Lᴏᴠᴇ Wɪʟʟ Kᴇᴇᴘ Us Tᴏɢᴇᴛʜᴇʀ

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{Shop Around Part 2}


Silently, everyone watched the ocean awaiting for someone to break the surface, the hopeful outcome would be Jotaro. There wasn't anything happening for a few seconds until the water started to swirl in one spot.

"A whirlpool has appeared!"

"Where is he? Where is JoJo?"

Questions were thrown around, in the back behind the group Lilith watched quietly while tending to her ankle. The little girl from before approached her, looking back at the group then at her.

"Why? Why did you push me out of the way from...whatever you all saw?" She asked clearly still confused on what was going on.

Lilith looked at her briefly then went back to wrapping a piece of her shirt she ripped off around her ankle. "He was annoying, I didn't really care for the jerk or the way he was about to go through with everything. Plus I think you've had enough of this craziness by now."

The two shared a quick grin to ease the uneasiness on the deck. Over at the railing, Lilith watched quietly as the red head; Kakyoin, went to make an effort of helping out his partner by sending Hierophant Green into the large whirlpool in attempts to assist Jotaro.

"There are tons of scales in there!" Polnareff pointed out as they all caught sight of both Kakyoin's and his Stand's bloody hand, the green hand even having razor sharp scales pointed out of it.

"He wasn't bragging when he said he could take us all on at once. It's like quicksand," Avdol added with Joseph adding to the idea on how they'd all die from jumping in.

The world fell into a heavy silence, the whirlpool barely being heard in Lilith's ear as she was being given dirty glares by the four men. Her blood turned cold and if she wasn't quick to put up an act would see that her face was starting to pale. With a deep breath, her brows furrowed and eyes sending them an equally nasty look.

"What? Got a staring problem or something?" She asked harshly that only made it worse for her. Both parties couldn't trust each other, on the defense they waited for the other to attack and start another fight.

"Don't play dumb with us now," Polnareff broke the silent staring, a finger pointed towards her. "You've been by the captain's side since we boarded and now you try to play hero by saving that brat.

"First off she's not a brat! She's...Okay I don't know her name but she isn't a brat. Second of all, I had no choice but to stay by the creeper's side since he took me!" Lilith listed off, snapping a bit over the fact that she was forced into the predicament without so much as a reasoning.

The little girl stood between the two groups, standing closer to Lilith to show she had taken a side. "Stop it! She isn't bad, she helped me. You really think someone would put themselves in danger for a couple of strangers?"

The question was pondered over, the group giving each other looks in a silent discussion. Avdol looked back to Lilith, taking a step forward to ask her the same question he had asked the girl when they first met.
"How's Dio doing?"

It was Lilith's turn to process the question. She remembered Dio, the man she met what felt like just last month but must have been longer. Her jaw clenched even more feeling as if this was all his doing on bragging her on this journey.

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