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My day consisted of running coffee orders and getting water for children. One lady ordered a pumpkin cupcake while her friend ordered a water and pecan pie. I smiled and watched them, looking at how they were old enough to be my grandmothers but looked like such good friends. They laughed and talked for two hours in the cafe and left right before closing. I silently hoped to myself that I could be like that Axel, that we would grow old together. When I wasn't taking orders and the cafe was slow Ajax had me sweep.

"So you think he's keeping this from you?" Ajax asked me, his arms crossed over his chest and his tan eyebrow raised.

"I know he is." I muttered, looking at my shaking hands.

Ajax handed me a pair of black fingerless gloves while he collected the money at the cashier.

"Maybe I'm just crazy..." I muttered, sitting on the floor and putting my head in my hands.

"You're a lot of things but you're not a crazy Kid." He chuckled, sitting down on the floor with me.

"He...he's depressed, he's not his happy self anymore." I sighed, looking at Ajax with pleading eyes.

Ajax nodded and said, "Well his whole life just changed with-in a night. Of course he would be upset, but the only thing you can do right now is be there for him."

I nodded and looked at the floor, the cracked brown and gray floor that I had spent so much time on the last few days.

Ajax got up and kicked my leg slightly, signaling for me to get up and go wait on new customers.

I served mostly coffee and hot teas that day. Some people ordered salads while others ordered meat sandwiches. I put on a dazzling smile that I knew Ajax could tell was fake. As I was putting in order Ajax came up to me.

"A fake smile looks shitty on you Noah." He stated, his hands busy with the black coffee he was pouring.

I looked at him shocked but before I could say anything he left with three black coffee's in his hands. I stood there in shock, not knowing what to say or do.

Allison walked up to me and jumped to hit my head. I winced and turned to her, a large pearly white smile on her face.

"How's my favorite son?" She asked, pulling me into a big hug.

"He's not your son Allison." Ajax stated, rolling his eyes and pushing his blonde hair out of his face with a tattooed hand.

"He is too." Allison stated, pulling me closer into her chest.

I don't like this.

"Allison leave the poor kid alone." A voice came from behind us, laughing mellowly.

Allison turned around so fast that she gave me whiplash since she didn't let me go.

Oliver was standing there wearing a pair of brown shoes, brown cacky pants and a white t-shirt. Over the shirt was a dark navy blue jacket and a matching colored hat. His eyes were bloodshot and his skin was almost paler than mine.

"He looks like shit Al." Ajax whispered to Allison who just hit him upside the head.

Ajax chuckled darkly before bringing a piece of strawberry cake to the back.

"W-what is it?" I asked, looking at Oliver almost as if I had seen a ghost.

He choked out a cry and handed me a letter. Frantically, almost ripping it, I opened the letter and began reading it.


I've decided that I've brought you too much hurt in your life. I can't keep doing this to you. Your smile and your laugh bring people so much happiness while I'm just diminishing that. I love you too much to keep hurting you like that, but I've decided too late that it wasn't the right move. I hope you find someone lovely, someone that could make you as happy as you make me. I regret to say that if you're reading this letter that it means it's too late.

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