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And with that, the boy left. He was finally free but why did his heart feel chained.

Harry screamed and shoved over his dresser. He ripped his mattress up and threw everything on the floor. He grabbed and smashed anything he could.

He was angry.

He spilled his heart out to that little shit and yet still ended up empty handed. He heard a knock on the door and Niall entered, his normal smile plastered on his face.

“Hey, umm Liam just said he saw Louis walking out the door...?”.

“You”. Harry snarled, walking up to Niall. “You no longer live here. You no longer know Liam. Get out!” He snapped, his teeth clenched together.

“What?” Niall asked fearfully.

“You think this petty little love thing you have going on is gonna last? That Liam is just gonna drop everything we built just for some blonde prick? Get out!” Harry boomed, shoving Niall into the wall.

He was angry. If Niall hadn’t suggested that stupid plan none of this would have happened.

Louis would still be here.

Niall wanted to say so many things but he decided to hold it in. He knew better than to match Harry’s temper, it only made it worse.

He knew Harry didn’t mean it. The mans anger always got the best of him.

Niall just nodded and shoved Harry’s hands off of him. He was gonna stay in his room a bit, give Harry some time to cool down before taking anything seriously.

Harry took in deep breathes as he ran a hand threw his hair. He just let Louis go and now was pushing his friends away. He slammed the door and locked it, leaning against it, sliding all the way down until he was on his bum.

For the first time in forever, instead of continuing his tantrum...he cried. He cried because he hurt Louis, he cried because he screamed at Niall. He cried because the person hurting him was himself.

What had he done?


What had just happened?

Louis doesn't remember. He has been walking in the woods for hours now and is almost home, he knows the area like the back of his hand, he also had a lot of time to think about an escape plan when he was in the basement, back then when he still wanted to leave...

A tear rolls down his cheek and he hastily wipes it away with his sleeve. He doesn't have a coat and it's pretty cold, but he doesn't care anymore.

Thinking about it like that, it was all pretty dumb and he might have reacted a little too harsh, but it was so overwhelming and confusing.

He sighs and looks at the castle in the distance. He still wants nothing more than to be with Harry and forget about the Prince King hassle as well as his parents, but now there's no turning back.

will he ever see Harry again? he doesn't know but for now he will have to go back to the castle.

After a while he arrives at the gates of the castle. The guards who are talking notice him quickly "Prince Louis, you're back!" Louis forces a smile "indeed, take me to my parents please" He has trouble saying the word 'parents', it doesn't feel right but he needs to play it cool.

The guards take him inside and walk him to the massive living room. When his parents see him, Louis sees shock written on their faces which quickly gives way to fake tears "Louis honey you're back!" Louis nods without emotion as his parents hug him.

"What happened? where were you? ”asks his father.

"I'm pretty tired, so please excuse me" He quickly walks out of the room, up the stairs and straight to his room.

He lets himself fall on his bed and stares at the open sky, which can be seen because of the glass in the ceiling. It reminds him of the nights he and Harry watched stars together.


What will he be doing? And Liam and Niall, would they miss him?

He does miss them, especially Harry. He loves the mafia boss who is a big softie in real life, but he made a bad choice by hiding his love because of the circumstances.

It seems as if something clicks in Louis and with fright he stands up "it's time to make things right!"

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