Sʜᴀʀᴘ Dʀᴇssᴇᴅ Mᴀɴ

91 1 5

"We really can't catch a break..."

Lilith's tired words were met with agreeing grunts from Jotaro and Kakyoin. The young trio watching Polnareff curled on the ground still in a state of shock. Joseph explained how Nena wasn't what she carried herself to be; an older, unattractive woman hiding behind the facade of a beautiful, young girl.
The others were waiting for Lilith's comments and mockery directed towards the Frenchman, but nothing had come. She felt he got what he deserved. Even if Nena was playing a facade on two men, Lilith felt a lesson was learned after his earlier comments of ditching a; false, relationship.

"We shouldn't wait around here any longer. I'm still a fugitive on the run so Polnareff you'll be driving." Joseph had thrown a single car key that landed at the top of the silver mullet.

As Polnareff composed himself before driving early in the morning, the others went to take their seats in the car. In the front was Kakyoin with a map to direct Polnareff where to go, in the back was Joseph and Jotaro with Lilith between the two for her smaller size. Their driver had finally joined them, key still in his hair until taking it out once he sat in the drivers seat and stuck it in the ignition.

"Not even a chuckle? You're not sick are you?" Kakyoin questioned as he looked back at Lilith with a quirked eyebrow, referencing the key staying comedically placed in Polnareff's hair until they moved.

"No, but, the guy deserves a break," Lilith shrugged.

The early departure had them off close to the Himalayas, slowly getting closer to the border of Pakistan. The cold didn't affect the majority of the group except for Lilith who was shivering lightly between Joseph and Jotaro. She switched between moving closer to one then the other. When they were growing uncomfortable with the close distance, she'd move over until she got annoyed with repeatedly having to shift around.

The drive was going smoothly, no issues occurring until a red car slowly driving in front came into view. The roads were narrow which had made it the option to drive around risky. Polnareff saw no issue of taking the dangerous way around the slow car, squeezing the car between the space to get ahead. During the pass, some rocks were kicked up to hit against the body of the other car.

"Hey, Polnareff!! You're driving pretty rough!" Kakyoin warned the amused driver.
"He he! It's good to have a four wheel drive I can drive on a bad road like this easily!" Polnareff continued with his amusement, but the other passengers weren't sharing the same sentiment.

Lilith was looking out the back window, watching the red car get smaller as the distance grew. "I'm glad you're having fun, but in case you forgot signore Jostar is still wanted and you're one step away from an accident."

"Hopefully we can get across the border safely," Joseph worried, looking over with Lilith at the back window. As long as they got to Pakistan in one piece it would be one step closer in their long journey.

The mood had shifted when currently leaving India was brought up. It was still a fresh wound that felt it had healed. Joseph brought up his original feelings towards the country changed over time, that he'd even miss the hustle of the packed country. The mood grew more blue when Polnareff spoke up;
"I'm coming back again... to give Avdol a proper burial."

Nothing else was said, eyes glanced away to perform an act that Avdol was indeed still dead. Lilith could only stare at her feet and bite harshly at her cheek to not let the truth slip out.
Their sad thoughts wouldn't last long, Polnareff slammed his foot on the brake to abruptly stop the car. Everyone has lurched forward, Joseph holding an arm out for Lilith to not go flying for her lack of seatbelt.

"What the hell Polnareff! Why'd you stop so suddenly?!" Kakyoin questioned.

"I already told you not to get into any accidents! Don't you pay attention when you're driving!" Joseph complained, leaning forward to really reprimand Polnareff.

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