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Harry had truly screwed himself over in more ways then one. He missed Louis so bad that it hurt.

He screamed at Niall and said things that were not necessary. Liam was now mad, Niall was upset but the boy understood.

But not Liam, he had enough of Harry's emotional outburst. That's where it lead to the current conversation right now.

"Harry, I know you don't mean half the shit you say but a lot of that can't be undone". Liam sighed, leaning against the kitchen counter.

Harry frowned and slumped into his seat. Instead of properly yelling at Liam for telling him what he can't do, he was overwhelmed.

He was overwhelmed by his own thoughts.

What is he going to do without Louis?

Did Louis even care?

Was he going to be king?

Would the boy forget Harry all together?

Harry groaned and covered his face, leaning over onto the table.

"are you even listening, mate?". Liam asked, rolling his eyes when he didn't get an answer.

"I swear you'd be a lonely bastard if you didn't have friends who knew who you truly were". Liam spat, crossing his arms.

Harry launched up from the table, staring straight into liams eyes. He was sizing him up, gritting his teeth as he raised a fist.

Liam stood straight, standing his ground as he challenged Harry for once.

"I hate you...". Harry yelled, his face contorting to anger. He sighed and slowly put down his fist. "I hate you because you're right ". He admitted.

Liam smiled sympathetically and patted Harry's back.

"I know. Why do you think I stuck around? It surely wasn't your attitude. It was because were friends and I'm sure Louis would have stayed if you showed him that side that made us friends".

Harry nodded as he went over possible ways of kidnapping Louis once again.

He wanted to say he was sorry.

Maybe Louis would get it this time.

That is until Niall interrupted. He looked panicked and fearful as he barged into the room.

"Harry...". He breathed out shakily.

The brunette looked up, his face cold as he waited for Niall to finish.

"It's Louis". Niall said.

And that was all it took for Harry to go rushing into the other room. He noticed the tv was on and his heart instantly shattered when he seen a picture of Louis.

"The prince returned home but not for long. He was spotted exiting the castle and now is nowhere to be seen. Suspects say they seen a man wearing all black that was not a guard following the prince. We have more news on the subject now..."

Somebody took Louis.

He only knew of one person that would do this and it was a person he wished he'd never see again.

An enemy if you will.

"Liam, warm up the car. Niall, get my knives, guns, everything!". He demanded.

"Time to pay a visit to Mr. Malik". He growled, grabbing his jacket and storming off.

He was going to get Louis back one way or another and he didn't care who he has to kill to get him.


Louis pov

I walked through the woods behind the castle. I looked back and sighed, this will probably be the last time I have this view, but I'm sure I made the right choice.

I know the way to Harry and I'm really lucky that my memory is so good, I wouldn't know what to do if I didn't know the way to Harry anymore.

Well, actually I'll always find Harry, he's my home. The realization came late and what happened hurts me, but I'm going to make it up and do everything I can to be with him, as he suggested earlier.

After a while I hear something behind me and look back where nothing can be seen but the trees and leaves, it must have been the wind.

I sigh and mumble as I walk on. What is Harry doing right now? Is he missing me? And what about Liam and Niall?

Just as I want to look around to see which way to go, I feel a hand on my mouth "found you"

What is this?!

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