Chapter 11 - Terrible Timing ( Incomplete )

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Hello everyone, you might be wondering why there is a "Incomplete" in the title of this chapter, well that's because I've been losing my want to write this book, note, the entirety of the chapter you're about to read was made months ago so it's pretty old, my other books, like Love across Time, I'm still working on that and the next chapter will be out as soon as I can get out the 5th chapter for Shadow Monarch from Dicathen, once I've done that, I'll be focusing on getting some chapters on that book out.

Now, some of you might be disappointed, let it be known, I am too, I loved writing this book but school and life in general has been getting in the way and I haven't been feeling too well, honestly I'm forcing myself to write this but I want you all to know it breaks my heart to say this, this book will be put on a Indefinite Hiatus, maybe I'll come back to it once I have more ideas and my days aren't so clogged up ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

I just hope you all understand where I am coming from but don't worry, one day I'll get back to writing this in full, fleshing it out and giving it an end it deserves.

                         - Akuma

Now that I've said that, enjoy this incompleted chapter.

"Hello, Moonwatcher" - Speech

'Who are you?' - Thoughts

[ Hello there, reader ] - Me, the Author

"Princess" - Sarcasm

'Why are you here?' - Writing

- Narrator Point of View -

- Sometime later -

Visionseeker honestly couldn't believe what he was seeing, the hivemind from what he knew had fooled the others into spreading itself through smoke via flamesilk from Blue, he wasn't able to stop it in time, he held his breath as he flew away from the source of the smoke as many HiveWings flew around trying to find anyone else that hadn't already left, he unfortunately had to kill a few to escape as he tried to make his way to a place less crowded so he could make his way back to Pyrriha without alerting everyone here, honestly this was such terrible timing, all he hoped for was that everyone was able to make it there without too much trouble, and he knew if he made it he'd fulfill his promise to Winter and Moon about staying safe.


Oh, well wasn't that just horrible, he could hear the frustrated roars of the mind-controlled HiveWings as Visionseeker flew as fast as he could whilst trying to not crash into anything, some came through the trees in front of his and he had to either slice their neck or cut one of their wings to keep them away, he was paying attention the best he could while also looking very briefly at the future to see the best course of action so he could escape but in the moment he wasn't paying attention, a HiveWing with a spear came out of nowhere and pain shot through Visionseeker's body, as he looked down to see what was left of his left arm, which thankfully didn't hold his spear but in this moment of shock and pain he didn't notice a tree in his way and his wing smacked into it, causing him to spin out of control, hitting many more trees as he fell also hitting a few random platforms before landing with a thud on the forest floor.

The HiveWings that were chasing him gathered around and stared at his body as one of them spoke.

"What a shame, it would've been quite the advantage to have someone like him under my control but there is no possible way he'll survive, either he's unconscious from the fall or dead doesn't really matter, either that fall did the job or he'll bleed out quickly." The HiveWing stopped speaking as they all opened their wings once more and flew away, leaving Visionseeker on the forest floor, sparing him from being controlled by the Hive Mind, leaving him to his fate.

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