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Kirishima quickly went by your side once he got his ice cream, he had an awkward smile as he rubbed the back of his head.

"What's up?" You asked as you patted the space between you and Bakugou, Kirishima noticed this and was about to seat when Bakugou went beside you.

Kirishima just sat beside Bakugou before starting to eat his ice cream again.

"Kacchan, me and Ochaco will join you and the group, is that okay?" Izuku asked as he scratched at the back of his head. Bakugou just clicked his tongue so you answered.

"Sure, Katsuki will love it." You muttered, Izuku nodded before he said a brief "okay". Bakugou on the other hand, immediately snarled at you.

"Why'd you say yes, idiot?!" He harshly whispered, Kirishima glanced your way but kept quiet, he's just being nosy at this point as he wriggled his eyebrows at you.

"Think of this as like a way for you to get closer to Ochaco, dummy." You stated as you bonked his head, Bakugou grumbled as he glared at you while massaging(?) his head.

Kiri then rolled his eyes at you but you just shrugged it off.

Once you and the group were done, you stood up before you went beside Kirishima, Bakugou be following your every move with a glare.

"Next stop?" You asked the bakusquad, Kirishima enthusiastically wrapped his arms around your neck which made you chuckle before he said, "MALLS!"

"Are you guys okay with that?" You turned to the other two, Ochaco and Deku. Deku nodded his head.

Bakugou clicked his tongue before he stood up and walked to your side. He removed Kirishima's hand around your neck and he even held your wrist.

And before you knew what's happening, Bakugou quickly ran pulling you with him. "CATCH US IF YOU CAN, DAMN EXTRAS!" He yelled before he fasten his speed.

You on the other hand, "What the- KATSUKI WE COULDN'T JUST LEAVE THEM THERE!" You argued, you wanted to pull your wrist away but if you do, you'll just stumble and faceplant.

"Tch, leave them. This was suppose to be our fucking bonding time." He grumbled before he stopped when he couldn't see the shadows of his group. He took a long breath before he stood up straight and walked normally.

"Let's go." He said as if nothing happened and he didn't just ran away.

"I was helping you out with Ochaco back there." You said as you pulled away your hand. Bakugou just gave you a not so amused face before he started walking again.

But you didn't.

He looked back and just saw you standing there with your hands across your chest, glaring at him.

"I didn't need help with Ochaco." He grumbled before he walked over to you, the next thing you heard was your own voice as you yelped once Bakugou threw you over his shoulder.

He handled you like you were a sack of rice.

You punched his back and kept thrashing(?) around, "Put me down!" You screamed, getting the attention of some people nearby.

"Ooo look at them, i'll pay to get a boyfriend like that." You heard a teenage girl said, you just sighed as you gave up on thrashing(?) around.

"Yeah, If ever I get a girlfriend and he's not like that, I don't want it." You heard her friend said which made you roll your eyes. Bakugou chuckled, "Ya heard that, snakey?"

"They think were a couple." He added, you sighed again before you replied. "Yeah, they don't know that we're just friends and that you like someone else." But of course, you just whispered the last part to yourself.

"I thought you needed my help in helping you win over Ochaco." You exclaimed, "also can you put me down? I'm not gonna run away."

Bakugou stopped in his tracks before he gently placed you back on your feet. You fixed your outfit first before you and Bakugou started walking again.

"I'll spend time with Ochaco some other time." He muttered as he placed his hands back inside his pockets.

Silence took over yours and Bakugou's surroundings, the two of you didn't want to be the one to start another conversation.

Until Bakugou decided to ask the one question he wanted to when he first heard what you called Kirishima when he saw you hugging the red haired dude.

"Since when did you start calling Shitty Hair by his first name?" He asked as he raised his brows at you. You narrowed your eyes at the ash blonde.

"2 days already, i think. He said it's okay so I started calling him 'Eijirou'." You explained. Bakugou just scoffed before silence took over again.

You stopped infront of a store, Bakugou then noticed that you weren't by his side anymore that's why he looked around and saw you looking at the shop.

It's a fairly big shop with a lot of people inside  which Bakugou didn't like. "No." He immediately said even if you didn't even say anything.

"Let's go inside." You said, taking his hand before pulling him inside. He groaned before he let you pull him inside.

"Do you something?" Bakugou lazily asked, not pulling his hand away from you hold and just lets you pull him from aisle to aisle.

"Just because you entered a shop doesn't mean you need to buy something." You exclaimed, Bakugou just rolled his eyes before you dragged him to another aisle again.

"(Y/N)!" you heard a familiar voice not so far away from you. Bakugou then growled when he saw who it is.

"WHY ARE YOU GUYS HERE?!" He exclaimed, some few shoppers looking at the two of you because of it.

Kirishima chuckled as he slung an arm around Bakugou's shoulder, "We catched up with you."

"We ran after you and (Y/N) but we were on the other side of the road." Sero explained, behind him was Ochaco and Deku.

"I guess you really gotta hang out with Ochaco." You joked as you elbowed him. He just growled before shrugging off Kirishima's arms off of his shoulder.


I got a whole week with no assignments!

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