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The news of Jean-Pierre Polnareff gaining freedom from the parasitic flesh bud spread quickly just at the same time of the Jostar group given private access to a boat from the Speedwagon Foundation.

The little bump in the road wasn't going to be their last as every Stand User sent their way knew along with the group of now five males, ready for whatever DIO was going to throw their way. If anything they seemed to want the challenge.

As the group talked, allowing the frenchman to join the party, the crew were running around to set the boat. Out of the crew of males clearly stood out one female whose hat was bigger to purposely cover her face a bit. She watched from over the railing two females first getting rejected by the youngest Jostar to then posing for the newest member.

The corner of her lips turned up into a smile and the selfish want to jump over, swim to shore and join in on the fun. It'd have to come to a halt at the heavy footsteps that sounded behind her, the smile turning into a deep frown.

"What are you doing standing around?" The deep voice asked, stopping just behind the short female. "Don't think just because we're on this boat you can move freely. I'm to supervise you until the Jostars and gang are ridden of and you're in Cairo in one piece."

A heavy hand went on the female's shoulder accompanied with a harsh squeeze that made her whimper. "Don't make my job harder than it has to be. Stay by my side and follow my lead," he hissed out, his hand guided her to turn so they could walk together.


With full trust the group boarded the boat not even thinking that there could be any problems. What made the group stand out besides not dressed as sailors; well Joseph Jostar trying his best, but the two Japanese students staying in their uniform.

"There they are," Lilith spoke quietly from Tennille's side. She stuck a finger out to point at the group earning a swat from the false captain to not make the two of them standout just as much.

"I can see them. You don't have to point out of the obvious." Tennille's comment earned an annoyed eye roll from Lilith.

She glared up at him then softened her look to more fear when he looked down at her. "What...are you going to do? If you take them out then you have to take the crew which would mean-"

"The ship would have to be damaged as well, I have it all figured out already."

Tennille's plan would be put on hold as a sudden curveball that a stowaway was on board was thrown their way. It was brought to the crewmate that found the kid first then to the Jostar group when the situation became more dangerous.

Word spread around the boat about what was going on at the deck. Lilith turned to Tennille with a look to do something, after all he was 'captain'.

"What?" He asked almost daring her to try something on him.

Lilith's jaw clenched and her hands switched from being in fists to relaxing. "Do something! If that kid really went overboard into shark infested water then they need help!"

Tennille simply shrugged. "It's not my problem." He raised a hand to stop Lilith's verbal lashing. "If one of those fools jumps into the water to save her that's one enemy taken care of. It'll fall into our favor, remember the water is where my Stand shines."

As much as she didn't want to admit it, he had a point. Dark Blue Moon had the advantage oversea. Without a doubt, the aquatic Stand was already roaming the waters. It was off to attack Jotaro along with the stowaway while making it look like the kid was the user instead of the captain.

Tʀᴜʟʏ, Hᴏᴡ Bɪᴢᴀʀʀᴇ - ꧁ Sᴛᴀʀᴅᴜsᴛ Cʀᴜsᴀᴅᴇʀs Iɴsᴇʀᴛ ꧂Where stories live. Discover now