Chapter 2 : The Beginning of a Strange Time

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Now, Since time has passed I wanted to make Visionseeker more than he was so, just like with another one of my OCs, I have Revamped Visionseeker to something I like better than what it was before.

Narrator Point of View :

Winter and Visionseeker walked side by side towards the Prey Center before Visionseeker started talking to Winter,

Visionseeker : "I don't think it's a good idea bringing a scavenger to the Prey Center where it will be eaten" Visionseeker warned Winter about this before but she didn't listen but he was also only allowing her to bring the scavenger along so he could meet a NightWing he saw in his visions shortly after he turned 4 years old, he also saw a colorful RainWing in his vision but couldn't really grasp why another dragon was in his vision, still something he needed to find out.

Winter : "Whatever..." Winter muttered to herself with a light blue blush of embarrassment. 'Why does he keep have to remind me that Bandit could be eaten, I know that very well' Winter thought to herself still unknowingly, Visionseeker could hear her thoughts perfectly. Visionseeker smiled to himself seeing her embarrassed before they entered the Prey Center, Visionseeker looked around making sure no one was around and when he saw no one he planted a kiss on Winter's maw as Winter shivered feeling the kiss Visionseeker planted on her maw as she shook her head slightly as her blush went away and she walked into the Prey Center while she did that, Visionseeker chuckled to himself quietly before walking into the Prey Center himself, hearing thousands of thoughts running but he ignored them as he got himself a seal and moved over to a spot where he could eat alone but before he could even eat there was a commotion, he looked over and saw Bandit running around before a NightWing caught him and Winter was demanding it back he sighed and walked over,

Visionseeker : "Hello, terribly sorry about my sister she has a fascination with scavengers, may I have it back?" He asked opening his talons waiting for the female NightWing to give him the scavenger but she did so with reluctance, he could hear the worried thoughts that ran through her head 'What if he eats him?', he sighed turning slightly to Winter and handed Bandit back before she sighed and walked away.

Visionseeker shook his head, humming softly before walking away, Moon was a bit unhinged because she felt the same eerily quiet hum from Visionseeker that she got from Turtle, she looked towards a necklace he wore and remembered from what she had read in the scrolls she could find, it was a show of rank in IceWing hierarchy and from what she could tell the one Visionseeker wore was of the first rank, she felt a bit intimidated because after a few seconds Visionseeker turned his head and looked right at her and narrowed his eyes, most likely wondering why she was staring at him, she let out a small, quiet yelp before hurrying back over to Kinkajou.

Visionseeker chuckled to himself as he saw the embarrassed Moon hurry back to her friend, he then looked over and saw Winter conversing with a female SandWing, Qibli from what he got from reading Winter's mind, he smiled before he looked over to the entrance of the prey center and watched as his sister, Icicle, entered the room, grab a seal then sat across from Visionseeker.

Visionseeker : "I didn't expect you to come to the prey center considering how much you despise dragons who aren't IceWings." He said, licking the blood of the seal he had just finished eating off of his maw, he saw that Icicle seemed to bite her bottom lip, before starting to eat.

10 minutes later...

Visionseeker walked over to where he would be staying with his sister Winter and the SandWing Qibli, he could tell they were a bit confused about the rooming situation so they each took a place to sleep, Visionseeker slept closer to Winter but still on his own side of their room.

The middle of the night...

Visionseeker awoke to see that both his sister and Qibli were still asleep, so he walked outside and saw Moonwatcher was sitting near a ledge looking at the moon that was visible.

Visionseeker : "I didn't expect someone else to be awake at such a time." He said, which made Moon jump slightly turning to find Visionseeker sat a few feet from her.

Moonwatcher : "Neither did I..." She said quietly, he could tell from how her mind was running that she had a glimpse of a future prophecy, he hummed softly.

Visionseeker : "It isn't good to have your mind running about the possible future and a prophecy." He said as Moon turned to him. "Don't worry your secret is safe with me, I knew from the moment I saw you that you were a Mind Reader and Seer, I am also a Mind Reader and Seer, due to me be part NightWing, I just look more IceWing than NightWing, I hope you can keep my secret a secret like I am doing with yours," He said, as he stood up and walked closer to Moon, then he leaned in and whispered into her ear. "I could also tell that you were staring at me more than just trying to find out how I could block your Mind reading abilities, and no, I know it wasn't about the necklace I wear, something more..." He finished, as Moon wasn't used to a dragon being this close, except for her mother, she blushed before she noticed that Visionseeker was walking away. "Goodnight, Moon." He said as he had left Moon's line of sight, her blush still persisting even though she tried to get rid of her blush, she simply walked back to her sleeping area and pretended to go back to sleep, trying to get Visionseeker out of her mind.

To be continued...

Yay! One of the many cliffhangers I have planned for this story, sorry for making you guys wait 7 months for this chapter hope you all liked it! See ya'll later!

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