Info pt 2

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A friend of mine told me to state a few things about how I feel about the book, like who are my favorite characters, what was my favorite scene to write, inspiration, and other stuff.

Favorite Character To Write: Where many of you may hate him my favorite character to write is Chris. I love writing all of the terrible things he does to make him a bad influence while also having the challenge to keep his morals. He hates cheaters more than anything in the world, that's why he doesn't commit to anyone, he doesn't want to hurt the girl he loves by cheating on her. Because of how drunk he gets all the time he knows he'll cheat on someone whether he can control it or not so therefore he doesn't date anyone. It's not like he knows he'll cheat for a fact, he just doesn't want to take that risk. He sounds like a messed up guy and he is, but deep down, after you get past a few walls he really is a good guy with good morals.

Favorite Character: I love to write Chris but sadly he's not my favorite character. Noah Smith is, our favorite little soft boy. Noah is based on a guy that I saw in my dreams, I just made him act and think like how I thought the boy would act and think.

Inspiration: For many...many years I had tried to write a book that gave me the comforting feeling that this one does in the winter. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get the right feel or it didn't sound right to me. So one day when I didn't need to pay attention in school I began to write this book. It was snowing outside so I set the story in winter, different seasons give me different feelings. I cannot for the life of me write a normal book that doesn't have some tragic backstory or messed up characters. (Point blank, the robbed series that isn't posted anymore) so I decided to take my love for messed up characters and write a tragic scenario for Noah to live through. Even if it had to be at Axel's expense. I also always listen to music when I write so that's where I get most of my ideas. Most of the time though I just get random ideas and write about them.

Favorite Scene To Write: My favorite scene to write is when Chris leaves Allison's cafe to go to the club in the middle of the day. When he gets there he immediately goes and spends half of his money. I found it very funny that he would go in the middle of the day and I liked giving/showing more depth in his character. There you see where he's not a good guy to go to the club in the middle of the day he spends half of his money on the girls because they deserve it. Where girl's that work in that profession he always makes sure to pay them extra because girls in that profession always get looked down on. Let them do what they want to do, Chris supports that lol.

Who Are Your Characters Really: The easiest way I can explain it is this...

Noah: Based on a guy I repeatedly saw in my dreams.

Ajax: Based on Hawks from MHA and a character from the 'Robbed' series.

Oliver, Allison, Jacob and Sofie: They are characters I made up, they have no real meaning behind them or any purpose behind them other than what they really are. There side characters, nothing more.

Chris and Emma: They are based on people that I know in my real life, Emma was my best friend and we'll leave Chris up to the imagination. I will say this though, he's not my boyfriend and never was. (I know how people on Wattpad think, you're not fooling anyone.)

Why Are Your Chapters So Long: My chapters are long because I want them to be. Ok but in all seriousness, I made them long because I wanted this to be formatted like a real, paper book. Paper books have multi-paged, long chapters.

Why didn't you have real smut: ...I was going to...and then I didn't. I had only written smut once but I completely blanked out the last time I wrote it and gave up so you got what you got. Also in complete honesty, Noah WOULD NOT give ANY detail to anybody about his sex life. He would be completely terrified and a little scared of why they would need to know about his sex life. Ajax on the other hand wouldn't have any shame and give it in full detail. But because this book isn't in Ajax's POV you got what you got.

Why is the book cover red: There was a lot of romantic book cover I could choose from but I needed red. Blood is red, Axel was covered in blood. Where this is a romance book there's a huge weight on Noah's shoulders regarding Axel's "death". His "death" or him leaving Noah is the one and the only reason why Ajax even had a chance. If Axel had gotten over the feelings that he did and the crash never happened Axel was going to propose to Noah that day. That's why Axel said... ""It's very important, I've got a surprise for you after all," Axel smirked, laughing to himself as if he just told the funniest joke of all time.""

The song "Lovely" by Hot Freaks is a perfect expression of Ajax's love for Noah.

If you have any questions for me or the book feel free to comment and I'll do this again.

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