking? ' Ferno asks ' i don't know Ferno, but whatever it is i'm already done with it ' Marvo says cold ' she is a little brat, nothing more ' Jack says and snuffs ' and you're assholes who dare hurting a baby ' i say angry and they look at me and Marvo kicks my legs and my back and i groan a little ' yea you done talking to us like that, cause i can keep doing this all day hm ' Marvo says cold ' no i'm not done, i want you to stop hurting my sister, she is a baby ' i say angry and Prince grins ' she still doesn't get it ' Prince says and stands up and walks to me and Marvo and grabs me off of the ground pushing me against the wall again roughly and starts beating me. After a few minutes i fall down on the ground and Prince snuffs ' we don't care about the fact that your SISTER is a baby or not kid ' Prince says cold and snuffs ' you deserve jail asshole ' i say angry and Prince grins and snuffs ' wtf is she doing? ' Russell asks ' good question Russell, we don't know yet, but i don't really like it, you? ' Prince says ' no i don't like it too ' Russell says ' thought so already ' Prince says and snuffs and i look at him ' so stop hurting a baby ' i say angry ' no we don't kiddo ' Prince says ' so go back to your fucking mother and stay there ' Prince continues snuffing and i look at him angry ' no, if you don't stop hurting my sister than i don't go back to my mom ' i say angry and Prince grins and snuffs ' you really challenge me bitch and i warn you don't go over my limit ' Prince says and snuffs and i look at him ' i don't know your limit asshole, so how do i know when i go over it? ' i say angry and Prince grins and snuffs ' you're almost there hm ' Prince says ' kid just go back to your mom ' Russell says and snuffs ' no Russell let her stay, this is some kind of fun ' Ferno says ' i enjoy this ' Bruce says sitting down on the corner of the table smoking a cigaret watching us with a big smile on his face ' yea, but i don't want to see her get hurt ' Russell says and walks to me and grabs me and pulls me with him back to mom. I look at Russell ' i wasn't done yet ' i say angry and Russell stops and looks at me and snuffs ' you was kid, if i didn't stop it you would be on the ground whining and groaning begging Prince to stop by now ' Russell says and snuffs ' so be happy i " saved " you from getting hurt ' Russell continues opening the door and push me in and looks at mom and nods ' nothing happend to your daughter Alesha, but my advise is to teach her she can't go challenge us ' Russell says and i walk to mom and Quinty ' do what you want with my advise, but keep in mind that it can save your daughter her life ' Russell says and than leaves us and locks the door. Mom looks at me ' honey you alright? ' mom asks worried ' i'm fine mom, i told them to stop hurting Quinty ' i say and sit down with them ' i'm proud of you honey ' mom says and i smile and sighs ' they not going stop ' i say and mom looks at me with pity in her eyes ' honey look at me hm ' mom says and i look at her ' they can't go hurt Quinty, she is my little sister mom ' i say with watering eyes and mom nods ' i know honey hm and i know you'll always protect Quinty, but in here it's a too big risk to stand up for each other, not one of them accepts that, they work for Narcos, Navarro and Wayne and all things those three men tell them to do they do, we're nothing more than " pretty things " in their eyes, they don't care what will happen to us, they don't care about how we feel or what we think, those bastards just play along with Narcos his stupid sick game ' mom says and i look at her quiet ' mom i'm sorry about what happend a few minutes ago ' i say and mom looks at me ' honey i'm not angry hm, i'm proud of you, you just did what every big sister would do, you stood up for Quinty hm ' mom says smiling trying to comfort me and i crawl to her and mom puts her arm around me ' i miss Elayh mom ' i say yawing a little and mom nods ' me too honey ' mom says ' do you think he is searching for us? ' i ask yawing ' yes i'm sure he is searching for us honey ' mom says ' marry him as soon as we're out of here alright ' i say yawing and mom smiles ' yes i will marry him honey, but i think we're going to sleep now hm ' mom says and i nod sleepy ' goodnight honey ' mom says ' goodnight mom and Quinty ' i say yawing before i fall asleep against mom.

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