Lovely: Axel's Suprise

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A/N: This chapter what would have happened if the car crash had never happened and Axel's plan had gone to plan.

Snow fell from the sky as I looked out the hot window of the library. I sighed, knowing I was dressed warm enough for the cold but not enough for the snow.

"What? Don't like the cold?" Axel asked, looking at me with a smile and two hot coffees in his hands.

He handed me the black coffee, immediately making my warm hands even warmer.

"The cold makes everything uncomfortable," I stated, looking at him with a bored expression on my face.

Unbothered as always, he just shrugged; not bothering to make any sense of what I was saying. It wasn't like he didn't care, he just knew that I would never simplify my feelings. I wasn't brought up that way.

I always said what was on my mind if the time was right and if it needed to be said. The time was right sure, but it wasn't necessary to tell him what was on my mind.

It had been snowing for two hours now and the snow was beginning to stick.

"Now how am I supposed to drive home in this?" I thought, internally groaning at how wet and unkept my hair was going to be.

"I'll drive." He stated, looking at the car with a determined look on his face.

I nodded as he walked me to the passenger's side of the car.

Twenty-seven and my life was just beginning, that's how sad my life was. Pushed in boarding school right when I could talk was never easy. But it shaped me into who I was today, the perfect son that my parents wanted. Well, I would be the perfect son if they were alive. Now, it's just me. Me and Axel.

I turned away from the window as Axel took my hand in his, rubbing my knuckles with his fingered gloves. I looked ahead, confusion, and disgust on my face as I gripped onto my coffee tighter.

Axel was nineteen and graduated from Stanford University and then got a job as an architect. For reasons I don't understand, he was happy there. But if he's happy then I don't give it a second thought. Sometimes though, when he's paging through his books and measuring out our dining room table I wonder how he lost his mind.

Axel opened the door for me as snow stuck and eventually melted to my hair. Once I was buckled in he went to his side of the black Audi and turned on the seat warmers. I played with the silver chained bracelet that he gave to me three Christmases ago on my wrist as we drove down the concrete road. It was the first snow of the season and I was already depressed.

Axel always said that the snow was how he would describe me. Pale, cold, quiet yet peaceful; then again he was always crazy.

"Your birthday is coming up." Axel smiled, looking at me with crystal eyes.

"Oh...I forgot." I stated, looking at him a bit surprised when he said this.

"When's my birthday again?" I asked, looking at him with a confused expression.

"Two days from now." He gawked, "How can you forget your birthday?!" Axel asked, acting as if he was completely disgusted with the fact that I forgot my birthday.

"It's not important," I stated, looking at him with a nonchalant expression.

"It's very important, I've got a surprise for you after all," Axel smirked, laughing to himself as if he just told the funniest joke of all time.

"Can you at least smile for me?" He asked, laughing as he pinched my cheeks.

I swatted his hand away and gave him a small smile, hoping that he'd shut up if I did so.

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