Intermission : Prince Visionseeker

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( Above is Visionseeker's theme and the song that will play when he fights, just wanted you to know! Hope you enjoy! 🖤)

Narrator Point of View :

Here we can see four Icewings and a IceWing hybrid with them as they were talking

"Now Princess Winter and Princess Icicle, you will be attending Jade Mountain Academy and I don't want to hear you complain," Hailstorm said with a stern voice at his two daughters

"Yes father." Winter and Icicle said before glaring at the other

"Knock it off you two" Visionseeker said at his two sisters as they both stopped glaring at each other with a huff

"And Prince Visionseeker," Hailstorm started again as Visionseeker turned back to him with a straight face "you will also be attending Jade Mountain Academy to watch over Winter with her scavenger pet." Hailstorm finished as Winter groaned quietly at the news

"Of course Father," Visionseeker said with a hint of venom with his straight face, if looks could kill Hailstorm would've been dead a LONG time ago

"Dismissed," Hailstorm said walking off with Tundra as they talked about ranking and other things as Icicle went ahead with their parents to the palace to get ready for their departure

"I don't understand why they want you all IceWings to watch over me," Winter said with a glare at her older brother but with a hint of respect under her tone of voice

"Well," Visionseeker said turning to his sister and booping her snout with his as her maw now had a dark blue haze to it "they think your going to not follow the rules, so they wanted me to come along." Visionseeker finished chuckling at the sight of Winter's now dark blue face

"I thought we were supposed to keep that a secret!" Winter whispered with a whine as she was annoyed but nuzzled Visionseeker's snout for a second before withdrawing

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself and I know you liked it." Visionseeker purred as he hugged Winter before letting go "We must go get ready for our departure." Visionseeker finished dragging a talon along Winter's back sending a shiver down her spine as her tail wagged a little before stopping

"Alright, hopefully it won't be long before we leave I want to see what the have in store for us." Winter said with a hint of excitement in her voice and with a light blue haze over her maw as she ran off to her room to get ready. Visionseeker chuckled at his sister seeing her run off before following her.

1 hour and 30 minutes later...

Winter, Icicle and Visionseeker stood in front of their parents and aunt Queen Glacier

"I hope you have a safe travel," Glacier said with a hint of worry in her voice as she tries to hide it, but Visionseeker saw right through her, I just hope they don't do anything stupid and embarrass Queen Glacier especially Visionseeker, Hailstorms mind droned. Visionseeker turned his head slightly and glared at his father speaking in his head, 'I enchant Hailstorm's necklace for when he awakes tomorrow to make him feel happy and excited when in Queen Glacier's presence'. Visionseeker had thought ahead and put his soul into a scroll and had it placed in Queen Glacier's private library and for no one, not even Queen Glacier to open it, she had opened it but found a funny story in it as Visionseeker enchanted it for when, a dragon that isn't him, to find a funny story instead of I enchant this scroll to hold Visionkeeper's soul.

"Safe travels," Tundra said hugging her two daughter as Visionseeker smiled even though he didn't get a hug he didn't mind it and want the other two have more love than him, but what Visionseeker didn't see was that Tundra had hugged him so suddenly he almost fell over but was able to catch himself as he hugged his mother back

"Stay safe Mother," Visionseeker said with a smile as he turned around, opened his wings and flew towards Jade Mountain Academy with his things, Winter and Icicle flew after him trying to catch up

2 hours of flying later...

After a lot of flying they had finally made it to Jade Mountain Academy, Visionseeker was helping his sister's unload their things into their rooms after he finished helping Icicle, Visionseeker walked right into Winter's room to see she was rummaging through her chest of things with her bottom-half up in the air with no shame he decided to have some fun and crept up behind and slapped Winter's rump, causing her to squeak and fumble around for a bit to see who did it as she was turning around Visionseeker noticed that her maw had a dark blue haze over it, when she did turn around she found Visionseeker face-to-face with her as he wore a smirk

"W-Why did you do that?!" Winter squeaked out after a few seconds, as Visionseeker chuckled deeply causing Winter's maw to somehow become a darker blue than it was before

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself," Visionseeker said as he laughed, before breathing in and out a little "and you just had it on display, I simply couldn't resist the urge to give it a good slap" Visionseeker purred out the last of his sentence

"W-Well don't do that again, just stand in the doorway and don't come in here again until I say you can!" Winter squeaked at Visionseeker before pushing him out of the room, he chuckled and waited a few seconds and looked back in and saw Winter's rump in the air again, he slow walked back in and stood behind her looking into the chest she was going through, hovering over her back as she pulled out the last thing she pulled back and her rump landed on Visionseeker's lap as he now had a devious smirk as Winter yelped but stayed in his lap as he sat down taking her with him, she turned to see Visionseeker's devious smirk and squeaked loudly finding out again he was the culprit.

Winter tried to form a sentence and get out of his lap but Visionseeker held her down, as her blush grew furiously, before Visionseeker let go and Winter instead of getting up like she tried before just staying in his lap getting used to it and her blush fading slowly but still there. Visionseeker chuckled at Winter before he gripped her dough-like rump tightly and giving it a squeeze then letting her go and standing up, Winter nuzzled into his chest before standing up and shaking her head getting rid of her blush then walking out of her room with the cage with Bandit in it to the Prey Center as Visionseeker followed after her.

( I hope you enjoyed this intro for Visionseeker, please give me feedback I will check it every now and then for some feedback! Bye! )

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