Chapter 8 : The Flight

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Ok, so this chapter isn't going to move the story forward, it's basically a log of Visionseeker's flight across the ocean and meeting Willow, then the next chapter is going to continue where the last one left off at.

Also, this chapter is one of the shorter ones.

"Hello, Moonwatcher" - Speech

'Who are you?' - Thoughts

My name is, Darkstalker - Darkstalker

[ Hello there, reader ] - Me, the Author

"Princess" - Sarcasm

'Why are you here?' - Writing

Narrator Point of View :

We see Visionseeker flying across the vast ocean, before he suddenly dives toward a small island, landing on it. He then pulls out a scroll with a prophecy that came to him when Luna had washed ashore on Pyrriha.

Turn you eyes, your wings, your fire

To the land across the sea

Where dragons are poisoned and dragons are dying

And no one can ever be free.

A secret lurks inside their eggs.

A secret hides within their book.

A secret buried far below

May save those brave enough to look.

Open your hearts, your minds, your wings

To the dragons who flee from the Hive.

Face a great evil with talons united

or none of the tribes will survive.

He sighed, rubbing his temples, trying to figure out what it meant, when Luna had washed ashore on the coast of Pyrriha his foresight became clouded, he could still see the future, but only for a few seconds, before he could spend hours looking at the future without him being stopped, but whatever was happening was affecting his foresight, he was lucky he had such good memory and that he looked ahead and saw the path that would get him there the quickest, he tried to use his animus magic to negate this but it didn't work, his magic did nothing, he tried to figure out what was going on and how it was happening, he'd spoken with Turtle and Anemone but they couldn't come up with an answer, only a theory but it was quickly shot down because previous enchantments worked, but not any that would be cast hence forth. He sat down and put the scroll away, pulling out a different scroll and opened it, it was a blank scroll, he would write down his journey in it, he took out a bottle of ink and opened it, dipping his claw in it and started writing.

'This is very strange, my foresight is weakened and I have no clue why, my magic also isn't working, I've reached my first stop in this vast ocean, I'm lucky to have looked at the future and remembered the path I would need to take, though I'm sure after I reach the Lost Continent I'll get some answers as to how and why my foresight is clouded and why my animus magic isn't working.'

Visionseeker then rolled the scroll up and put the cap back on the bottle of ink, putting them back in the pouch around his neck, he dipped his talon into the ocean, cleaning it of the ink that remained, he looked to the sky and saw that the sun was setting, he sighed and stabbed his talon through a squirrel that was nearby, skinned it and ate it before laying down and falling asleep.

- A few hours later -

Visionseeker groaned as the light from the sun pierced his eyes, forcing him to wake up, he yawned and immediately took off in the direction of the next island, flying quickly but also preserving his strength since he'll need it for the rest of his journey.

- 5 hours later -

Visionseeker landed, quickly pulling out the bottle of ink and the scroll he wrote in before.

'Day 2 - I've made some progress, I'm about halfway there, there are so many interesting dragons I'll be able to meet, I wonder what they look like, if my foresight was weakened, I'd look into the future to see their appearances. I do hope that after this is all over my foresight and animus magic return to normal.'

Visionseeker did the same he did before but instead of laying down to rest, he took off into the sky, he needed to get to the Lost Continent quickly and also because he just wanted to get his over and done with so he could back to Winter and Moon, he already missed them greatly, but what he was doing now was going to keep them safe. He sighed and opened his wings again, taking off towards the Lost Continent.

- 2 days later -

Visionseeker was happy to see that he was on land again but it was strange he could hear the plants thinking, he never thought it'd be possible but he kept his guard up, just in case a dragon tried to attack him. He then turned around to face a anaconda, only it was far larger than any he'd ever seen, Visionseeker jumped back and onto a tree to keep some distance between him and the snake, before he heard some rustling behind him, he pulled out a metal rod before it turned into a spear of ice, he'd enchanted the metal rod awhile ago, when he'd need to be ready for a fight every where he went, so it was useful in this very situation.

"Woah! Woah! Calm down!" A voice called, it was female that was for certain.

"Who are you?" Visionseeker questioned, keeping the spear ready if they were lying, he knew they weren't but with his foresight weakened he couldn't really take the chance.

"I'm Willow, who are you?" said Willow, it was a extremely strange name but he brushed it off and answered.

"I'm Visionseeker, what is this place?" He asked, gesturing to their surroundings.

"This is the Poison Jungle on Pantala, where do you come from?" She asked, pointing at him even though he could certainly tell the question was directed at him.

"I come from Pyrriha, the land across the sea." Visionseeker answered, and when he did Willow's eyes widened, seemingly with excitement.

"Really?! Wait, are you somehow related to Clearsight?" Willow asked, stepping a bit closer to Visionseeker.

"No, I am part NightWing, but not fully." Visionseeker said, causing Willow to gain a confused look.

"Not fully? What do you mean?" She asked, tilting her head.

"I'm a hybrid of IceWing and NightWing, though my appearance is that of an IceWing." Visionseeker answered, gesturing to himself.

"Huh, well, I can take you back to the queen." Willow said, pointing behind her.

"I think that would be for the best." Visionseeker said, stabbing the anaconda in the head as it had reached him and Willow in the tree, causing it's body to fall to the forest floor once he removed the spear from it's head.

"Alright, follow me." Willow said, gesturing her arm in a form to say 'Let's go'. Visionseeker nodded and followed Willow to the queen.

To be continued...

Word Count : 1211

I am sorry for the chapter being far shorter than the normal chapters but I've spent most of my day trying to write this chapter but I had no idea how to, so I just went with it and now we're here. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I hope you enjoy the others as well, see ya!

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