Chapter 10 : Changing the Past

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Hello, I hope you've all been well, now let's get on with this chapter. It's rather short but it is something that I wanted to do after not having done a lot on this book for a bit, I hope that once I'm finished with The Shapeshifter, which it actually is, that I'll be able to focus on my less made books, despite this book and The Shapeshifter having been released around the same time. I hope you enjoy the chapter.

"Hello, Moonwatcher" - Speech

'Who are you?' - Thoughts

[ Hello there, reader ] - Me, the Author

"Princess" - Sarcasm

'Why are you here?' - Writing

- Narrator PoV -

- A few hours after chapter 7 -

Visionseeker swished his tail side to side as he sat in the middle of the room he was given and was brainstorming on how his magic had been taken from him and why his foresight was weakened, he angrily sighed as he crumbled a scroll of many ideas of why and grabbed the same rock that brought him into Darkstalker's time.

"Is it possible, one of the animus dragons Darkstalker summoned to his throne room had casted a spell... I know Turtle and Anemone wouldn't do that, Stonemover wouldn't do so either, he was scared of his magic and even turned the curse of it onto himself and hasn't casted anything to my knowledge, Darkstalker is a big possibility and Jerboa could've also done it..." Visionseeker spoke to himself as he looked down at the rock and sighed, closing his eyes. "Back." Visionseeker said as he fell over, unconscious.

- Reversed Time -

Visionseeker groaned as he stood up, nearby Jerboa's hut, he rubbed his head as it ached as he began to think to himself. 'Will my animus magic work now?' Visionseeker looked around as he felt something similar to what Turtle had described to him, the tingling in his talons, it was the first time he'd felt it in a while.

"So my magic has returned..." Visionseeker whispered to himself as he walked closer to Jerboa's hut, hearing her speak.

"I hereby enchant this candleholder. When I shatter it, I shatter the power of all current animus dragons. From now on, no new spells cast by any animus dragon alive today will ever work again. Also, from this point forward, I will grow old and die, like any normal dragon. I make this spell irreversible by any animus dragon, including myself. And from now on to his death, weaken Visionseeker's foresight." Jerboa said as a second later, shattering was heard as Jerboa sighed. Visionseeker's eyes were open wide as he grit his teeth angrily as he did the same thing he did to get here.

- Reversed Time -

Visionseeker opened his eyes and ran to Jerboa's hut as he began to think of something to do to undo this. 'Maybe I could enchant her to lose her animus magic... that might work or I can enchant her to not cast this spell, I'll try those first.' Visionseeker stopped running as he stood next to Jerboa's hut. 'I enchant Jerboa to lose her animus magic.' Visionseeker spoke in his mind as he heard Jerboa enchant the candleholder again and shatter it, suddenly the tingling in his talons was gone. 'What?!' Visionseeker thought as he grit his teeth and went back in time again.

- Reversed Time -

Visionseeker quickly opened his eyes and had already began to run to Jerboa's hut. 'What can I do, enchanting Jerboa to lose her magic didn't work but something has to work.' Visionseeker stopped as he heard Jerboa enchant the candleholder once more. 'Maybe if I enchant the candleholder...?' He thought as the sound of shattering was heard as he reversed time hopefully for the last time.

- Reversed Time -

Visionseeker opened his eyes as he already stood next to Jerboa's hut and moved to where he could see Jerboa and the candleholder as she enchanted it and grabbed it and prepared to throw it to the ground. 'I enchant this candleholder to make Jerboa unable to cast any spells henceforth, this spell can not be undone by any animus, including myself.' Visionseeker thought as Jerboa shattered the candleholder and he closed his eyes as the tingling in his talons stayed as Jerboa became confused and tried to cast a spell to make a cloth come to her but it didn't obey her command as her eyes widened and roared angrily throwing things about in rage. 'So it worked... it really worked, I just hope what I just did hasn't changed the future to something completely different...' Visionseeker sighed quietly as he quietly walked away and looked at the rock in his talons. "Forward." Visionseeker said as he once again fell over unconscious again.

- Back in his room on Pantala -

Visionseeker shot up, his eyes opening wide as he breathed heavily and now felt the tingling in his talons as his magic returned to him. "Now that I have this back, things will be easier, but I can't overdo it, even with that soul spell I cast, I can't be sure that my soul is safe, so far I've made very small spells and I don't feel any different." Visionseeker said to himself as hundreds of visions slammed into his mind at once as his foresight's full power returned. "That must be what Moon must've felt every time she had a vision..." Visionseeker spoke again as he stood up and wrote in his scroll of what he accomplished and rolled it up and placed it back into the pouch that hung around his neck. "Sorry Jerboa, but it must be done, it wouldn't have lasted long since the way you worded it would be that new born dragonets that have animus magic would be able to cast spells, I just hope someone doesn't get the same idea as her..." Visionseeker said to himself once more as he turned around and walked out of his room to continue exploring while also looking at the near future occurrences and futures.

To be continued...

Word Count : 1032

I know it's short but it has done a lot despite being less than 1,100 words, I hoped you all enjoyed the chapter, despite it being short, see ya'll later!

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