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"Ugh that boy is so stubborn" Harry says to himself as he walks to his office. Louis is such a sassy, annoying boy but still can't Harry help finding him kinda adorable.

He sits down on the wheeled chair in his office. He turns on his laptop and goes directly to the security cameras where Louis can also be seen and heard.

"fuck Harry and the feelings he gives me, fuck the world and fuck my homophobic parents" Harry listens carefully, what feeling does he give Louis?

He doesn't hear the answer, since Louis' starts to moan and soon his head leans to the side.

Harry looks at the screen in surprise, what happened there?

"shit" when Louis is still lying still after a minute, Harry gets up and rushes to the stairs of the basement.

"Hey Hazz, i ordered pizza, are you getting the loser?" Liam stands in front of him, a phone in his hand.

Harry presses him against the wall "if you ever call him a loser again I will make sure you have a bullet in your head and sooner than the next victim cheating our deals" Liam swallows hard, tommorow is the next one ...

"understood?" Harry tightens his grip on Liam's shirt and sees him nod. Harry lets go of him and looks back one more time before opening the cellar door "don't let anyone in" he says and walks into the room.

He rushes to Louis' body and kneels next to him. "Louis? Lou?!" Harry checks his pulse "thank god". He looks around and sees the glass of water that had been brought to him earlier that day. He sticks his fingers in and splashes Louis's pale face.

"-Wha?" Louis' eyes open and he looks around confused.

Harry sighs in relief and sits next to Louis "you passed out" he tells the smaller boy who rubs his eyes.

"Harry? What are you doing here?" Harry looks him in the eye "you passed out due to the lack of food, told ya it was better to accept my invitation" he gives him a small smile.

Louis blushes "maybe"

Harry shakes his head with a smirk "You're such a foolish boy you know that?" without thinking about it, brushes his hand against Louis's cheek.

"er Harry-"

"shh" Harry puts a finger to his lips and looks into the clear blue eyes of the boy where he is fond of.

Then he snaps out from his trans "what am i doing?!" He looks at Louis, now another look in his eyes.

Before Louis can say anything, Harry gets up and rushes out of the room, leaving Louis in awe.

"What is this?!" Frustrated Harry rubs his hands on his face. what was he doing? his hands seemed to move automatically.

confused he walks into the kitchen where Niall and Liam are already at the table "hey Hazz, the pizza is here" Harry looks at him for a second and takes a cup of coffee "not hungry"

Niall furrows his eyebrows, Harry never says no to food, especially when they eat pizza.

When Harry left the room, rich Niall turned to Liam "what was that?" Liam shrugs, taking a bite of his salami pizza "no idea, he's acting weird since Louis got here"

Niall nods "it is quite logical what is going on here"

Liam puts his fork down "let him find out for himself, he's old enough" Niall hums but can't help worry a bit about his best friend and new friend.

Meanwhile Harry is in his room, the master bedroom. He is lying on the bed with his hands behind his head, his clothes still on, after all it is not evening yet.

He can't get the blue eyed boy out of his mind, what is he doing with him?

And what does Louis do? Why isn't he eating?

Harry sighs, he will have to look for answers later. First he will have to think and get his thoughts straight.

Even though it is still early he closes his eyes and falls into a restless sleep ...


'Ello! Do ya all like this book? Please don't forget to check out the other books on this account, two of them almost reached the 1K and i would appreciate it if that would happen. ❤❤

Lots of love -N🦋

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