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Bakugou just groaned as he looked away from the brown haired girl. Like what he said yesterday night, he did invite Ochaco to lunch.

"YAY!" He heard from afar, he looked at who yelled and saw Kaminari standing with his arms wide.

(Misty: You know Oikawa's pose as he laughed, that's it.)

"They seem to be having fun." Ochaco chuckled as she ate the food Bakugou gave her. Bakugou just hummed as he ate his own spicy food.

"By the way, How did you and (Y/N) met?" Ochaco asked, Bakugou briefly looked at her eyes before he looked at your group who laughed at whatever Sero and Kami did.

"We're damn neighbors and she played with me in the park, damn snakey never left me alone eversince." He answered as he grinned, he watched as you covered your face when Kami said something.

"Well, she's clearly having fun with your friends." Ochaco giggled as she ate a spoonful. "She might replace you."

"Damn Snakey would never do that." Bakugou glared at the brown haired girl for a second.

Ochaco just smiled as she continued eating her food. Bakugou did the same but he looked at you and the way you look at his friends.

He felt something grew inside of him as he saw Kirishima putting his hands around your shoulder. "It's obvious that Kirishima fancies (Y/N)." Ochaco mumbled.

Bakugou clicked his tongue as he looked away, Ochaco chuckled as he saw Bakugou frowning. "I know you see it too." She said.

"Tch, Shitty hair doesn't like snakey." Bakugou groaned, loosing his appetite. Ochaco chuckled again before she pushed away the empty plate.

"If you say so." She muttered, the bell ringing as she said it. Bakugou clicked his tongue again before he stood up, he waited for Ochaco to stand up so they could walk to class together.

"Hi Deku!" Ochaco greeted as she went beside Izuku. Izuku just softly smiled before he joined Bakugou and Ochaco. Iida quietly following behind them.

You stretched your arms once you heard the bell ring, signaling the end of your misery in Ectoplasm-sensei's math lesson.

Once the teacher bid farewell to the class, you quickly stood up, fixing your stuffs. You just wanted to go to your door room and sleep.

Once you were done, you walked towards the red head, "Kirishima, let's go." You said as you placed your hand on his shoulder, he looked at you and was about to reply back when a hand stopped you.

"Snakey, let's walk together." You heard Bakugou's voice behind you. You felt your cheeks heat up when you felt his hand holding yours.

"Oh u-uh Kirishima join us." You stuttered as you took Kirishima's hand, but Bakugou groaned. "Just the two of us." Bakugou said.

You hesitantly(?) nodded, when you did nod Bakugou immediately pulled you away.

You looked back behind you and you saw Kirishima smiling as he nodded his hand while Kaminari stood beside him showing you a thumbs up.

You felt Bakugou tug at your hand again which made you look at him. You just blushed again and looked down at your feet as you let Bakugou pull you.

"What do you feel about Kirishima?" He asked as he stopped infront of you, resulting in you bumping your hand on his back. "SORRY!" You yelled as you held your head.

"Tch, idiot." He mumbled as he turned around and placed his hand on your forehead, you pouted at what he said.

"Answer my question then." He muttered before he started walking again, you rolled your eyes at the ash blonde infront of you before you answered.

"We're friends." You stated, Bakugou didn't know why he was relieved. "He might replace you at some point." You chuckled as you saw how Bakugou quickly turned to you.

"I hate you." He muttered, his gaze falling to your pocket. "Where's Yumie?" He asked as he walked towards you to take the white snake.

"I left her inside my dorm." You muttered. Bakugou just raised his brows at you before he walked away.

"How is lunch with Ochaco?" You started a conversation, but the topic is bad. "It's fine." He blandly answered.

You went beside him and examined his face, "It's fine. You should be happy you got to have lunch with your crush." You said.

"Tch, it was fucking awkward." Bakugou mumbled as he scratched the back of his head. You chuckled which made Bakugou glare at you.

"Let's have lunch tomorrow." Bakugou suddenly blurted out which caught you off guard. But you still nodded, "Sure." You mumbled.

"Let's go to an arcade on saturday." He planned, you gape at him as you look away. Your crush was practically asking you to be with him.

Or maybe you guys will bring the bakusquad with you. Or worse you'll thirdwheel as Ochaco and Bakugou have fun.

You shrug those thoughts off and just looked forward to saturday. "Can I bring Kirishima and the squad with me?" You asked but flinched when Bakugou quickly whip his head to face you.

A frown was on his face. "I want to spend time with damn bestfriend and she wants to spend time with fucking idiots." He threw his hands in the air.

"Okay okay, no kiri or bakusquad members." You surrendered as you raised both of your arms.

"Why wanna spend time with me all of a sudden?" You asked as you elbowed him, Bakugou glared at you as he growled. "Answer the question, Bakubro." You said, copying Kirishima's nickname for Bakugou.

"Stop with all this Kirishima stuff." Bakugou groaned as he ran his hand through his hair.

"What's wrong with it?." You asked, clueless as to why Bakugou was hating on Kirishima.

"You're hanging out a lot with him." He groaned and you rolled your eyes. 'You're always beside Ochaco.' You thought.

"I can't have my bestfriend replacing me, can I?" He mumbled as he stared at your (e/c) eyes.


me watching the fireworks: 😐
I'm alone while my cousins took pictures of themselves. 😔✋🏻

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