Chapter 4 : A normal day of School

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Basically all OP Protagonists

"Hello, Moonwatcher" : Speech

'Who are you?' : Thoughts

My name is, Darkstalker : Darkstalker

[ Hello there, reader ] : Me, the Author

"Princess" : Sarcasm

Hello! I hope you can forgive me with how long a chapter takes to release, but it's the fact that I want to do well after barely passing last year and I don't want that to happen again, so I hope you all understand that chapters are going to be even more infrequent then they normally are, thank you and I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Visionseeker's Point of View :

Well, this has been quite the start, I mean, I already knew what was going to happen but I might refrain myself from looking too far into the future, I might be able to see it but I want to be excited when something happens,

I smile to myself as I can see my Winglet return to the Prey Center with what they caught, thankfully I learned how to drown out other dragon's mental voices, it certainly helps, I would not be as sane as I am now if I hadn't learned quickly enough, I wonder how Moon would react if I initiated a conversation with her, probably be embarrassed, or try to keep calm as she knows even though she can hear others minds, she can't hear mine, and she also knows that I can hear her thoughts, best not be too intrusive, that might have a effect on the future, I really need to stop monologuing to myself, maybe someone has found a way to breach my thoughts, that would be scary, but that can't happen,

[ Just wait you guys, he might found out soon ]

I am pulled from my thoughts as Kinkajou, or Kink, I do praise myself for that nickname, bounded over to me, her scales a orange-purple color,

"Hello Visionseeker, what are you doing, standing there looking at the ceiling weirdly?" She asked, as I responded to her question,

"I was thinking, by the way, what did I look like?" I asked, generally curious, as Kinkajou changed her scale colors to mine and looked at the ceiling, smiling with her eyes seemingly blank, showing that I wasn't paying attention while this was happening,

"Oh, I need to stop getting so deep into my thoughts then, thank you for bringing this to my attention, Kink," I said as I laughed as Kinkajou's scales went to a mix of pink and emerald, as a barely noticeable pink was on her cheeks, before she scampered off towards Moon, still embarrassed,

I walked over to the food section of the Prey Center, taking another fish as I sat down and ate it, after I finished I stood back up and walked to my Winglet, who all sat relatively close together before I noticed Winter and Qibli had joined Moon and Kinkajou, and they were having a conversation, I decided not to intrude on there conversation but sit close enough to hear what they were saying to each other, 

"Hey, Moon, what was living in the rainforest like?" Qibli asked, learning in a bit as Moon flinched at the question but answered regardless,

"Well, my m-mother would leave me there a lot, she told me it was because t-the others might get jealous of the fact that I was healthy and didn't experience the same p-pain as them," Moon said stuttering a few times as she quivered, remembering the peaceful quiet of the rainforest, wishing to return to it, but needing to be here, for a purpose she had not foreseen, feelings of uncertainty arose when she first arrived but after sometime she slowly recognized the want to be accepted and wanted those who she could trust with her life, something she would never achieve if she stayed in the quiet rainforest all her life,

"Oh!" Qibli exclaimed, as she regretted asking, as it seemed to freak out Moon, "I'm sorry for asking," She finished as Moon shook her head slightly and taking in a few deep breaths,

"It's fine, it was scary having to find my own food, and keep myself company, I always remind myself if I was brave enough to go out and get something to eat for myself, then I should be brave enough to be around other dragons, but it seems that the future has different plans," Moon said, as she smiled at Qibli, as she breathed out a sigh of relief,

I laugh to myself before I leave the prey center and I walk outside watching other dragonets race each other and make friends, it made me smile to myself seeing as just a few months ago there was a war that would decide the SandWing Queen, yet here I am, watching dragons from different tribes speak as if the war hadn't even happened, I wish it hadn't, but even if I tried to stop the war, I would be haunted by it for the rest of my life, who knows how things could've gone if I had stopped the war earlier, I mean, I do know what would happen but it scares me to even think about those possibilities, so I simply pushed them into the back of my mind and thought of the present, I can't always be living in the future now can I... 

Moon's Point of View :

Why do I feel so uneasy... is something going to happen? I shook off the feeling of uneasiness and focused on the present, I don't want to be worrying about the future so much that I'll be in the future before I start thinking of the present,

"It seems to be far quieter than before, I wonder why," I heard a voice say, with a him of sarcasm, before I even turned around I could tell it was Visionseeker, and when I did turn around, I wonder why he said that..., I then looked around, seeing that almost everyone had left the Prey Center, only Winter, Qibli, Visionseeker, Kinkajou and I remained, I stood up before I heard a gong go off, telling us that it was time for class, it seems that I had lost track of time, but before I could reach into the pouch around my neck to get the class schedule that Fatespeaker had given me, Visionseeker began to walk as Winter followed shortly along with Qibli, Kinkajou and I looked at each other before she shrugged and ran to catch up, me following behind not to far as we had entered the class, I noticed it was the History class, as Webs was getting the scrolls for the very first lesson of the time we would be learning with him,

- Time skip brought to you by Visionseeker beating two super-strength enhanced NightWings then hitting Darkstalker so hard he becomes Peacemaker -

[ Basically how I envision it going, 0:00 to 1:02 ]

[ The sound he makes at 0:30 is one of my favorite sounds ever ]

Visionseeker's Point of View :

Well, this class is informative about the past, but I already know most of this, I think this might not be as fun of a class as I originally thought, before I heard someone think about me as I listened in,

'Moons, could this be anymore boring? I'd rather have Visionseeker teach this class, then I'd actually listen...'

I turn slightly and begin smiling smugly at Winter, who noticed me nearly instantly before looking towards Webs, but I could tell she was blushing, embarrassed because she was caught, I chuckle to myself before turning back to Webs as he was finishing the lesson on the Scorching, so as the gong sounded moving us to the only class we had time left for in the day, I stood up and went to the entrance as Winter soon was by my side as I grinned smugly as she turned away slightly, still having a blush as I walked towards the Music room, which I wouldn't really participate in, I only wanted to go to this class so I could learn of other tribe's cultures, you can learn a surprising amount of a culture by the type of music they have and make, I hope to learn more of the NightWings the most, as I said earlier to my Winglet, there isn't a lot of information about NightWings in the Ice Kingdom besides that they are liars and they stole what was precious to the Royal Family, an animus, but there must be a side to the story that they aren't telling, I hope to find that out eventually but I must be focused on the now, I don't want to end up being to focused on the future like a dragon 2,000 years ago...

Beware the Dragon that stands as tall as a Mountain.

Beware the Dragon who hides their intentions.

Beware the Dragon who can control others for their own gain.

Beware, for they are closer than you think.

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