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{Sharp Dressed Man Part 2}

"The car...!"
"What the..?!"
"This can't..."

Each member had voiced their shock toward the persistent car. The words weren't able to come out expect for Joseph who said exactly was was seen and thought.
"It's changing shape! It looks like an animal!"

The beat up car looked like a monster. The paint was new, spikes along the hood and front bumper to look like teeth. It sped towards the group, Jotaro ready to face it head on while the others were going to run.

"You want to see who's stronger?!" Jotaro challenged, ignoring his grandfathers warnings to fall back until they knew how the Stand worked.
The car was quick as it had shot Jotaro with an unknown object, almost invisible. Each shot had hit its target, three large holes appearing. It was hard to block an attack that couldn't even be seen and Jotaro knew that.

"HAHAHA! You said you couldn't see what I did?" The driver taunted. "But now Jotaro, you'll be able to see the secrets of my attack! You'll know very soon! Only it's going to be the moment you die!"
More invisible bullets were shot towards Jotaro, but Kakyoin and Polnareff moved to help. All three were shot with the large bullets.

"What the hell is that car shooting?!" Lilith questioned, going to check on the three males. The wounds weren't deep but still created immense pain with blood pouring out of the openings.

There wasn't much time to think over what was going on. The car was moving fast, wanting to get the job of riding the Jostar's and Co. as quickly as possible.
"Your feet are my next target! I'll crush you all so you can't run anymore!" The wheels started to spin before chasing after the group.

"Between the cliffs. We can run through there!" Lilith pointed to the small space that the group would fit through and stop the car from chasing after them.
Pushing through the space, there was some distance created. The car was persistent, crashing into the rocks to try to chase after.

"Stop running around like a bunch of bugs! What are you, cockroaches or something?!" The car was squeezing itself between the opening. The rocks broke and ground shook at the force of the car's impact.

"My god, it's forcing itself through by brute force!" Joseph watched with the others at the stubbornness of the car.

"Doesn't this guy know when to quit?" Lilith wondered. Her eyes widening when more shots were fired. She would get to experience the pain first hand, whatever ammo used lodged itself into her abdomen. A strong smell came off the wound that almost made her sick. "Ugh, I think I'm gonna puke," she groaned, trying to get herself to run with the others again.

Behind them, Anne was falling behind. She tripped and fell onto the floor. What she didn't realize when she looked up to see the group had, what she believed, to disappear was really climbing up the rocks to escape.

"N..No one tried to save me!" Anne started to tear up and hit the ground. "I am just a girl who skipped home! No one pities me! I'm just a lonely, loveless girl! I might as well die!"

A sudden pull at the back of Anne's overalls sent her flying into the air. She wouldn't have seen Isis being sent down to grab Anne and fly her to Lilith's hand.
"Now is not the time to practice how you're going to say your final words! Quit squirming so we can get to safety in one piece!"

Below the car was underneath the climbers. Just when the horror and feel of possible safety was in reach, Wheel of Fortune kept fighting to kill off each member. The wheels suddenly grew spikes to make it easier to climb the side of the rocks.

Tʀᴜʟʏ, Hᴏᴡ Bɪᴢᴀʀʀᴇ - ꧁ Sᴛᴀʀᴅᴜsᴛ Cʀᴜsᴀᴅᴇʀs Iɴsᴇʀᴛ ꧂Where stories live. Discover now