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in ao3, someone bookmarked my book with a note that said "badly written.... good plot hehe" please why point it out


The streets were busy as the group walked home, there were a lot of stalls and there was even an arcade. Sero wanted to play inside but the way Kirishima looked like he didn't want to do anything than just lay down on his bed made Sero stop.

The group already knew what happened between you, Bakugou, and Kirishima. Kaminari told Sero as he and Kiri came back from buying drinks.

Sero then told Mina who just softly smiled as Kirishima caught them talking about him.

Kirishima knew his friends felt bad for him. Of course they would, his bestfriend just kissed the girl he likes and he was even beside her the whole time they were at the arcade.

He didn't have the chance to even speak with you or be on a ride with you, it was all with Bakugou—the person who didn't interact with you because they were busy about another person.

What would Yumie, the diehard Kirishima fan, even say? Kirishima already thinks that he lost since Bakugou took a win and kissed you.

Once they arrived, Kirishima said goodbye to his friend and walked back to the safety of his room to take a rest and clear his mind from all the thoughts bombarding his head.

He kept thinking of his insecurities, that Bakugou was better than him that's why you chose him, that's why you let him kiss you.

He was buried in his awful thoughts about himself when someone knocked on the door. He sighed as he wiped his cheek, where a lone tear fell.

He didn't want to open the door, he already knew it was his friends minus Bakugou and maybe you. "Kirishima?" He heard.

By the sound of it, he was right. Kaminari was behind the door and also maybe even Sero and Mina. The trio who knows about how dejected he feels right now.

It would be rude of him to make them leave. "Yeah you can come in." He answered in a nonexcited way. The door slowly opened the Kaminari peeked inside then seeing Kirishima slumped on his bed.

Kaminari felt bad for his friend and just sat beside him on rhe bed before he gave him a reaassuring pat on the back. Mina and Sero then slowly and quietly sat on the floor beside them.

"I'm going to confess tomorrow." Kirishima suddenly blurted out. He stood up and sat beside Kaminari, completely ignoring the other two on the floor.

"Are you sure?" Kaminari asked with a look of  confusion in his face.

Kirishima gave him an are-you-kidding look and said, "You're the one who adviced me to confess to them."

"It doesn't hurt to try." Sero shrugged, "and if she really choose Bakugou over you, she's not the only person who you can fall inlove with."

"There's Mina." Kami pointed at the pink haired girl who had a shocked look on her face.

"Why me?" She asked as she raised her brow. Sero laughed while Kirishima just smiled.

"It was just an example, Mina." Kami explained before he looked back at Kirishima. "But really, I can't have one of the person in our squad sad."

"Let's just see who she picks tomorrow." Mina said before she stood up and plopped down on the bed.

"Hey Shitty hair!" Bakugou whisper yelled as he knocked at the red head's door. The trio looked at each other before Kirishima stood up and opened the door, now face to face with his rival.

Bakugou scoffed before he entered Kirishima's room, "You three." He said as he pointed at Kami, Sero, and Mina. "Get the fuck out."

The quickly listened and went out after Kaminari said, "Don't fight." and closed the door behind him.

"Like I'm gonna fucking fight you." Bakugou rolled his eyes as he sat down.

"What are you hear for?" The red head asked as he ran his hand through his hair, feeling nervous.

"Tsk, I overheard you and Dunceface." Bakugou started which just made Kirishima more nervous. Is he going to stop him from confessing now?

"I don't know if she likes me back, she didn't say anything when I asked her." The ash blonde looked down, "But she might like you back."

"You two kissed." Kirishima said.

"I kissed her. After that she ignored me." He added.

"Just... if she picks you, take care of her." That was the last thing Bakugou said as he walked out of the door. Kirishima just groaned before he slumped back on his bed more exhausted now.

On the girl's side of the dorm, there was Mina just returning before she laid down on her bed and slept. All of them were asleep except a troubled teen with a pet snake.

Or more like a pet who wants Kirishima that's why she's pestering her owner to pick the red head.

Immediately once you returned, she quickly slithered your way to ask what happened when she saw your dejected face. You then told her everything that happened even what you overheard between Kami and Kiri.

"I swear to god you better choose Kirishima." Yumie said who was graciously sitting or laying down on top of your chest.

"But what if I still like Bakugou?" You argued.

"Then pick Bakugou." Yumie answered.

"I thought you want me to pick Eijiro." You mumbled as you carressed the scaley part of her head. The snake looked away.

"Just because I want him doesn't mean you need to choose him. Pick who you really want to spend your life with." She said before she slithered back inside her tank leaving you alone with your thoughts.

What she said then hit you, you sat upright and mumbled, "I know who."

"Well then go and tell them tomorrow." The snake lazily answered. You nodded before you laid back down.


I know that my stories are not the well written and you guys don't have to point it out. I work hard for chapters like this and I don't want them just being slandered because of how I write my stories. It didn't sit well with me that one of my books, my favorite one actually, is called badly written. Annoying is badly written, Backyard boy is too but Bestfriend, that one book where i'm actually proud that I wrote it. I just didn't like that.

I'll post a new chapter after an hour :)

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