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It was quiet in the car, no one was daring it to break the silence.

My mind was racing over the possible outcomes from the shots and the environment that was created.

I gulped when I heard footsteps, the car door opening and slamming shut harshly. Niall was back in the car, shaking his head frustratedly as Liam got in as well.

“Have you lost your mind?”. Niall spat, staring angrily at the brunette.

“They weren’t taking us seriously!”. Liam exclaimed, giving me a quick glance.

“You could have hit them, Liam. That wasn’t the plan”. Niall whispered, obviously trying to keep me from hearing.

“They were just warning shots, Ni. I wasn’t going to hit them”. Liam growled, turning away in his seat.

So that’s what the gun shots were. Pretty much just air shots to scare my parents. guess that didn’t work.

Suddenly, Liam’s side of the door opened so quick that the hinges could have flew off.

Harry grabbed Liam and yanked him out of the car, slamming him up against a nearby tree.

I’m not sure whether to be scared or impressed.

“You almost jeopardized this meet! I swear I should- “. Harry faltered with anger, gripping harder onto Liam’s shirt.
Harry took a deep breath and composed himself, letting Liam go who was wide eyed with sudden fear.

He let go of Liam and let out the breath he was holding. He forced a smile onto his face and smoothed out Liam’s shirt.

“You were never one to listen and I swear if we weren’t mates you’d be somewhere along the roads of Spain or maybe in the Hudson River by now”. Harry began, moving in closer to Liam. “But don’t you ever cross me again, if I lose out on this it’ll be your ass on the line”.

Harry backed away, running a hand threw his hair as he paced back and forth.

Liam pouted his way all the way back to the car, slumping in his seat.

I heard Niall snickering from his seat beside the man, obviously he’s not one to take things too seriously.

Liam growled and shoved Niall who hit his head on the window.

I swear these two fight like an old married couple or something.

While it was entertaining, it didn’t take my mind off the numbness that was spreading out threw my entire body.

Obviously Harry was planning something but in all honesty, I wouldn’t have cared if he ended it.

The world is always unaccepting but at least your parents could be there to catch you when you fall. Sadly, mine let me fall into pitch black pit and didn’t even stop to say sorry.

The people I trusted the most let me down time and time again and for me...it just doesn’t seem worth it anymore.

I actually don’t care to be in this situation, it’s better than being at home sulking away.

At least here, I have someone to talk to. Niall is pretty nice I suppose.

I straightened myself up in my seat, removing some of the rope that were left on my arms from being tied up.

I hadn’t even noticed that Harry had opened the door and was watching me with a smirk. I blushed but tried to cover it up with a sigh.

“What is it now big bad wolf? Gonna try and blow the castle down?”. I pray to god that didn’t give him an idea.

Harry just smirked and crossed his arms over his chest.

“You’re quite different from the others, it’s very intriguing”. Harry complimented, or well I think it’s a compliment.

“Uh thanks, I guess”. I mumbled.

Harry continued to stare as if he was thinking. He licked his lips as he finally opened his mouth.

“I have plans for you my darling but you’re not quite ready for them yet. I need to break you”. There wasn’t even a glimpse of emotion on Harry’s face as he said that, letting me know he was serious.

“I want your people to see you, but not in this state. I want them to see you broken”. Harry growled, snapping his fingers to gather Niall’s and Liam’s attention.

“Lock him in the cell when we get back, I want him chained with the heaviest cuffs. I’ll decide where to go from there”.

I gulped as Liam nodded sternly, obviously not going to mess this up. Niall sighed sympathetically as if he knew where Harry was going with this.

“As for you darling”. Harry smirked, lifting up my chin with his index finger. “Try not to lose that pretty face or that biting sarcasm because it’s going to be a bumpy road from here and I do wish to see you make it”.

I tried to give Harry my best glare but I couldn’t cover up the fear. Harry leaned in closer that our lips could almost touch.

“Because like I said before, I do find you very intriguing”. He whispered, backing away slowly and closing the door.

I knew my cheeks were blazing red but I didn’t know if it was from blushing or the frustration of my situation.

Either way, I can tell that Harry isn’t playing around this time and I’m really going to need some therapy after this...


Updates are going slow but we both have our school and work 😅 so im sorry. Its worth the wait i think tho, as i said earlier.

Take care! -N 🦋

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