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Early in the morning, the group made way in search of their old member. Avdol had an early start on the search for Polnareff. The others broke up into groups of two; Joseph and Jotaro, and Kakyoin and Lilith. Each group would take a different part of the town in their search. They'd split up to look for both Polnareff and now Avdol, along with handling any enemy Stand users that stood in the way.

Lilith took off in a light jog to keep up with Kakyoin's long strides. They switched from looking at the stores, their heads turning in the opposite direction of each other as to get a second glance over. A crowd was slowly forming from a commotion in the lane just over. Kakyoin looked over to Lilith to give a head nod of where the gossip was originating from. Lilith didn't have to be told twice to pick up the pace as she followed after the redhead.

When they turned the corner, the scene playing out wasn't what they had expected. Avdol was successful in locating Polnareff, even being able to save him from a bullet shot from the cowboy who stood across from them but was sent back their way. In defense, Magician's Red was brought out to melt the bullet. Avdol's back was left open with his attention focused on the oncoming threat that behind him, in a puddle, was another figure pressing a blade into his back.

"The puddle..." Avdol's eyes looked behind him from the sharp pain and blood bleeding onto his clothes.

The bullet's trajectory was still aimed at Avdol's head as attention was taken away from the puddle towards the quick zoom of the small ammo. It was like the small group was frozen in place as they watched the bullet bury itself into Avdol's forehead. The area grew silent; Avdol's body fell to the ground, the figure in the puddle watched along with the cowboy in pride of taking out one of the bumps in DIO's plans.

"MR. AVDOL!" Kakyoin yelled, running to his body with Lilith following behind.

"Ha! That was lucky!" The cowboy shouted in small victory while twirling his gun in his right hand. "Our greatest threat was Avdol's flame. We'd always figured it was going to be a tough fight against Avdol. We really got lucky!"

The shock and disbelief still passed over the two members huddled at Avdol's body. Kakyoin was holding the man's body while looking for any signs that he'd wake up to show that he would still be around. Lilith stood on the opposite side, her eyes filling with tears as she stared down at someone she had talked to not too long ago. Yet, there he was, on the ground in a deafening silence.

She wanted to scream, yell at him to get up, and quit playing some game of guilt-tripping the others. There was a lump in her throat that prevented her, or she believed that it was inappropriate. That her wanted response wasn't needed now, only to make it worse of processing the information.

Polnareff watched silently, little remorse on his face as he turned away with a 'Humph'. "That's what he gets for trying to tell people what to do. It sucks to look at him."

The harsh comment made Kakyoin's eyes widen and Lilith's blood boil. Both of their eyes glared over to Polnareff, waiting to hear what else he had to say that put blame onto someone who wanted to help.

"What did you say?" Kakyoin spoke, voice surprisingly calm with an undertone of disgust from the Frenchman's reaction. "He saved your life."

Lilith's hands balled into fists. She felt regret pass over for not taking the punch to his face at the restaurant, in the moment he looked even more punchable than then. "How ungrateful...no, cold hearted could you be?" She hissed out to his back.

"Who told him to come and save me?!" Polnareff continued to voice, almost putting up a facade of disinterest of the earlier help and fall of a once comrade. "He stuck his nose where it doesn't belong. He tried to fight but he's no good. That's why he died."

Tʀᴜʟʏ, Hᴏᴡ Bɪᴢᴀʀʀᴇ - ꧁ Sᴛᴀʀᴅᴜsᴛ Cʀᴜsᴀᴅᴇʀs Iɴsᴇʀᴛ ꧂Where stories live. Discover now