Tᴀᴋᴇ Iᴛ Bᴀᴄᴋ

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It would come out that the 'Kakyoin' hanging around Jotaro was another Stand user. Two enemies already in Singapore which made the group wonder how many more enemies would be thrown their way as singles, pairs, or even more. The group would just have to wait and see as they made their way to India.

"I'm a little worried." Joseph raised concern with the others. "Of course I'm worried about enemy Stands but actually it's my first time in India." Some of the other members gave him a look to continue, interested to hear what exactly made him worried.

"Well, India has very spicy food and I don't know how my stomach will react to it," Joseph explained, being careful with what he said and his choice of words.

"It can't be that bad," Lilith reassured and turned to Avdol. "It's just culture shock, right?"

"Exactly. India is a fine country and is full of nice people. There's nothing to worry about." Avdol turned to take lead of his home country. "Now, let's go!"

Barely taking a step, they were surrounded by a variety of people. Beggars of various ages, street performers, salesmen, even the normal foot traffic.
"Change, change!"
"Hey, you want some tattoo?"
"Mister, give us some money. If you don't give us money then God will punish you."
The voices coming from all directions could easily distort anyone, Lilith moving to the middle of her group to not end up lost.

"Ugh," Polnareff's voice broke over the rambling. Lilith looked over from believing something happened only to see him rub the bottom of his shoe into the dirt. "I stepped in cow shit!"

Next to him, Kakyoin patted down his pockets. "My wallet is gone!"

"Avdol, is this really India?" Joseph asked, the others continuing to watch the citizens or waiting to hear what Avdol was going to say.

"Yes! Isn't it wonderful! It's a great country because of this!"


At a restaurant, the group took a break from their wild first seconds of being in India.
Lilith leaned forward to smell the chai tea and let out a satisfied hum. "It smells so good," she dreamily said. She then lifted the teacup with the saucer to take her first sip. "And it tastes even better."

"That's the spirit," Avdol encouraged her in trying India's culture. "All you have to do is get used to it."

"I like it. It's not bad," Jotaro voiced his approval.
"Jotaro! Are you freakin nuts?!" Joseph asked his grandson. The wild life did go against Jotaro's stoicism, but what calm was there seemed to fit well in return.

"Oh come on, signore Jostar. Doesn't it give you a rush being somewhere new?" Lilith asked to see his hesitance on whether he agreed or not to such a difference to his own norms.

"It's a rush, but not one I would go for." Polnareff stood up from his chair. "I'll be back, I'm going to use the bathroom."

Joseph looked away from the menu to call out to him; "Wait, what about your order. At least tell us what you'd like to eat."

"I'm sure he'll eat anything that we get him," Kakyoin butted in, most likely not interested to wait for their group member and just start eating.

Lilith squinted at the menu, trying to read the Arabic letters. "Jeez only picking one thing. Can't we go family style and share it all?"

"Careful Lilith. You're eyes might be bigger than your stomach." Joseph joked, acting as if he hadn't done the same back at Hong Kong.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea. I don't see why we can't just split the food." Jotaro looked to his grandfather with a challenging gaze behind his aquamarine eyes. "What's wrong old man? You're constantly talking about how we should appreciate other cultures. What's stopping you now?"

Tʀᴜʟʏ, Hᴏᴡ Bɪᴢᴀʀʀᴇ - ꧁ Sᴛᴀʀᴅᴜsᴛ Cʀᴜsᴀᴅᴇʀs Iɴsᴇʀᴛ ꧂Where stories live. Discover now