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🦋 & 🌻

Its like im getting used to the situation and somehow it makes me feel safe, but also scared.

The past days were like a blur to me. The boys were still annoying like hell and not one bit nice, but i can say we also made some progress if you can call it that.

Harry is still calling me nicknames like doll but he never gets too angry at me which is weird? Since i always thought kidnappers are supposed to beat the shit out of you, not that i want that...

Liam didnt changed tho, he's still a bastard and he doesn't miss a chance to throw names at me which, for the record dont suit me.

When Harry sees it its like he changes from the 'nice' lad he is to a monster. He would grab his friend by the arm and drag him with him to god knows where, only coming back with a what looks like a lost puppy aka liam with mostly a black eye.

I still wonder why he does that, does Harry have my back or is it all a trick? As long as he's nice i wont complain, but dont think he's out of me mind with that part.

Niall and i to be honest became friends, which i never thought we would be. When harry was 'talking' with liam again after liam had pushed me, Niall opened up a bit more.

He was quite lonely apart from liam and Harry, who felt like brothers to him. He told me tge business men Harry works with are great guys, just not his type of friends.

Its cool to have a person you can talk to in this situation, and it makes us both a lil bit more happy if you can call it that.

At the moment im in a car with the 3 idiots as i like to call them and were on our way to that bunker, where my 'parents' will be to give them money.

At least, thats what the 3 mafia lads think they will get. Im not sure what they will do when the time comes, but i guess we will hafta wait and see.

After the pretty short drive we arrive there and Niall gives me a sympathic smile before whispering "sorry Louis". I want to ask him what he means by that but my question is answered when my ankles and wrists get tied up and my mouth gets closed with ducktape.

Before i know it Harry throws me over his shoulder and i cant help but feel my heart best faster. His parfume is a mix of strawberry's and vanille and it drives me crazy.

Liam grabs a chair and places it in front of us. Harry’s eyes were stone cold and serious as I was strapped to the chair, just watching.

My mother was there, not a single tear in her eyes as she avoided eye contact with me.

My father stood proud and tall as always. A disgusted look on his face as shifted uneasily on his feet.

“So, I see you decided to come...”. Harry began, his voice was smooth which was oddly very settling for me.

My father held up his hand to stop Harry from taking any further. He’s pretty damn risky if you ask me.

“Before we began, I shall tell you we only decided to come as to tell you we will not be giving you the money”.

Harry immediately frowned but fixed his composure, running a hand threw his hair and snapping his fingers.

Suddenly, there was a butt of a pistol pressed against the back of my head.

“I’m sure you’ve mistaken as to what this was. I’m sorry if I gave you the impression that you had a choice”. Harry smirked, seeing my parents worried glances.

My father cleared his throat and my mother looked away as a small sob escaped her lips.

Wow, so dramatic yeah?


I don’t know why I expected them to beg and cry for me back.

It was a nice thought.

“Do with him what you please. I can’t have him as my son, not when it’s under unacceptable terms”.

The words him me like a ton of bricks, the walls I’ve held up for so long finally just tumbling down. He couldn’t even accept me as his son. He didn’t want me so much that he would let me...die.

Harry’s jaw clenched as he balled up his fist, anger coursing threw him.

“You’ve made a terrible mistake. I don’t know you think you’re messing with but...this won’t be our last negotiation”.

With that, Harry snapped his fingers and I was immediately thrown back into the car.

I heard yelling and a few gunshots, not really knowing what happened. My heart was beating out of my chest, aching from the hurt of not being wanted.

Even my own parents left me at the hands of a merciless mafia leader.

A few tears escaped as I tried to block out everything, a feeling of numbness returning once again.

All I could do was pray that all of this was a dream.

But what hurt most, is I know it isn’t...


Yea the updates are goin a bit slow, but its worth the wait! Enjoy this amazayn chapter! -N 🦋

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