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The sound of Louis’s voice gave Harry butterflies. It was a strange feeling he never felt before.

Was it like fear?

He’d seen fear plenty of times, only felt it himself maybe once or twice.

But this wasn’t like this...no it was something else.

He’d only heard the term ‘butterflies in your stomach’ but he never thought it was real.

His first initial reaction would be to shoot those damn butterflies for making him feel this way.

He didn’t like it, it was new and shouldn’t be happening but it was.

Even Liam and Niall began to notice. Liam had caught him watching the security footage of where they were holding Louis. He couldn’t rip his eyes away from the screen as Louis gently sipped his water.

Those lips, Harry had unholy thoughts.

Liam had come in unexpectedly and scared the shit out of him, he pulled out a gun in seconds and had it pointed at Liam.

“whoa! It’s just me, mate“ Liam said slowly, his hands raised in the air to show he wasn’t there to cause any trouble.

Harry sighed and threw the gun down on the table, running a hand threw his hair as he sighed.

“damn Liam, you can’t sneak up on someone like that“. Harry groaned, thinking about how he almost shot Liam.

It was never good to sneak up on a mafia boss.

“sorry, we just needed to discuss something....”. Liam slowly started, looking at the screen and back at Harry. “what exactly are you doing in here?“.

Harry faltered but immediately stood up and stared daggers at Liam.

“Don’t you ever question me, I have a right to be in here, do I not?!“. Harry yelled, storming out of the room.

Harry hadn’t meant to be that way towards Liam but he just couldn’t let them know that someone.... actually made him care.

Harry gulped as he stepped further into the room, biting his lip as he analyzed Louis.

The boy was thin, a very unhealthy thin. Harry was providing what he usually does to people he held captive but Louis had refused the food.

This burned a light under Harry’s ass for sure, he was being generous wasn’t he? And Louis decided to be stubborn and force Harry to come down here himself.

“I noticed you haven’t eaten”. He started, walking up to Louis.

“I noticed you haven’t killed me yet, so why not let the starvation do the job for you?”. Louis snapped, looking away from Harry with a slight blush.

He cursed in his mind for blushing, he couldn’t help it when he was under Harry’s stare, the mans eyes held so much dominance that it made him squirm in place.

Harry took in a deep breath as he tried not to snap back at the boy. He could see he made Louis uncomfortable and he loved it, he liked to see the boy this way.

“You need to eat, I’ve provided for you”. Harry sighed, seeing all the food he sent down here thrown against the wall.

“Gee, I didn’t notice! Maybe next time you can provide some glasses because you act like I can’t see that and then take them and stuff it up your-“.

“That is ENOUGH, Louis”. Harry interrupted, holding up a hand to stop Louis.

Harry drew in a very deep breath. Louis was the first person to ever cuss him out and not receive a bullet in the head. He was a spitfire indeed and that made Harry yearn even more.

“I did not come down here to be sassed. I merely wanted to invite you to eat lunch with us”. Harry explained, his heart racing to hear Louis’s response.

Louis was silent, trying to read Harry.

Was this a trick?

He eyed the man suspiciously, having to look away. He wasn’t exactly eye level with the man. Something else was at eye level with him and Louis couldn’t handle it.

“We’re ordering in, it’s up to you. I could just leave you be. Liam will be down with the pieces of bread for you in a bit”. Harry said, turning on his heels and slowly walking away.

“Wait”. Louis mumbled.

Harry smiled and turned around.

“Changed your mind, yes?” Harry smirked.

Louis shook his head.

“Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, asshole”. Louis snapped.

Harry’s heart fell but he covered it up with a scowl.

“Fine, then starve!”. Harry snapped back, stalking out of the room.

He would get Louis, the boy was stubborn but Harry seen it as a challenge.

So, let the games begin...

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