Gʟᴀᴍᴏᴜʀ Pʀᴏғᴇssɪᴏɴ

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Without the fast travel of a car, the Crusaders made way with a horse drawn carriage. Joseph had the reins to control the horse, sitting beside him at the front was Jotaro. In the middle seats were Kakyoin, Polnareff, and Lilith; who refused to sit in the way back where Enya was thrown. They were able to make it out of the cemetery to another town that undoubtedly looked to be real and not under the control of a sole user.

It was a relief to be back out in the public, to have normal living humans than the undead. After the exhausting trip, Joseph pulled the carriage over to the side in front of a shish kebab stand. After not having any sort of meal, Joseph worked the owner for a low price of an order of five through the art of bargaining.
Various prices were thrown out until there was a final agreement. It came off as a steal for both sides as long as they were happy to get what they wanted.

As Joseph turned to hand out the food to the others, he stopped at seeing Enya's wide bugged eyes and nervous expression.
"Hey everyone! She's awake!" He called for attention.

All eyes turned to the back of the carriage at Enya. The old woman had beads of sweat rolling down her face. Her stare looked past the group to who can only be assumed as a follower of Dio. "I...I...I didn't say anything! Why did you come? You think I'm going to tell them the secrets of Dio's Stand?!" The nervousness and worry in her voice gave away how she had no idea where fate would take her.

"What?!" The group followed Enya's stare to the shish kebab stand owner. He didn't look like a threat, and just earlier was going back and forth in the middle of a barter.
Slowly, the mysterious man removed his glasses and his head wrap fell off to reveal his full appearance. During the reveal, tentacles were wriggling out of any opening from Enya's body. An immense pain passed through the old woman as the tentacles forced themselves out of her. Blood burst out of her body accompanied by screams of pain.

"Ugh! That's disgusting!" Lilith jumped over Kakyoin's lap to get out of the carriage to not get any more blood splattered on her and avoid getting caught by the thin veins. The others followed to watch in horror as Enya's body forcefully ejected tentacles that grew in length.

"WHY ARE YOU HERE?! TO KILL ME?!" Enya shouted for the mysterious man to answer.

The man paid no mind to the group; first focusing on getting rid of Enya. "Dio doesn't trust anyone," he started to explain. "I am here to shut your mouth and to kill the other people with you."

The pressure underneath Enya's skin looked just as painful as she made it sound. It became to much for the old woman to stand that she fell to the floor in a withering mess.
"My name is Dan...Steely Dan. My Stand is represented by the 'Lovers' card." Steely Dan continued to explain, ignoring the torture he was putting on his once ally. "You are going to die just like Enya..."

"T...That's not true...No...No...way...Dio...wouldn't treat me...like this..." Enya gurgled out between her own blood and the tentacles. "He wouldn't do this to me...No way he planted the spore!!" She yelled in agony.

In a desperate hope to stop the tentacles and save Enya to keep her around for information, Polnareff used Silver Chariot to cut at the spore. The little sliced pieces flew in the air, out of the shadow into the sun. Once the light hit the pieces, they disintegrated into dust blowing in the breeze.

"The sun! The tentacles completely dissolved in the sunlight!" Lilith pointed out as the visible tentacles started to disappear.
"They're cells made from Dio!" Joseph added in.

"That's right! Good observations!" Steely Dan watched the chaos from afar. He leaned against the food stand with his arms crossed over his chest. "That's a spore from Dio's cells. I just made it grow inside her body."

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