Wʜɪᴘ Iᴛ

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{Peek-A-Boo Part 2}

The long way to the twelfth floor was becoming Lilith's biggest mistake. She passed the tenth floor, barely making it to the eleventh with her thighs burning. "I just had to make it hard on myself," she huffed to continue her trek.

The twelfth floor door had a heavenly glow to it when she reached it. A sigh of relief that her pain was over and she'd be safe behind the walls of a hotel room soon. Before entering the corridor, she poked her head out to look around for any suspicious figures waiting for her. At the all clear, she stepped out into the open to make the straight run to room 1212.

"What's wrong with you?" A deep voice asked from behind her causing her to jump and scream with a fist cocked back to be thrown. She looked up to see Jotaro and Kakyoin behind her.

"Oh...sorry," she mumbled and put her fist away to have her arm hang by her side.

Kakyoin smiled down at her to calm her nerves though it could have also been from her outburst of fear from earlier. "Relax, it's just us. Why are you by yourself?"

"Polnareff is taking care of his injury but he'll meet us at the room. He thought we should split up," Lilith answered; they both nodded and continued their walk with her to the meet up spot.

At the door, Kakyoin knocked against the wood, Jotaro and Lilith standing at each of his side to wait for the door to open.
"We stopped by Anne's room before coming," Jotaro informed Lilith; "We told her not to leave the room and to not open her door until told it was us."

Lilith nodded while the lock to the door unlatched and the knob turned. Avdol invited the three into the room, closing the door after the last one entered.

"Are we all here?" Joseph asked as those who just entered made themselves comfortable. Just counting who was there gave the answer to the question and without the obvious presence of the frenchman it gave away they would still be waiting for him.

"While we wait, since some of us still don't know what we're dealing with, I can tell what I know." Avdol suggested.
"Yes, and Lilith, why don't you tell us what you and Polnareff had just recently ran into as well." Joseph added that made all eyes cast over to her.

Lilith rubbed her arm, thinking back to Devo and shivering at the cold stare he'd send. "Sure. It's still confusing to me but I'll try to make it make sense."

"Take your time," Kakyoin reassured. "Anything is seen as useful now than ever."

The group listened to their female member describe her encounter with Devo the Cursed. She mentioned how odd he acted when Polnareff attacked then the sudden appearance of the cut on his leg.

"Something about this encounter isn't adding up. A detail missing or...something," Kakyoin thought out loud.

Lilith plopped on the bed to rest her body from the stress. "It's even more confusing with what he said before he went falling down."

"Hm, 'I let you find me. I let you hurt me.' Some final words" Jotaro repeated what Lilith told the group.

"That doesn't come as a surprise," Avdol took over as speaker. "Devo tricks his opponents to strike him first when they're mad. Then he uses the power of his hatred to control his stand."

The explanation made Lilith's stomach drop. The fight once again replayed in her mind followed by the aftermath. Her mouth turned into a thin line from the guilt of leaving the poor injured man behind even if he asked her to go.

"He was very angry at Polnareff after Chariot went on a stabbing rampage." Lilith's voice was quiet from the weight of her actions growing to bring her down.
"Then he would be the first person targeted and, yet, he's all alone at this second."

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