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“let me go!“. I yelled, struggling in the grasps of someone’s hands.

There was only silence in return as I groaned, I may be in a horrible situation but I will not be ignored.

“if I’m going to be ignored, I demand to have su and shi!“. I ordered, trying and failing to cross my arms.

I heard whispering and got even more agitated.


"shut it!“. Someone snapped, their tone low and serious.

“you know, sushi really doesn’t sound that bad! Have you tried it, li? I bet It’ll be yummy “. I tried turning my head to the new voice that sounded very close.

I had a bag over my head, not the best kidnapping in the world but I can see their trying...enough.

“they’re my cats you dumbass, not food“.  I sighed, the back of my head thumping against something as the car started to go over a bumpy road.

“shut it! That goes for both of you!“. The one serious voice said, I could hear an audible smack which means someone got slapped on the back of the head.

“ow, what did ya do that for?“.

That’s when I zoned out since an argument started between the two.

How did I even get into this situation?

I went outside to breathe and maybe make a flower crown and boom! Kidnapped or prince napped.

In reality, it’s not any different from home. I was a prisoner there to...people treating me like shit, so why not have a new host?

“so, is one of you two idiot’s the one in charge around here? If so, this kidnapping isn’t going to go well“. I asked, the car coming to a stop.

“nope, but you’re about to meet him...hopefully he makes a better impression than the first time“. The serious one said, hoisting me up on his shoulder.

“h-how dare you pick me up like I am a small child? Put me down!“. I yelled, struggling in the mans embrace.

I don’t know how long I’d been cursing and screaming but I immediately shut up when I was slammed down into a chair.

“listen here, you“. I started, the bag being ripped off my head. Suddenly two green eyes made an appearance once again and I faltered. “y-you...y-you“.

He smirked as he put a finger under my chin, successfully closing my mouth.

“don’t leave your mouth open sweetheart, you’ll catch flies“. He said smoothly, smirking once again before letting go.

I heard snickering from behind me and turned around to see the two goons who brought me here.

“first time he’s shut up“. The blonde one said, his laughter filling the room.

The tall brunette nudged the man in his side, starting yet another fight.

The man before me narrowed his green eyes and snapped his fingers at the men, both of them immediately stopping. The smiles wiped from their faces.

I don’t know who this guy is, but something is giving me this “he could kill me” vibe.

He looked down at me, his facial expression cold as he clenched his jaw.

“I’m sure you’re wondering why you’re here“. He began, giving the taller lad a side eye look and the man left and returned with rope.

“but instead of answering that, I’m going to explain why I’m here“.

The brunette started to tie my hands back with rope, I winced when he tied it a bit too tight for my liking. I looked back up at the man, watching as he analyzed me.

He clicked his tongue and walked around behind me.

“I’ll keep it short and simple, I need money and you’re family has it. What they don’t have is you...am I making myself clear?“. I could tell this was rhetorical question, yet everything inside me was screaming to answer it in a sassy way.

But I didn’t, I simply stayed silently and looked away.

I heard the man growl and grabbed my face.

“you will answer me“.

“you know, I would give you a nasty look for grabbing me like that but it looks like you already have one“. I challenged, watching as he smiled and let go.

He continued to circle me from there as if he was judging me. Great, just like everyone else.

“you’re quite small for an upcoming king, yes?“. He grinned, circling back around to face me.

I growled and rolled my eyes.

“you’re not very scary for a kidnapper“. I spat, my gaze not leaving his.

I’m not sure what I was expecting from a kidnapper, but it definitely was not a nicely dressed man in a suit with long curly hair and pretty green eyes.

“It’s not my looks that are suppose to be scary...”. He said, getting closer into my personnel bubble. “it’s what I can do“.

I gulped as I decided to be silent.

Thank you, but I choose to live.

This is no time for my sassy mouth, that always gets me in trouble, to intervene.

He took a step forward, placing his finger under my chin as he moved my head side to side.

“such a pretty young thing“. He said, no expression on his face but mine was definitely red from blushing. “can you do one thing for me, darling?“. He asked.

I just stared at him with a look that could kill. I’m not intimidating but I’m trying okay?

“sit still and look pretty“. He smiled, snapping his fingers as a camera was placed in front of me and the two idiots from earlier began tying my legs to the chair and gagging me.

Great, a ransom video. What next?


Oehhh Tommo is prince-napped, vas happenin?!

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