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If you were already read annoying, then you might know that i almost failed my computer subject, here i am taking STEM because i'm taking computer science :D


It was silent between you and Bakugou, he ran his fingers through his hair as he clicked his tongue and held your hand.

You felt your cheeks heat up when you felt his rough hands on yours, he pulled you towards the same direction and you already knew what he was planning when you saw the ferris wheel.

On the other hand, Mina, Kami and Sero just stood in line for the rollercoaster. Sero, of course, made a bet with Kami to see who can keep a straight face the whole ride just for the picture.

(You know like the picture where they take a picture of you during a ride... Yeah that's it - misty )

Kirishima just stared at you and Bakugou once he heard what Bakugou said.

"He totally should not have asked (Y/N) for help." Ochaco said as she slapped a hand on her forehead. Kirishima quickly looked at the girl beside him.

"Wait," He pointed a finger at the brown haired girl, "you knew about Bakubro liking you?"

"I knew that Bakugou liked me" She answered. "he also asked me to help him with (Y/N)" She added, not adding the part where Bakugou asked her to steal you away from Kirishima.

A little "oh" escaped Kirishima's mouth as he nodded. The two silently followed you and Bakugou, and Kirishima grew jealous as he looked at your hand being entertwined with Bakugou's.

As you and Bakugou stood in line for the ferris wheel, Bakugou caught a glimpse of red hair and he groaned. "He shouldn't be here." He grumbled out loud.

"Who?" You asked, raising a brow to the boy infront of you. "No one."

"Bakubro!" Kirishima yelled as he waved his hand and walked towards the girl. Bakugou rolled his eyes as he glared at the brown haired girl behind Kirishima.

"We're going to ride the ferris wheel too." Kirishima said as he smiled at you before he sent a teasing look towards Bakugou.

Ochaco went beside Bakugou and whispered,  "I promise I tried leading him away from the two of you."

"Well you didn't do a fucking great job." Bakugou groaned as he watched you and Kirishima talk.

"Just make sure she sits with you in the ferris wheel, she might pick Kirishima." Ochaco said, Bakugou just scoffed as he walked over to you.

"Kaminari would probably lose." Bakugou heard Kirishima say. You nodded your head as you chuckled and Bakugou couldn't help but get jealous.

Luckily, Ochaco stepped in and started talking to Kirishima about a whole new topic.  The redhead knew why Ochaco was doing this but he still talked with her.

The group slowly getting near the end of the line. "Okay so, Kirishima and me would basically just partner up so you'll have some time with Ochaco." You blurted out.

"No." Bakugou quickly replied. "I'm sitting with you and Roundhead is going to sit beside Shitty hair."

"Why did you even ask my help with Ochaco?" You questioned, "I'm literally helping you here and instead, you want to spend time with me."

"Bakugou, we haven't hung out in like days."

"Maybe because I don't fucking like her anymore. And that I like somebody else now but maybe that damn girl likes my friend now." Bakugou said as he ran his hand through his hair.

The staff then called out for the next people to enter, Bakugou quickly took your hand after he sent a glare towards Kirishima. He pulled you towards the open door for the ferris wheel.

The staff then closed the door before you felt the ferris wheel move. Now you're stuck with Bakugou.

(I had been on a Ferris wheel just once. I don't even know what you call the like thingy where you sit through the whole ride.— misty)

You watched as Kirishima, who had a frown on his face, entered the next ride with Ochaco. "Stop looking at him." You heard Bakugou say beside you.

"Look at me." He added. You gave Bakugou a confused look.

"You're acting weird." You mumbled. "If it's about that new girl, I can help you again." You offered. "I'm your bestfriend, i'm here for you."

Bakugou sighed, "Do you think she'll like me?" He asked as he stared right at your (e/c) eyes.

"Yes, what's there not to like?" You laughed as you looked away from Bakugou and Bakugou didn't like that.

You felt Bakugou's hand held your chin as he made you look at him again, "Answer this then." He started.

You were nervous. You can't look at him straight in the eye and your eyes even landed on his lips. His slightly chapped lips that you sometimes imagined what will it feel like against yours.

"I said look at me, goddamnit." He ordered. Right now the two of you are almost at the top, the view looks pretty awesome but your face was currently being held by Bakugou that you can't even look at it.

"You said she'll like me," Why doesn't Bakugou Katsuki just go straight to the point 'cause you're really nervous right now.

"So i'm asking you now, Are you going to say that you like me back if I confessed right now?"

You didn't answer and just stared at Bakugou's face as your brain tried to understand every word he said. Your lack of answer just urged Bakugou more.

"I like you, (Y/N)." He said and your brain just malfunctioned more. Bakugou's face slowly moved closer to yours as his eyes drifted to your lips.

You didn't even bother to push him away because this was it. The thing you always wanted. You were about to reply when his lips crashed on yours, his chapped lips were finally against yours and that's the only thing that you care about at the moment.

And that was exactly when your cart was right on top.

Kirishima felt his heart tear to pieces as he watched how Bakugou kissed you, your back was faced towards him so you didn't see him.  Your cart slowly moved down and his cart followed.

He scoffed as he looked away.

"To think that you actually thought you had a chance with her." He mumbled to himself as he looked down and played with his fingers.

"Hey..." Ochaco started.

"You also wanted this Ochaco. You helped him with this." He said as he glared at her, soon regretting it since she wasn't at fault.


I'm just gonna call the thing you ride in a ferris wheel 'Cart'. Also maybe this book will have 27 chapters and 3 chapters for the Kirishima alternate ending.

bestfriend | k. bakugouWhere stories live. Discover now