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The next day we had off, but Ajax never once came out of his room when I was in the living room. He had woken up early that day to make food but that's when I was still asleep. He had left early with Sofie and Emma while later on around five Chris drove me to Ajax's apartment. I had little relocation the night before, I remembered singing and going in the pool; my hands trailing Ajax's tattoos and the meanings of all of them. The rest was a blur.

I took a taxi to the bookstore and wandered down the isles, watching the woman and men look through the book selections. Light jazz music filled the room from the speakers located on the roof. I ran my fingers lightly over the spines of the book, stopping at one ever so often. The ones that caught my eye enough to stop at I would flip at a random page and start reading. This continued for two hours, within those two hours I had gotten three large books. I walked along the empty bookstore and bought the selected books.

Instead of taking a taxi for the twenty-minute walk, I decided to walk down the streets. Snow was falling yet again on the streets of the town. People were walking around, people going on dates or with their friends. Some were on their own or joining a long time friend. I pushed my hands deeper in my blue pant pockets as I watched them. My gray boots hit against the pavement as I pulled against the gray sweater, trying to keep warm.

Snow fell on my black hat as the lights shadowed my body against the pavement. Soon enough I was at Ajax's house, knocking on the door for him to open it. Ajax opened the door and handed me a key before turning around and walking back towards his room. Before he walked in though he turned to face me, looking at me in the eyes while saying,

"That's a key for the place, it doesn't make sense for you to not have one at this point. Also I'll start cooking dinner in a few hours."

I nodded and he walked back into his room, pushing his blonde hair out of his face. He didn't even bother to pick up his falling gray sweatpants as he walked, letting them show more than enough of his waist. I sighed and ran my fingers against the spines of the books as I walked over to the brown couch.

After a few hours of reading, I had closed the book and looked up. There, standing over me was Ajax, his hair still disheveled and his pants still hung low. I blushed and he gestured to me to follow him into the guest room that he now considered being my room.

"Let's start unpacking, that way you can keep your books in your room," Ajax stated, beginning to lay all the boxes on the floor and opening them.

As I unpacked my clothes and put them away in their drawers, Ajax set up the small tv on the wall of my room, right across from my bed. He also assembled my white desk that was placed right next to my bed on the right side. As he did this a small strand of hair fell in his face, he didn't even bother to fix it as he set my notebooks, papers, pens and pencils, the new books I got from the library on that desk as I got my shoes in the right order in the closet. Within four hours we had completed unpacking and had everything in their designed places. I thanked him, to which he only nodded as quiet as a response to my gratitude.

Right after that task of unpacking Hawk set out to make dinner. One box was still in the corner, a box that I told Ajax not to worry about unpacking. Those were all of Axel's clothes and hygiene equipment that he had kept at my apartment. I put everything that was not clothes related in a plastic bag, not seeing the point on keeping it for someone who wasn't here anymore. The clothes I unfolded and laid them on the floor in front of me. There was a white short sleeve shirt, a navy blue long sleeve shirt, a gray long sleeve shirt and a pair of gray socks. I sighed and lifted the shirts up to put them in my bottom drawer that was empty when Ajax walked in.

I looked up at him from the floor and he just stared at the clothes before asking, "Are those his?"

I nodded, looking back at the white sweater that was also on the floor. I ran my fingers against the sweater as he asked another, more painful question,

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