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While aware of the adventure that'll soon occur to a Japanese student with the fate passed down in his bloodline; the beginning of this story takes a look across the globe in Italy, just before the bizarre adventure begins.


Within a supply closet of a high school was the muffled moans of two students engaged in a make out session. The male student was more into the action, his hands going over his companions body in hunger and wanting to show that he was the one that she should pick. As for his partner...

Her eyes were starting to open, crystal blue eyes rolling in annoyance as her body was played with. She was bored for her father was out of town for a business meeting and wasn't sure when he would even come back home. It kept herself entertained, the young Italian kept herself occupied with her classmates or the older crowd.

Her hands rested on his shoulders to pull herself while pushing him away to break the kiss. He had a goofy smile of enjoyment that she tried to return but it didn't have the same energy.

"It's getting late. We wouldn't want to get caught by a janitor..."

"So we can continue at your place?" The teen asked, hoping that his night with his fellow classmate didn't end soon.

She tried to keep her smile but it faltered, a detail he picked up on. "O-Or my place. Anywhere you'd like," he pushed, hands running up the sides of her waist then back down.

"I don't know." She hummed in thought earning a pleading "Lilith." from the boy that made her giggle. He was wrapped around her finger without so much as realizing it.

"It's just...you're still with Valentina. It'd be wrong if we continued somewhere else," Lilith pouted, acting as if she didn't also jump on the idea to hook up in a closet.

The boy chuckled and shook his head. "She won't have to know. Trust me it's better this way, she can't handle a break up. Ya know, it's just that she's sensitive and will send her hounds on me."

Valentine's hounds were her friends but anyone that was on the wrong end of the stick knew that. Lilith had been on that end but it didn't last long thanks to her own secrets.

"Then wouldn't you feel guilty even doing this?" Lilith asked as her neck was attacked with kisses that were wet than they should have been. As she asked the question, behind her a figure started to appear with its arms out to reveal wings and a soft melodic song echoing in the room to put a spell on the male.
Depending on his answer would lead to his fate.

"Not when it's with you," he answered lustfully. His eyes looked at her, widening as if she was an angel from heaven sent to tell him his prophecy.


"I'd feel the same way even if it was someone else that was even more beautiful than you. That's not possible though," he went on believing he was saying all the right things.

Lilith's face was serious than it had ever been during their time alone and eyes squinting in disgust. "To think that in the future you would have been married," she hissed and pushed herself away.

There weren't any complaints, there wasn't any other sound except for Lilith's little 'Ciao' as she left the room leaving a mess of a high school boy's chest completely cut with different sized marks and eyes ripped out cleanly.

Tʀᴜʟʏ, Hᴏᴡ Bɪᴢᴀʀʀᴇ - ꧁ Sᴛᴀʀᴅᴜsᴛ Cʀᴜsᴀᴅᴇʀs Iɴsᴇʀᴛ ꧂Where stories live. Discover now