Chapter 7 : Sometime has passed...

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This chapter has been slightly rewritten since I honestly don't like how I wrote the edited portion.

"Hello, Moonwatcher" : Speech

'Who are you?' : Thoughts

My name is, Darkstalker : Darkstalker

[ Hello there, reader ] : Me, the Author

"Princess" : Sarcasm

Disclaimer : I own none of the images used in this book, they all belong to their original owners, who will be stated and a link to them will be left on their art once the chapter is uploaded.

Also, there is a bit of a Timeskip between the last chapter and this one, Visionseeker will be returning to his time, and since time can't really be stopped, time has still passed, everyone believes Visionseeker has disappeared and that Darkstalker had something to do with it, as he disappeared a little before Darkstalker was released from his prison,

Narrator Point of View :

Visionseeker had just seen the most gruesome sight he'd ever see, even with his foresight it was, something he wouldn't wish for his worst enemy to see, then he grabbed the rock that was enchanted from his pouch,

"Forward," Visionseeker whispered, as he went unconscious,

- 5 minutes later... -

Visionseeker groaned, opening his eyes, he slowly stood up and realized he was in the throne room and dragons were speaking to each other,

"Actually," said Kinkajou, "there is one dragon's magic that will still work on you."

Darkstalker glowered down at her. "You're wrong."

"I'm right," She snapped back.

"Oh, really? Whose?"

She glared right back, and her scales were the color of burning strawberries.

"Your own."

"I believe you might have forgotten about me," Visionseeker said, surprising all dragons present as they turned to him and Kinkajou, Qibli as well as Moon immediately recognized that it was Visionseeker. "Also, you trying to enter my mind was getting very annoying, Darkstalker."

"Who are you?!" Darkstalker shouted, his face full of anger as, internally he was trying to cast a spell of Visionseeker, who wasn't affected by it at all,

"My, my," Visionseeker said. "Trying to use animus magic against me? You really are a fool." He finished, shaking his head whilst laughing to himself.

"How did you-" Darkstalker began, before his eyes widened and fear was all his face showed. "You're the dragon who's mind I couldn't enter!" What Darkstalker just said confused everyone present except Visionseeker.

"You might not be as much as a fool as I thought," Visionseeker said, his smile turning to a smug grin. "And, since I can tell you are wondering how that's possible, it's very simple." Visionseeker continued. "I was born under the light of the three moons, and since I'm half NightWing, I think you can guess what I'm getting at?"

Darkstalker was paralyzed with fear, something he never thought he would experience again, after he turned himself Immortal and all,

"You-" Darkstalker started, before Visionseeker interrupted him,

"I have the power to read minds and see the future, but, I can bypass anything that attempts to stop mind-readers, meaning even your mind isn't safe, and my foresight is powerful enough that I can see all possible futures." Visionseeker said, shocking all the dragons present,

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