Chapter 1 : Welcome to Jade Mountain

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Narrator Point of View : 

Currently we see two Nightwings near the entrance of Jade Mountain, these two were Secretkeeper and Moonwatcher as they were talking

"I don't want you to leave me here," Moon said, she fit perfectly under my mother's wing, like it was a spot shaped by the universe just for her, certainly do not let your mother abandon you on a windy mountaintop positively swarming with strange dragons, they'd found a spot under a tree where they could watch the main arrival area, which perhaps hadn't been the best idea, as now Moon was fairly sure she'd seen about a thousand different kinds of dragons, all of them entirely too loud. She shied away as two MudWings galloped past her, shouting and laughing. They looked so big. And rowdy. How was she supposed to learn anything when she might get trampled ay any moment by her fellow students? And what if they hated her? She wouldn't even have to do anything wrong. They'd hate her just for being a NightWing everybody did, except the NightWings, who hated her for not being enough of a NightWing

"I really, really don't want to stay here," Moon said again.

"I know" her mother said kindly. "But you have to. And it'll be good for you. I think you'll like it better than the NightWing village, you'll see." At least Jade Mountain won't be full of NightWings, her mind went on.

"I like being wherever you are," Moon said. "And I don't mind the other NightWings that much."

"Most of them are awful and you know it," Secretkeeper pointed out. They were both thinking of the stares, the whispers, the pen jealousy and hostility when Secretkeeper brought her healthy, well-fed dragonet back into the tribe. That was six months ago, after the volcano destroyed their island and all the NightWings had moved into the rainforest. Queen Glory had officially forgiven her for breaking the tribe rules, but didn't mean anyone else had. "Here you'll be with much nicer dragons. Like Sunny and Starflight. Remember you met them and liked them?"

"I want to be with you," Moon replied simply. It wasn't fair, to finally be given all the time she wanted with her mother - to be with her every moment of the day, instead of stolen hours a few times a week - and then to have it all taken away again.

"I'll visit," her mother promised. "You'll see me all the time. And you'll make friends here, I'm sure you will." Well, I hope you will, my little diamond.

"I'm not a weird little diamond," Moon protested

Secretkeeper crouched and put her face right in front of Moon's. "You need to stop doing that, remember?" she whispered "If you only hear it in your head, don't respond. No one can know about your curse. Everybody thinks NightWings don't have powers anymore - they won't know what to do if they find out."

"I know," Moon answered "Stay secret, Stay hidden, Stay safe." All these years of pretending to have mind reading powers had made the NightWings truly fear the idea of any dragon reading their minds.

She paused. "So isn't this really dangerous? What if I make a mistake here, with all these different kinds of dragons around?"

"You won't. You'll be careful," Secretkeeper said firmly. "I know it's terrible to be the way you are, but keep it a secret, you can have a normal life. No one needs to know that you're not a normal dragon. Understand? Are you ready to go inside?

"Not yet," Moon said "Can we watch for a little longer?"

Secretkeeper sighed. "Sure." She's so nervous all the time. I'm sure I was never that nervous when I was a dragonet.

Moon frowned up at her mother. She was glad the mind listening only went one way, but sometimes, like now, she wished her own mind could shout back, Don't you think maybe there's a reason I'm like this?

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