Chapter 5 : The strangest things happen

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"Hello, Moonwatcher" : Speech

'Who are you?' : Thoughts

My name is, Darkstalker : Darkstalker

[ Hello there, reader ] : Me, the Author

"Princess" : Sarcasm

Narrator Point of View :

The soft breaths indicating something was asleep were evident as the visible form of the slumbering Visionseeker was now visible, but another dragon wasn't able to sleep, this dragon was Winter, who was wondering when Moonwatcher would answer her questions, she pushed this aside as she yawned, turning to Visionseeker, who was fast asleep, with her wanting to get to sleep as quickly as possible, and she thought back to when she was younger, Visionseeker would let her lay next to him, his wing covering her, as the warmth of his scales against her cold scales was something that helped Winter sleep, so she slowly and quietly walked over to Visionseeker and lifted his left wing before crawling under it, laying it back over herself, her side pressed up against Visionseeker, who moved slightly in his sleep, pulling Winter closer to him, which made Winter blush, then she laid her head next to Visionseeker's head, smiling as sleep overtook her, but what she didn't know was that Visionseeker had woken up due to his wing being moved, and when he saw Winter cuddled up to him reminded him of when she was just a 2 year old dragonet and afraid of sleeping alone, this made him smile as he wrapped his tail around her tail, after he did this he could hear Winter purr softly,

'Adorable,' Visionseeker thought to himself as he laid his head back down and fell asleep once more, the cold feeling of Winter's scales against his scales was something he hadn't felt in a long time,

- 7 hours later... -

Winter fluttered her eyes before yawning, feeling something on her tail, she looked behind her to not only see Visionseeker's wing still draped over her but also his tail wrapped around hers, this made Winter blush, then she turned around and her snout came extremely close to Visionseeker's snout, who was now fully awake and who smiled as Winter's blush grew more, she then composed herself but was still blushing, but not at the same degree it was before,

"G-Good morning," Winter stuttered, shivering as even though Visionseeker's scales were warm, his breath was cold, that of an IceWing,

"Good morning, I see that you liked the idea of cuddling," Visionseeker said as Winter turned her head away from Visionseeker, the light blue haze over her face becoming slightly darker. "Also, just after you and Qibli walked off, Tsunami announced that we have the next two days off to familiarize ourselves with the school and the surrounding area, to make getting around easier," Visionseeker finished as Winter nodded, as Visionseeker lifted his wing off of her and unwrapped his tail from hers, as he stood up, Winter missed the warmth of his scales already but shook her head as she also stood up, stretching her wings as she followed close to Visionseeker's side,

"I-I'll be off to familiarize myself w-with the school," Winter said, before she decided to be a bit bold and planted a kiss on Visionseeker's maw, before running off leaving a smiling Visionseeker to watch her run off,

"She certainly getting more bold, I believe the lesson that Icicle gave Winter on confidence might finally be working," Visionseeker said to himself as he walked off in a random direction before he came across a SkyWing and MudWing insulting each other before the MudWing tried to attack the SkyWing, who dodged,

"Your attacks need to be bolder!" They shouted, then the MudWing picked up a nearby boulder and tossing it at the SkyWing,

"That is not what I meant!" The SkyWing shouted, jumping out of the way,

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