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The car ride home was very uneventful, it consisted of Oliver putting Axel's wheel chair in the back and driving to Ajax and I's place. The whole time Oliver was completely off his game, stuck in his own little world of worry. Axel was exited to see the man that I had called my boyfriend but made it perfectly known that he was the best boyfriend ever. Oliver and I silently listened to him, smirks on our faces.

Once we pulled up I ran upstairs first to give Ajax a heads up to go put on a shirt. For some reason he always cooked shirtless, not that I had a problem with it. Ajax just waved me out of the kitchen as he went to get a shirt. When he came out he was wearing a pair of black jeans with a red shirt and chains.

We he walked out of his room he pinned me against a wall to kiss my neck, slowly biting it. I stood there shocked, biting my lip to suppress my moans. Ajax smirked against my neck as he ran his thumb against my bottom lip and shortly after walking away. I put my hands up to cover my face as I slowly sunk to the floor.

"Just making sure you remember what's mine, Noah." Ajax smirked, bending down in-front of me to pick me up.

He dragged me to the kitchen, smirking as his thought's went rapid. Once we were in the kitchen I saw Axel and Oliver sitting at the table, talking amongst themselves. Oliver stood up to greet Ajax, shaking his hand and explaining how he knew me. I saw Axel's face when he looked at Ajax for the first time. He wasn't upset or appalled at my choice but he was defiantly surprised.

"This is my little, idotic brother, Axel." Oliver gestured to his little brother sitting in the wheel chair with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Says the one who can't put a wheel chair in a trunk." Axel shot back, putting his chin on his hand as he smirked up at his brother.

"Screw you." Oliver seethed, rubbing his head in annoyance.

I chuckled as Ajax looked at me confused, wondering if there dynamic was always like this or if it had changed considerably.

"Well dinner is done..." Ajax whispered towards me but not taking his eyes off of Axel.

"Ill help you." I whispered back, running my hand along his arm to his hand before pulling him into the kitchen.

Ajax got the plates of food in silence, bringing them to the table while I took orders for drinks. Once everyone was settled in we all began eating, Oliver and Ajax talked about there jobs and what there carrier paths would be while Axel and I watched them talk nonsense like children. Axel and I watched them before laughing quietly to ourselves.

"He's a good guy Noah." Axel whispered to me before he shoved a piece of bread in his mouth.

I smiled and looked down at my lap after he said that, silently agreeing with him.

The rest of the night we talked more, until we had nothing to talk about and we made up new subjects.

"Who knows Noah, maybe next time I see you ill be walking on two legs." Axel beamed, smirking down at me.

"Well if you keep acting like a child I might brake your legs again." Oliver stated, his face looking cold as he scolded his brother.

"Hey I do good in therapy." Axel stated, shrugging his shoulders before turning to me and shooting a smile.

"You better" I scolded, crossing my arms over my chest with a non-shalant look on my face.

With that last conversation Axel was on his way out the door while I was saying bye to his brother.

"We should do this again, don't be a stranger Noah." Oliver stated, shooting me a sad smile as he put his hand on my shoulder.

I hung my head low and hugged him, letting him comfort me like a parent would there child. He pulled away and ruffled my hair, walking out of the apartment and closing the door behind him. I sighed and stood at the door for a few minutes, shutting my eyes and replaying the final moments in my head.

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