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"Ah shut up, you don't know anything" Harry is in the middle of the room.

He never enjoys moments like this. Tackling someone who has not done their job, it makes him feel like a mafia boss, something he actually is ...

There is almost no difference to be hones. He kills people, is illegal and you name it. So yes, he is part of the underground.

He can deal with it, it's not exactly fun, but it's not the worst either.

His family had always been part of the mafia so they passed it on to him while they moved abroad on business.

Oh well, he always has Liam and Niall, his best friends who feel like brothers to him.

He speaks to his family quite often, usually a facetime or a text message but it's okay, they have a strong bond so it's fine to not see each other in person that often.

"I know more then you ever will, so don't you dare to kill me" the tied up man, also called Lucas, stares at him with anger.

Harry grins and snaps his fingers. Liam walks up to Harry from the corner of the room and hands him a knife.

The taller lad walks with small steps towards the enraged Lucas.

"Whoever burns has to be on the blisters. I gave you several chances, if you do not do what is asked of you, it is ciao"

He slips the knife down the man's throat "why didn't you just do what I said huh?"

Lucas has closed his eyes and Harry knows he radiates fear.

"i-i h-have a f-family" Harry knew he was lying. Before anyone was killed, it was always checked whether they had children who might end up alone if the person were killed, he isn't heartless.

But this man. It makes him even more angry that the man is lying, but honestly it doesn't matter, he'll be dead soon anyway.

"you don't have a family you twat, say bye" the knife is swept down his throat and only a scream of pain can be heard before the silence returns, the man is dead.

"clean it up" Harry says to some of his men who watched quietly and gestures for liam to come with him.

together they walk up the basement stairs and meet Niall "done with it?"

Liam nods "Hazza did a good job again"

Harry smiles "sure, now go to sleep, we have something to discuss tomorrow" his friends nod and walk to what Harry suggests is their rooms.

He himself walks to the bathroom of his suite and stands in front of the mirror. The urge to visit louis has been on his mind all day and so far he's got it under control.

He decides to take a shower first, visiting louis with a bloody shirt doesn't seem like the best idea to him.

After the shower he combs his damp curls and makes a bun in it. He lets go of the loose towel which is around his waist and gets dressed.

Satisfied he looks in the mirror again. He walks out of the room and makes his way to the basement where louis still is.

Harry has been thinking of giving Louis his own room in the mansion for a while, as he will probably be here for a while.

Harry can release him right now if he has to, he'll get the money anyway. But the point is, he doesn't want Louis to leave.

As he already said he took a liking to the blue eyed boy and to let him go? In his opinion: never.

Of course Louis also has a saying in it but what Harry wants, Harry gets. Does it seem dominate? He hopes so. He cares about the boy, something which is good but also weird.

It isn't new information but he just can't seem to shut up about it...

Shaking his head to get rid of his thoughts he opens the door and walks down the basement stairs.

His knees goes weak when he sees the georgeous boy. He's sitting on the ground, a empty glass of water next to him. Harry wants to lift him up and cuddle the shit out of him, but instead of that he clears his throat and says: "Louis"

The boy looks up, hearing his name. A tiny smile appears on the boy his lips "Harry"


Ello! Hope ya all enjoy reading this book. There also is a new once out on this acc called: 'Social Media Mates', don't forget to check it out! 😁

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