Chapter 9 : Thinking of the past

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Hello there, I hope you've all ben well, I hope you enjoy the chapter! Also, I looked at this and noticed something.

Hello there, I hope you've all ben well, I hope you enjoy the chapter! Also, I looked at this and noticed something

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I don't know what to say, this is something I'd never thought this book would achieve. Thanks for reading this book, despite it not being updated very often, thank you all for this!

"Hello, Moonwatcher" - Speech

'Who are you?' - Thoughts

My name is, Darkstalker - Darkstalker

[ Hello there, reader ] - Me, the Author

"Princess" - Sarcasm

'Why are you here?' - Writing

Narrator Point of View :

Visionseeker sighed as he wiped the ink on his talon off and overlooked a scroll that he'd been writing in since he arrived on the continent of Pantala, he'd written everything he'd heard and done during his time here, but something was wrong, he'd been thinking most of the time on how his magic wasn't working and why it wasn't working, and since his foresight was also weakened, he had to be more careful, he'd been stressing out on simple things, going from being able to make the best decisions by looking at the future to now not being able to was strange, he hadn't been able to calm down effectively either, if Winter or Moon were here, he wouldn't have been worrying as much, except for their safety. But, he needed to complete his objective here and leave alive, to keep his promise of returning alive to them, it hurt to think of them learning he wasn't able to keep his promise, he wouldn't let them go through that, so he'd do his best to keep that promise.

- Shortly after Visionseeker's departure -

- Winter Point of View -

I sighed watching Visionseeker become less visible as I turned around and flew back to Jade Mountain, Moon following me as we landed I looked over to her.

"What do you think of this?" I asked, as Moon looked over to me, I could see the sadness in her eyes.

"I just wish he could've stayed longer, but if he's doing this just after returning it must be urgent, the fact that his magic and foresight have been weakened considerably must be a factor to his departure." Moon answered, but despite her trying to hide it, I could tell she didn't want it to be true, she wanted him here just as much as I did.

"It seems we'll just have to wait until then, I'll see you later." I said, walking back to my room.

- A few minutes later -

I sat in the middle of my room looking at the necklace Visionseeker had given me on my 3rd birthday, I smiled remembering that day like it was yesterday, my sister laughing as I tackled him to the floor thanking him and spending the whole day with my family and my first and only crush, my face flushed light blue as I thought of that, and the way he teased me wasn't helping, I then began to wonder what a pure IceWing and a hybrid's children would look like, specifically me and Visionseeker, but wait... for that to happen we'd have to... I shook my head trying to not think of that at the moment, but the possibility of it happening was what made it difficult, I looked at the opening in the room and saw it was dark out, so I slowly walked over to where I slept and laid down, it felt empty with Visionseeker gone, I just hope he gets back soon, I think back to two days ago when I would cuddle with him as he told me of what he'd seen in his time in the past, I wasn't really focused on that though, his scales were so warm despite being most IceWing, but I'd ignored it and nuzzled closer to him as he laid his wing over me, causing me to smile and slowly drift off to sleep, the image of him keeping me close to him and smiling down at me as I fell asleep stayed on my mind as I fell asleep, longing for him to hold me and help me sleep, it's all I wanted...

- With Moon, a few minutes after returning to her own room -

- Moon Point of View -

I sat in my room thinking of what I'd seen a few days prior. I had a vision of a possible future, there were dragonets running around, playing together as a dragon that looked similar to Visionseeker sat watching them before turning to me, but what I saw surprised me, the dragon was missing the left arm and that's where my vision ended, the image of the dragon was stuck in my mind and whenever I saw Visionseeker I noted the eerily similar appearance to the dragon in my vision, I shook my head and cleared my mind, I thought back to a few days ago when I had walked to Visionseeker and Winter's room and saw them sleeping, cuddling, I was jealous at that moment so I went to the opposite side of where Winter was and slipped under Visionseeker's wing and fell asleep shortly after, I was woken up to Visionseeker laughing and Winter blushing, I had looked back and saw that both me and Winter's tails were wrapped around Visionseeker's tail, I blushed at this and Visionseeker laughed louder, saying that if we wanted to cuddle we'd only have to ask, that left me and Winter blushing even more heavily, I just hoped that it would've lasted longer, Winter probably feels the same and wants him back here already, but we'll just have to wait and once he gets back, I won't have to worry for him any longer and once it does happen, it will be pure bliss for me and Winter, I laid down and drifted off to sleep shortly after.

To be continued...

Word Count : 1043

Hey, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I'm still alive, and I'm hoping to get back into writing this book, sorry for not writing for so long, see ya'll later!

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