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"Shouldn't you be home with your boyfriend if he just got out of the hospital and not working here?" Ajax challenged, his muscles tensing under his shirt.

"W-What?" I asked, I probably looked terrified.

"Sit with me kid," he stated, ushering me to a seat as he walked out from behind the counter.

He pushed his blonde hair out of his green eyes as he sat down. Ajax turned to me and asked,

"If your boyfriend just got out of the hospital why are you here and not with him?"

"I-..." I began but my throat closed up, nothing was coming out.

I looked at the table in pure fear, my whole body was shaking. I didn't know what to say or how to react. Why was I here and not with my boyfriend? I had work, I had a job and I had to make money. I looked back up at him and thought,

Why can't I just tell him that?

"It's okay kid, don't stress 'bout it too much. But go home." He started, looking right through me.

"If your boyfriend is bedridden, which I think he is since you said he was in the hospital then he must feel like he's in a jail cell. That he can't do anything to get up or walk around...correct?" Ajax asked, raising an eyebrow at me while he played with the gold rings on his tan, tattooed fingers.

I nodded and he got up, going back behind the counter and grabbing two muffins from the case and putting them in a brown bag. He put the bag in my lap along with my stuff and stated,

"Go home and be with him, those are on the house."

I tried to say thank you but he just walked to the back stating, "Don't thank me, go home Noah. Be safe, it's a dangerous world out there."

With nothing to say I got up and walked out of the cafe. My apron was still on as I clutched my jacket, backpack, and muffins. No matter how cold I was I couldn't make myself change the position I was in. I walked down to the bus station, putting on my headphones as I waited. 

Once I got home there was a cupcake with a green candle on it sitting on the floor. I smiled slightly and picked it up, carrying it to the bedroom and setting it on the end table. I changed into Axel's gray sweatpants and a white t-shirt. Axel was passed out on the couch, his black hair falling in his face. I chuckled and brushed it out of his face. He groaned and turned away from me, his hair falling back in his face. I smiled and quietly walked out of the room. I needed to change his bandages and give him his medication, but because of how tired he was because of his meds I let him sleep. Plus, I didn't feel like waking him up.

I pushed myself off and fell back against the floor. I groaned and grabbed my head which made Axel turn to me and groan.

"Lovely..." He asked, rubbing his light green eyes before looking at me.

I stared up at him in shock and sadness, I didn't mean to wake him up.

"I'm sorry," I stated, kneeling on the floor and kissing his forehead.

He chuckled and pulled me close, making me fall on top of his shoulder.

"I missed you lovely..." he smiled, kissing my neck before hiding his face in it.

"Are you okay?" He asked with a worried tone.

I nodded which made him pull away so I could change his eyes and he looked sad as if he had been crying. The green eyes that I loved were bloodshot and his tan skin was pale. I lifted his shirt and saw more blood than yesterday stained on the bandages.

I wondered how that could be if the meds were working. He was getting more color in his face every day and he was acting happier every day. A knock sounded on the door and Axel put on one of his famous smiles, only this one looked sad. Before I could ask him what was wrong the male at the door picked me up and shooed me away. I looked back at Axel and Oliver, waving at him slightly.

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