Dᴇᴀᴅʟʏ Mᴇʟᴏᴅʏ

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Once the stranded were on the mystery ship, everyone had went their separate ways. The Crusaders went on the search for any people on the ship as the crew looked over the machinery.

"What the..?" Joseph questioned as the group entered the bridge. Just as suspected between Jotaro and Lilith, there was no one in sight. A completely empty room on a completely empty ship.

"We haven't found the captain or any sailors! There is no one on board but all the systems are functioning normally!" Joseph stood near one of the many machines going off and in full operation.

"Maybe they're all taking a dump?" Polnareff questioned as a slight joke.

Lilith looked at him with her nose wrinkling, far from amused at his little inquiry. "Oh, so the whole crew decided at the same time that they'd clog the toilets?"

"It was just a thought," he responded back under his breath, looking away to see what else was in the room.

Lilith walked away from the group to check the other rooms. Anne followed after her for some protection with all the unusual occurrences. She turned back to look at the young girl before opening the door. "Stay by me or one of those guys in the group. Who knows what could happen in here."

Anne looked up at her, her eyes looking towards the direction of the footprints of the others to join them. She nodded her head in agreement then watched as the door was pushed open.

Light filled the room, the shadows of each member taking over until it revealed a cage with a large creature inside.

"It's a monkey!" Anne said in shock. "A monkey is in a cage!" She was the first to step into the room though stayed in front of Lilith to not be in danger.

"It's an orangutan!" Kakyoin clarified.

"We couldn't find a single person but were able to come across an orangutan?" Lilith questioned, feeling uncomfortable at the heavy stare the caged primate sent towards the two females of the group. "Then that means someone has to be here. It couldn't have survived for long on its own."

Joseph nodded, turning to head back to the deck. "Let's try and find the people who've been feeding it."
He would be cut short from catching the scene outside of a crane hook starting to sway that didn't match the winds direction. He watched in silence at where the hook was heading, following the line towards an unsuspecting sailor behind Avdol.

"Avdol, that sailor is in danger!" He called out in hopes that the innocent man could be saved. Everyone watched in horror as the sailor was impaled from the back of the head by the hook through his mouth.

There were screams of terror; Lilith covering her eyes with her hands and Jotaro taking care of Anne to not have her see a grotesque scene. "This isn't really a good way to great a girl to a ship."

The sailors were panicking over what had just happened. Some were quick to call their innocence about how they didn't touch, let alone look at the crane.

"Isis, did you see anything?" Lilith asked, looking down at the crouching harpy by her feet. Isis shook their head then glanced up at the hook. "No, just what everyone else saw. A wild hook that suddenly attacked."

That only meant there was a Stand that couldn't be seen. A real doozy for the group to solve as the other Stands they came across had shown themselves so clearly.

"I'm sorry. I was the closest to the hook and didn't see anything," Avdol apologetically said most likely feeling the most guilty for not being able to do something quickly.

"Then let my Stand find him." Kakyoin said, sending out Hierophant Green to enter the vents of the ship to hunt down the Stand.

Anne stayed by the doorway where the orangutan was discovered, watching everyone question what had happened and who was at fault. It was even more confusing when Joseph was telling the sailors to not touch any electronics and leave everything be.

Tʀᴜʟʏ, Hᴏᴡ Bɪᴢᴀʀʀᴇ - ꧁ Sᴛᴀʀᴅᴜsᴛ Cʀᴜsᴀᴅᴇʀs Iɴsᴇʀᴛ ꧂Where stories live. Discover now